my intro

tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
Hey everyone,

I've been here for about 2 weeks. I'd lost a lot of weight prior to joining, but for some reason, since December, I ballooned from 199 up to 219. That gave me another jumpstart, I wasn't happy at 199, and I'm reallllly not happy over the 200 mark. I'm here and ready to get in shape-- I need to be healthy for our children... my family... and of course, for myself.

Looking for some friends to support and to support me, especially mamas/wifeys/nurses, because that's what I am! (Getting married this year, anyway.)

Also, if anyone wants to share with me some good exercises for being cooped up in the house with kids, I'm interested :-) Currently I use a Wii Fit, 30DS here and there, and a few different machines we have.



  • ki4idb
    ki4idb Posts: 114
    Welcome to MFP ... you will find everyone here very helpful!
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    Welcome. Add me as I friend if you would like. I will give as much support as possible. GOOD LUCK!!
  • kgall1977
    I really like using the Leslie Sansone Walk at home DVDs. They are sold at Walmart, Target, Ebay, and are pretty reasonable at around $9 to $12 a DVD. I have lost 23 pounds doing that in the comfort of home. I do it 5 days a week and since it's based on miles I tend to do no less than 2 and the most 5 miles in a day. She has a website that can give you an idea of what the program is about. Hope this helps. :-) Please add me as a friend if you would like,just joined yesterday and would love the support.
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Thanks guys :smile:
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    I really like using the Leslie Sansone Walk at home DVDs. They are sold at Walmart, Target, Ebay, and are pretty reasonable at around $9 to $12 a DVD. I have lost 23 pounds doing that in the comfort of home. I do it 5 days a week and since it's based on miles I tend to do no less than 2 and the most 5 miles in a day. She has a website that can give you an idea of what the program is about. Hope this helps. :-) Please add me as a friend if you would like,just joined yesterday and would love the support.

    I'll definitely look into that, thanks!
  • Linda4859
    Linda4859 Posts: 78
    Hi huney, feel free to add me as a friend, the support on this site is amazing. If you are stuck in the house with small children use their toys as an exercise aid. Get a large bucket/basket spread the toys around the floor and get the kids to count how long it takes you to pick up all the toys in colour order.If they are tooo big for small toys place coloured paper around and work the same principle. Then the children can do it after you. Make it into a game and the kids will love it and you will burn the calories.