new to myfitnesspal

hello everyone i new to this site,, was told about the site tonight after joining a community group that will be doing weekly meeting and weigh in and doing exercising. They said this site was GREAT and very helpful so i can right home and join it too, any help is always great.


  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 738 Member
    This site IS great! Welcome and add lots of friends for support!
  • cmstaley1
    cmstaley1 Posts: 32
    Welcome aboard having support and accountablility is makes weight loss so much easier!
  • talrcat
    talrcat Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Countryladybug61 and welcome!

    This site helped me shed 76 pounds and I kept it off for over 12 months. Somewhere along the way I stopped using MFP to track my food and let myself gain back 20 of that. I am now back on track, and lost 8 pounds in the last two weeks. You get out what you put in... For me, accountability is key, but I find I am not too good at being accountable to myself-so I also went back to see my nutritionist (who turned me on to MFP). Once you find what works for you, stick with it!!! (Here's hoping I remember my own advice!)
  • beccaschmitter
    Hey! I just started this today and wanted to add my ticker to my profile, but can't get it to work... Maybe I'm doing something wrong? can you tell me how you did it???? Thanks!