Atkins Plan

I have been seriously considering doing the Atkins plan. My son needs a boost with weight loss as well and I am looking for something very structured.

Thoughts?? Any and all commments are welcomed!


  • GoJoMom2448
    I do Atkins Induction, Just started yesterday, I've had much success in the past and love the plan. Last time I lost 40lbs in two months, felt great, cholesterol dropped 61 pts....But I was most impressed with the inches lost...even when the scales dont move the inches do....Feel free to add Me as a friend if You'd like....
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    You can find structure with eating here on the site. Monitoring what you eat and being accountable to it is what works best. Atkins is a program that says you can eat all the meats/fats you want, but have to steer clear of carbs. I did it for a couple of years and lost 30 pounds. My cardiologist told me to stop doing it because my cholesterols spiked. I would check with my doctor before engaging in any diet plan to ensure that you are embarking on one that will not have negative long term effects. Best wishes.
  • _LDM_
    _LDM_ Posts: 81
    I'm not following the Atkins plan, but I am eating a very love car diet. Love it so far!
  • deverez
    deverez Posts: 34 Member
    The Atkins diet and ketogenic diets are very effective methods of weight loss if done correctly. However, some people find it VERY difficult to stick to at first.
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    Atkins does work if you stick to it but it is only a diet that should be used as a "diet". If you choose to do this meal plan then I would only stick with it until you hit a short term goal.
    I tried Atkins for 6 months and it did wonders but I started having weird bodily symptoms:

    -my skin started to smell.
    -I was sweaty all the time.
    -I didn't sleep well.
    -my skin was oily.

    It is definiely a quick fix but not a good idea to use it as a lifestyle change. A high cal diet and low carb can only be temporary. I found when I went off Atkins I gained the weight back and it came back in problem areas, and I gained twice as much back.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Everyone I've talked to who does Atkins (well) has lost weight. However, I think there are health uncertainies and most people gain the weigh back if they eat more carbs.

    (inexpert to your AND several other doctors about the best weight loss program for you!)
  • PudgeMuffin200
    I do 20 carbs a day for 3 wks and then switch to low calorie for a wk-and jsut go back and forth. its been working well.
  • jessicajoy87
    I've done Atkins and south beach, I will honestly say that I hate Atkins, it made me feel tired and blah! I also got gastritis when I was on it. Its not for me. I would recommend South Beach though, I feel like its a good diet that really helps your heart and its healthier. Good Luck!
  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm doing the south beach, and I love it!! It's really healthy and when introducing carbs you only eat the "good" carbs, 100% whole, and light sugar stuff. Have had good results, and lost my mid day headaches, can say I want this to be a lifestyle.
  • mwedemeier
    mwedemeier Posts: 1 Member
    I did WeightWatchers religiously for one year and lost 52 pounds. That was four years ago and the weight has stayed off. While I have done Atkins before, and the weight loss is quick and relatively simple, I can't believe it's good for you long-term. WeightWatchers is a proven lifestyle that really works if you stick to the basic principles. No specialized meal plans, no special pills, just learning what foods are right and wrong. I think the key for me was tracking everything I put in my mouth... no joke, even a piece of gum! It really does work!
  • snoland81
    snoland81 Posts: 19
    ANY diet that cuts out food groups completely is not a diet that is going to be good long term and I've found that this diet will help you loose but it is not realistic to stay on this diet because if you start eating things that aren't on the diet you will gain back what you've lost. The best diet is lean meats, fruits and veggies. Do a 7 day cleanse and you can eat all you can stand of lean meats, fruits and veggies and you will loose weight, I lost about 6 lbs the week I did this cleanse. After 7 days add ONLY whole grains back to your diet for carbs. NO processed junk food, cereal, chips unless whole grain. You can add yogurt and dairy products also. Just not more than 1-2 servings a day of dairy and whole grain carbs. Try to stay away from sugar, but you don't have to deprive yourself! Everything in moderation and remember the more processed the food is, the worse it is for you!!!
  • jessicajoy87
    Everyone I've talked to who does Atkins (well) has lost weight. However, I think there are health uncertainies and most people gain the weigh back if they eat more carbs.

    (inexpert to your AND several other doctors about the best weight loss program for you!)

    I agree. Its a really tempting diet because you eat alot more than a low calorie but is it really better for YOU?
  • fairyjester
    i go kind half way betweeon atkcin sand south park, the very low atkins carb, but the lower fat protiens of the other, mostly cause i can't stand the feel of fat in my mouth, though i do eat bacon , but ihave to be really in the mood LOL
  • fairyjester
    i go kind half way betweeon atkcin sand south park, the very low atkins carb, but the lower fat protiens of the other, mostly cause i can't stand the feel of fat in my mouth, though i do eat bacon , but ihave to be really in the mood LOL
  • fairyjester
    i go kind half way betweeon atkcin sand south park, the very low atkins carb, but the lower fat protiens of the other, mostly cause i can't stand the feel of fat in my mouth, though i do eat bacon , but ihave to be really in the mood LOL

    ummmm thats south beach not south park.

    wonder what a south park died would be, don't think i want to know
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    Ithought about atkins but it just seems so sketchy to me, I mean it makes certain food COMPLETELY off limits...which doesnt sit right with me...anyway I have been doing some research and the basic principle of lower carbs makes I am eating fewer carbs, about 100 grams a day, which is a very reasonible amount, im also counting calories
  • tyienna
    tyienna Posts: 39
    I personally don't believe in any diet, but my own. If you go on these diets and lose the weight, what happens if you hit your goal weight and you stop eating what they tell you to? For myself I did what my boyfriends Doctor told him. My boyfriend had a heart attack at 36 plus was told he had diabetes, high blood preasure, and high choloestrol. I cut my fat and calorie intake down. I started to eat healthier and the weight fell off without and exercise. Now I have started at a gym and the weight is falling off faster. Read up on healthy meals, its a great way for everyone to think about deiting.
  • tjhmoody
    tjhmoody Posts: 28
    You can find structure with eating here on the site. Monitoring what you eat and being accountable to it is what works best. Atkins is a program that says you can eat all the meats/fats you want, but have to steer clear of carbs. I did it for a couple of years and lost 30 pounds. My cardiologist told me to stop doing it because my cholesterols spiked. I would check with my doctor before engaging in any diet plan to ensure that you are embarking on one that will not have negative long term effects. Best wishes.

    I also tried the Atkins plan years ago. I lost lots of weight very quickly but felt horrible. Little did I realize that the problem was that I only have one functioning kidney and the program had thrown me into ketosis which was affecting my kidney. My doctor told me to NEVER do a program like that again unless I was prepared to eventually end up on dialysis. I totally agree that people should check with their doctor before starting on any weight loss program.
  • GoJoMom2448
    Ithought about atkins but it just seems so sketchy to me, I mean it makes certain food COMPLETELY off limits...which doesnt sit right with me...anyway I have been doing some research and the basic principle of lower carbs makes I am eating fewer carbs, about 100 grams a day, which is a very reasonible amount, im also counting calories

    Carbs are NOT taken out....You just get them from Vegetables instead of starchy sugary foods....Also Atkins is a Lifestyle change, that's why you eventually phase out of it...Slowly adding back in certain carbs such as nuts etc....Phase 1 (Induction) is merely a jump starter that can be done for several months if needed but to change your habits you must eventually phase out. I'm sorry but I rarely see people who are thin and healthy sit down at each meal and devour pasta, bread, cookies, sugar, potatoes etc....
  • diaryoffatdad
    diaryoffatdad Posts: 175 Member
    no "fad diet" including atkins has any evidence that they work in the long run, you will lose weight fast early because of the carb restriction, BUT it is likely you will gain it back when you go off the diet. it is not sustainable.

    do not look for quick fixes, if you really want to lose the weight and keep it that way, make changes to your lifestyle that you can live with forever.