I hate exercise!



  • I have a lot of the same feelings. When I am home, I am full of ambition, but lose motivattion real fast. It is hard to workout properly at home due all the fun distractions: HD flatscreen t.v., my Wii game system, my bass guitar, my books, and my laptop. Way too many fun things to do at home rather than working out. My only solution that I have found that works for me is go somewhere where I have no choice to excersice like the gym or the karate dojo. I don't get out of the house, there is no way in hell I am going workout at home.
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    You sound like you need to be outdoors in order to enjoy exercise. And because sweating is an issue for you and the fact that you live in a warm climate is making it very difficult for you to find things you enjoy doing.

    That said, outdoor activities might be more suited to you BEFORE or AFTER work so in the even that you do sweat it won't make you feel so uncomfortable. I know you don't have a hoop to play basket ball, but what about throwing a ball around anyway? I often see a young man in the back yard of the school behind me dribbling the ball and then tossing it (as if dunking, shooting, etc) against the high wall. Do you have a place near you, maybe a school or old building where you can do this? I know it's not the same, but at least it's good exercise.

    Do you like playing at the jungle gym at the park? You know, the one where you see mom's and dad's taking their wee ones? Maybe you could do some early morning or late night play time while getting in a good sweat and a challenging workout.

    Swimming can be done indoors and outdoors and eliminates the sweat factor. Perhaps this is something you can consider.

    As for me, I love sweating and exercising, but only those exercises I like.

    I'm not a sprinter but more of a long distance endurance runner. Unfortunately I have a chronic injury that prevents me from running anymore.

    I love skipping and have several weighted and non-weighted ropes. But that darn old injury limits me to the amount of time I can skip.

    My absolute favorite is weight training, but I can only do so much weight training before I have to let my muscles rest.

    Walking and mountain biking are my two favorite forms of cardio. In the summers I wake up extra early (5a.m.) just so I can walk an hour before the heat sets in. When time does not permit this, I walk late at night after the heat has cooled a bit. Thankfully I married a man who is as passionate about cycling as I am. We often pack our bikes and hit the technical trails. Yet sometimes we simply enjoy ourselves along the old railway trails too. We make a day of it by packing a backpack filled with tasty treats and lots of water.

    Inline skating is great fun. I have oftentimes skated to and from work. I packed a towel and an extra change of clothes in a backpack and changed once I got to work and again before returning home. Doing it this way enabled me to take the sticky sweaty stinky feeling out of my workout.

    I like to swim but am not very good at it. I could, however, swim to save my life. I absolutely hate chlorinated pools and avoid them at all cost. I prefer swimming in fresh lakes but hate the feel of the weeds on my feet that grow up from the bottom. Too, I'm paranoid of being bitten by fish (has happened to me many times over the years).

    Sometimes I go to the school behind me and play in the jungle gym for 20 minutes. I hand-walk the monkey bars, do straight leg lifts while hanging from them (great for the lower abs), run up and down the stairs and ladders and hoot and holler as I go down the slides. It's great fun and I feel like a kid again. I've often seen parents sneer at me, in the beginning, but once they realize how much more fun their kids have after they become involved, their sneers turn to great bouts of laughter.

    This summer I intend to get my husband involved and cart me along like a wheelbarrow so I can really develop my upper body strength and core. I have some small cones and a soccer ball (even though I don't play), and will most definitely do an obstacle course of some kind. I'll throw in some squats, handstands, cartwheels (I was a gymnast for a long time), walking lunges, push ups, jumping jacks, skip rope and presto - I'll have an awesome 30 minute bootcamp strength/cardio workout!

    A little imagination goes a long way. Just watch any kid and you'll know this to be true.

    Yoga is a great way to get a solid strength resistance and cardio training workout. Hatha is more gentle and burns less calories, but you sweat just as much, especially if you do the breath work correctly. My favorite is Vinyasa Power Yoga - a non-stop flow series of postures that strengthens and gets the heat rate up.

    Not many people think of housework or gardening or laundry or stair climbing as exercise, but I do. I live on the third floor of a tri-plex and often wear a weighted belt or vest whenever I have to go up and down the stairs to do laundry. I also wear it on occasion, when I remember, during housework. I don't have a garden but my mom does. I often do the 45 minute drive to help her dig, weed, plant and compost. It's a great way for me to share time with my aging mother and get a great workout at the same time.

    I sit on a stability ball instead of a chair at my computer and get lots of core stability strengthening exercises in during the day. Not that I've ever had any serious problems with posture, but it sure has helped to improve mine.

    Oftentimes it's about taking what you already do on a daily basis and transforming it into an exercise, even if it's only for 5-10 minutes at a time. The key is to try to get in between 35-60 minutes of exercise each day, though it doesn't have to be consecutively. Like I said, 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there, and it all adds up to a huge benefit by the end of the day/week/month/year.
  • MalTru
    MalTru Posts: 37
    I feel the same way towards exercise as you do! the idea of going to the gym or lifting weights or using a treadmill bores me!

    I use walking. I, unfortunately, am allergic to a crazy amount of things in nature, so I usually will walk around Target or Best Buy or some store like that for a while- of course, some days I get distracted by the things on sale, and only about 1/3 of my time is spent walking, and the rest shopping! Every now and then I do go to local parks/lakes to walk around, allergies be damned.

    I also like bike riding (though that makes my allergies act up), swimming (you're sweating, but can't feel it because you're wet already), dancing (nothing fancy like ballroom dancing or ballet or anything, just your basic dance like an idiot cuz no one's watching kind of stuff), and Wii games!

    Of course, I don't like any of that stuff more than I like taking naps and watching movies/tv, so I still have a hard time forcing myself to do these things, even though I like them. I have a Gazelle in a spare room that I use while watching TV, so I can get some exercise but still watch TV. Supposedly that's bad for you- you are distracted by TV and don't burn as many calories as you would otherwise, but I find that if I'm not focusing on something besides the exercise, I get bored so much faster! The TV distracts me from the tedium.
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    I hate exercise too. Part of the reason I am where I am. But at the same time, now that I am starting to change who, and what I am, I have to acknowledge that it is because of exercise. I hate getting sweaty, unless theres a purpose to it. If I'm working out, or intentionally trying to sweat, I'm all for it. But otherwise, ick.

    One thing I want to try is some of the games for the Kinect to see what kind of burn I can get out of that. :)
  • nashkim
    nashkim Posts: 19
    I like weight training and it can be done at home. When you build muscle you increase your metabolism and do good things for your bones. What I like about it is, it does not take too long, there is variety, and you see results pretty quickly. Also you can challenge yourself to increase reps and weights. All you need are some dumbbells to get started. I also like using a kettlebell. I splurged a couple years ago and bought a fold up weight bench for under 100 dollars.

    If you can manage to get out of the house, try indoor rock wall climbing! I'm sure it's air conditioned, and its something that you can do at varying levels. It's fun and great exercise. Not boring at all.

    Recently I tried shadow boxing. I actually like it a lot and not boring at all. good luck! I used to hate exercising but not anymore. The more you do, the better it makes you feel and you can get to like it. :-) This from someone whose mom was an aerobics instructor and dad a runner - and I ABSOLUTELY REFUSED TO JOIN THEM now they shake their heads and laugh cuz I turned over a new leaf in my 40's. LOL.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I hate sweating in public places but sweating when I'm working out is something i work towards! I WANT that sweat I need that burn b/c it really makes me feel like I've accomplished something! It also helps that i live in northern indiana and most of the year is either cold or rainy so I cherish the heat even more :)
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    <duplicate post>
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    i LOVE it now...but also used to hate exercise... my current favourites activity list includes Walking, Cycling, Rollerblading, (Swimming & Ice skating, when I get the chance!)... and now in the last month or so my newest passion Running (of all things!)i
    btw, I love Free Weights, too... (it's probably from using them that I was able to get in good enough shape to run!) I picked up a pair of 3lb'ers at first ($7) then an adjustable pair w/ 14"bars/clips & weight plates up to 40 lbs each ($40 used) -- and instead of a bench I got a Stability Ball (via eBay) and I would not trade it... that Ball even by itself is probably both the _best_ and _least expensive_ fitness gear I have ever spent a penny on -- see the facebook group: "I freaking LOVE my Stability Ball"
    I like weight training and it can be done at home. When you build muscle you increase your metabolism and do good things for your bones. What I like about it is, it does not take too long, there is variety, and you see results pretty quickly. Also you can challenge yourself to increase reps and weights. All you need are some dumbbells to get started. I also like using a kettlebell. I splurged a couple years ago and bought a fold up weight bench for under 100 dollars.
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    Try joining a gym. The temperature inside the facility is perfect and there are classes that are fun and you can work as hard or as easy as you want. I am a lazy exerciser, too. The only thing that keeps me going is my gym escape and the classes.
  • lyarrow
    lyarrow Posts: 10
    I used to dread using my elliptical until I got an Ipad and now sometimes I stay on it for 2 hrs. I love to read and watch Netflix, both of which I can do on the Ipad. I also recently purchased a tv to mount on the wall where the elliptical is so that I can watch my favorite shows. I admit that I need to be entertained when exercising and the Ipad has been great.

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