Has anyone done this or know anyone who has done it.

Does it work, what is the over all out come???


  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    my mom and several co-workers have done it! It is a very very strict diet of 500 calories a day and you can not mix vegetables. so if you decided to eat lettuce as you side thats the only side you get! They seem to do well on the diet but the weight slowly creaps back on! I think it may be ok if you are looking for a quick loss and then begin your lifestyle change but you have to make the chnage or it is pointless!!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I know it works and it costs a lot of money to do it (+$1000 or better). Its not over the counter, its prescribed. It must be administered by a doctor and a strict diet, yes a diet, must be followed. It really does depend on your goals though. Doesn't seem worth the health risks or the money involved if you ask me.
  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    my computer seems to want to post twice! I would really look into it and then decide!
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    You really should google it and look at what the Mayo Clinic has to say about it. From my research, I determined that it is not safe. The fact is there is no quick fix. It takes sweat, nutrition, portion control, support from like minded people and determination while knowing that instant gratification will not get you the results you want.
  • kaylalair28
    I've done it. The first time I did it, I lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks. You have to follow it to a tee though. I used the homeopathic drops, but a couple of my coworkers did the nasal spray. One lost about 25 pounds in a month and the other about 15. The second of the two ended up getting pregnant, but because of complications she lost the babies. One of them told me that the nasal spray was approved by the FDA for fertility, not sure though. I tried the drops a second time, but attempted my own diet of fruits and vegetables and was not successful. I'm actually doing it again for the third time while incorporating excercise and so far I've lost a total of 7 pounds in 7 days. Not bad. If you try it, I recommend that you do exactly as the directions say and only eat the suggested foods that are there (500 calories per day too). This way, I'm sure you will be successful. I ordered the drops, handbook and cookbook from the following website: www.hcghomeopathicweighlossmethod.com It's the hcG Homeopathic 12x, 30x, 60x - 2 oz with the blue label. Good luck. And as with any diet, if you fall off the bandwagon, you will pick the weight back up. My problem was giving in to cravings. Once I did that, I gained some of the weight back, but not all of it.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    If you do a search through the topics on this website you will see that this has been discussed often before. You might find some more information that way.

    Personally, I think eating right and exercising is the better way to go.
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    It works while you're on it. It's impossible to live on a 500 calorie a day diet and not lose weight! The pregnant woman's urine that you're injecting into your body has been proven to have no effect on weight loss, but the severly calorie restricted diet will help you lose both fat and muscle at a rapid pace. The biggest problem comes when you try to go back to your "regular" diet after training your body to live on 500 calories a day for an extended period of time. Your body will be so overwhelmed by actually eating say, 1500-1800 calories a day that it will store a lot of it as fat. And of course, because you've lost a lot of muscle during your little starvation diet phase, it will be harder to get rid of your new accumulation of fatty tissue, as a lot of people that have tried this are finding out. As you may have guessed, I think it's a terrible idea, but it's up to you if you want to waste your money on it. Personally, I find that regular exercise and watching what you're eat is a much healthier way to go, and leads to a more sustainable fat loss. But if you have lots of money to blow, and enjoy starving yourself for long periods of time while being injected with hormones derived from urine, have at it!
  • darling_nickie
    darling_nickie Posts: 117 Member
    I googled this diet a lot out of sheer curiousity. I don't really believe in quick fixes...but yes, HCG is the hormone tested in women to see if they are pregnant. And it is an approved fertility treatment. It has not been approved by the FDA as a dietary supplement or weight loss supplement and from what I've read, seems like a law suit waiting to happen. One thing I did not come across that I am curious about is what are the long term effects for men using a fertility treatment that is for women?? hrm...and a 500 calorie diet? That is just not healthy.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    ANY fad diet you find like this is basically going to cause a dramatic loss, and then a regain plus some. Don't bother! This needs to be a lifestyle change. Change your exercise and your diet and there's nothing else to it. If you're going to go spend all that money you may as well spend it on a gym membership :) there's only one right way and MFP proves it works!
  • chazspk
    chazspk Posts: 159 Member
    I hear ye all i was justing wondering about what it was all about....it is a life change i agree with you all..I done the lipotrim shake diet after i had my last baby and i lost 32 lb in 5 weeks which was a great thing for me at the time it was very very hard but it worked i did not put it back but i watched myself ...BUT the result on it was i had to have my gallbladder removed i suffered and was very sick for six months so i do know all about it ..these diet give results but it is very few that get away with out damage to your body...

  • abutterflyemerges
    abutterflyemerges Posts: 101 Member
    My best friend is currently doing the drops. She has lost 13 lbs in 2 weeks. She says its the easiest diet in the world. But I am skeptical and eating 500 calories a day (someone will die). I eat 1000 calories a day and that is hard. I can imagine 500 calories. Before you fork out around $100.00 (that what she paid) try lowering your calorie intake. I not suggesting 500 calories but heck if your thinking about paying for the stuff try doing it without the drops and see if that does anything for you. You may not need the drops!

    Good luck!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    This diet has been around a long time,you would think if people were going to die from it they would have already.Ive known several people who have done it and kept the weight off for years.
    since I havent done it I cant really say anything more about it.
    but if your curious the people in this thread use it
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    This diet has been around a long time,you would think if people were going to die from it they would have already.Ive known several people who have done it and kept the weight off for years.
    since I havent done it I cant really say anything more about it.
    but if your curious the people in this thread use it

    I appreciate you posting the link and here is the updated one it's very active and restarts after 20 pages so here ya go to whoever wants to lurk or not just please don't bother jumping on and posting negative comments you can start your own thread for that (not directed at you Fear :P ).

    It's been used by many here (many not willing to tell others for fear of bashing which is very sad but I still get their messages in private) and my friends and family and like anything it is a tool and it works but will not work if you don't change your eating habits, or don't exercise. You have to understand eating 500 calories of whole clean foods and 500 calories of junk are two totally different menus, and when you go off the drops your calories increase dramatically and if you were in starvation mode that would cause a ton of problems including weight gain. That's all I'm going to say as we each are on our own journeys and have different ways of getting there and I wish you all the best :flowerforyou:

    Updated thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/193795-hcg-progress-updates-page-2-for-people-on-it-or-thinking-a?page=14