Day 1

Hi everyone, I'm new here but old to dieting. A first for me: I'm not waiting until Monday to get started! I love the look and feel of this site and hope I can stay motivated this time. I think the accountability of tracking my food and exercise will make a huge difference. The journey begins...


  • tyienna
    tyienna Posts: 39
    It's always easier to lose weight when someone is doing it with you! Good Luck!
  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    Good Luck to you. If you want some support, feel free to "friend" me. I love this site. It keeps me going.
  • yogabliss
    yogabliss Posts: 1 Member

    Good luck to you! I also am no stranger to diets. I decided to try My Fitness Pal find that tracking your calories has made a huge difference to my weight loss. Before, I used to generously eat food which I felt were "healthy", without realizing that gourging of these healthy foods was adding up super high in calories. Example...using way too much olive oil when just a teaspoon is enough; eating tonnes of almonds even though the recommended serving size is 7-9 almonds.

    My Fitness Pal has really been an awesome tool for helping me learn and be accountable for everything I eat. To be honest, I always consume more calories than my allotted amount for the day, but I exercise a lot as well, so this brings me usually below, or at the total for my allotted calorie amount for the day.

    I also like that this system reminds me of Weight Watchers in that while you are encouraged to make healthy choices whenever possible, you can still eat whatever you want, as long as you don't exceed your "points" (and in our case, calories) for the day.

    I have friends that keep strict nutrition plans where they won't eat anything outside of a list of given foods...which I think is unrealistic because sometimes, you will get cravings for ribs, chocolate cake, whatever it is that you like....or you will be invited to dinner parties where you don't necessarily always get to choose what you want to eat.

    I have dropped 2 clothing sizes in 60 days, and I feel more alive, energetic than ever before.

    While this program deals mostly with "calorie counting", I can't stress enough the importance of exercise in addition to the food. It revs up your metabolism, keeps your mind sharp and alert, prevents you from feeling lethargic, good for your body and it's important for your health. The exercise and calorie counting combined is what helped me drop 12 lbs in 2 months, it's not one without the other.

    Good luck to you!