100 Calorie packs

perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
To start, I am not knocking anyone who does this, just want to give my view on them, from what I would get out of them if I bought them.

How do you all view these. Do they help you, or do they make it worse?

The prepackaged ones to me, are over expensive, not to mention processed junk. Of course, I do eat a little processed food. But if I bought these, one pack would not satisfy me.

Also, I would think it would be cheaper to buy a box, and make your own portions out of ziplock bags.


  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Honestly? I buy for on the go. Yeah, it might be easier to buy the bigger pack and make little packs on my own, but I don't know if I'd trust myself to remember to do that religiously, lol. I take them to work with me for a snack, because we don't really get breaks of any kind. Also, when I was in college, they were good for on the go. It was nice because if that's what I had, that was it... I didn't have anything else to be looking for to eat.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    They may be low cal, due to small portions, but they are by no means healthy. For some reason "Low Cal" has been used as an alternative for "Healthy" but by no means does low cal actually mean healthy. There are plenty of unhealthy low cal food, and very healthy high calorie foods.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    If they help you not to eat something worse . . . I say go for it but keep in mind that these items are typically "empty" calories.

    I personally prefer to get my calories with healthy "real" and clean food . . . so I will opt for fruit or veggies, almonds, or some hummus with my veggies for a snack. If I have a severe case of the "munchies" I keep a box of cherrios or crispix around and measure out a dry cup to snack on.
  • PokenStick
    PokenStick Posts: 204
    100 calorie packs are horrible for you. Don't sacrifice health for convenience.
  • earlgreygirl09
    I only use them as an indulgence--like the 100 cal shortbread cookie packs for instance. If it wasn't portioned out, I just know I'd eat too many of them. So it helps me keep my portion in check when I feel like having something sweet. I don't bother with the savory varieties that they offer........
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I have a bunch of them going bad in my pantry because I've been watching more than calories. I liked them before bc I have a HUGE problem with portion control...and they helped, but I truthfully, I would never buy a huge box of cookies....but for somereason small packages of them seemed ok? Idk, I just know that I'm trying to stay away from all of the processed stuff these days.
  • travelprincess
    travelprincess Posts: 73 Member
    I prefer healthier 100 calorie snacks like fruits and nuts.
    Many of those are loaded with sugar or sodium, not good for me since I have high BP and the doctor was talking prediabetes.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I don't buy those 100 calorie packs unless it's for a vacation. I'm definitely one to buy the bigger package and immediately put them into single servings as soon as I get home using my kitchen scale. I don't buy cookies or crackers for this, but usually nuts, pumpkin seeds, beef jerky or dried fruit. I then put the baggies in a basket in my pantry which is especially reserved for treats. I love the little snack sized baggies for this, they are an essential in my home. I can then throw one in my purse on the way out the door, add one to my lunch bag or flop on the sofa and know exactly how much I'm eating when I do. Carrying them around with me and knowing I have a ready treat also stops me from hitting the vending machine or the convenience store, or even worse, buying more full size snacks at the grocery store.
  • birdieandkenadi05
    birdieandkenadi05 Posts: 71 Member
    I think they are more for convenience and self control. If given a box I would eat and eat and graze all day. But if all you had was that one pack then thats all you'll eat. Its not always super healthy but in most cases it safer to stick to the small 100 cal portions then overeat!
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    I don't think that they are healthy but I do get them every once in a while. I use them for my chocolate fix. Its better than getting a regular candy bar. Plus, they fit into my cals for the day. Besides, who eats all healthy food all the time. You have to let yourself have a little fun : )
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    Well, yes I love them! I try to eat as clean as possible 80% of the time. But I also enjoy my treats and the 100 cal packs keep things portion controlled. I think they are a good idea.
  • southernlay_d
    I think that 100-calorie packs have just enough cookies to piss me off.
  • birdieandkenadi05
    birdieandkenadi05 Posts: 71 Member
    I myself use to eat them often but I now prefer almonds, other nuts and jollytime healthypop popcorn!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I think that 100-calorie packs have just enough cookies to piss me off.

  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    I think that 100-calorie packs have just enough cookies to piss me off.

    LOL! I agree. I try to eat cookies I have made myself. The family loves them so much, I don't have to worry about them sticking around long. Or I buy Meijer Naturals Key Lime Cookies. But a serving is only two, so I don't buy those often either. I just bought some of those last week, and I ordered my teen daughter(don't worry, she is skinny, eats pretty good) to finish off the box so I wouldn't eat any more.
  • katiemcb09
    katiemcb09 Posts: 6 Member
    The only ones I buy are the 100 calorie chocolate covered pretzels, but I loveee them. I'm pretty busy, so I just throw one in my purse or lunchbag and that way I'm not tempted by vending machines.
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    So, what kinds of snacks do the rest of you keep on hand for on the go? Sometimes I have a lot of errands to do, and need to bring snacks with me so I don't stop for fast food. Something that doesn't need to be kept in a cooler.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I think that 100-calorie packs have just enough cookies to piss me off.

  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    So, what kinds of snacks do the rest of you keep on hand for on the go? Sometimes I have a lot of errands to do, and need to bring snacks with me so I don't stop for fast food. Something that doesn't need to be kept in a cooler.

    Yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit, protein bar, etc.
  • Lisa076
    Lisa076 Posts: 78
    So, what kinds of snacks do the rest of you keep on hand for on the go? Sometimes I have a lot of errands to do, and need to bring snacks with me so I don't stop for fast food. Something that doesn't need to be kept in a cooler.

    I throw a protein bar or a small container of almonds in my purse for those kind of days.