Weight Fluctuation??

I'm freaking out right now because I just weighed (I know I shouldn't weigh at night), but I weighed a whole 4 pounds more than I did yesterday morning at my weigh in!! What the crap happened???? I know I couldn't actually gain fat in that little amount of time, but someone please ease my mind. haha.

Also, I know this is gross, but I'm kinda....um.... stopped up..... any body have solutions for someone who works a lot and doesn't have time for laxatives to take effect? Thanks! :)


  • denise_earheart
    That happens to me allllll the time!!! weigh in in the morning after you pee :heart:
  • Aylilth
    Aylilth Posts: 125
    It's not "fat"

    It was most likely what you ate today..... did you have any high sodium stuff that could be it as well. That is why night weighs are bad, you have all the food digesting in your stomach.

    As far a being backed up prunes/juice. And I would up your fiber.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    i personally need a minimum of 9 to 10 glasses of water daily to keep things...ummmmmm... moving smoothly *L*

    and the daily weight fluctuations, as well as just those from morning to evening, can be scary... we all have them *S*
  • bigbluejim
    No worries...that's all water and weight that burns off at night. I typically can fluctuate that much between morning and night no problem.
  • Nelly711
    Nelly711 Posts: 52
    It happens to all of us. Don't let it get you down. You have to remember if you are drinking alot of fluid, you will Pee it all out!!! I was actually 3.5 lb heavier tonight than I was this morning. No worries though, it will all work out.

    As far as being "stopped up"...when you find cures, let me know!! I just discussed this today with a friend...lol, she recommended fiber gummy bites from Wal-Mart!
  • banjo2115
    I agree with the others. It happens to me aaalllllll the time. Always weigh yourself in the morning, before you eat. Just remember that when you weigh in at night, everything you ate is in your system, sodium and so forth. :)
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    You weigh a lot more in the evening Basically anytime you weigh after you have eaten and consumed and liquid you will gain. Don't worry just weight in the morning and you'll be fine . You are stressing over nothing. And after you get unplugged you will lose also it has weight too. Drink water it will help lubricate you or just take stool softeners not a laxative
  • lisapickering
    STAY OFF THE SCALE!! LOL! I know it's tempting but it doesn't really mean anything when you get on the scale everyday so don't do it. Weigh yourself once a week and that's it! Your 4lbs is because a) it's at night after you've eaten and drank all day and b) because your constipated. Don't worry about it, you didn't actually gain 4lbs (just as if it was 4lbs down, you didn't lose 4lbs)

    I'm not sure how to help you about being constipated!
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    I fluctuate up to 4 lbs day to day! yesterday morning I weighed in at 148, today (same time) at 153! (Naked both times, on my Wii Fit).. It happens occasionally due to water fluctuations at such.. but I know how you feel! Sometime you just say Yikes!!
  • mattsdad1961
    mattsdad1961 Posts: 65 Member
    just a few suggestions...I'm kinda new at this (actually, been overweight most o fmy life! But new at trying to be smarter about getting healthier.)

    Definitely make sure you are drinking enough water 8 to 10 eight ounce glasses a day. Gradually (really just a bit at a time!! no kidding!!!) increase your fiber intake. You can display fiber goals on your nutritional target info.

    Finally...and this is just my humble opinion....STOP FIXATING ON THE SCALE! I weigh only 2 times a week. Wednesday mornings (because I am part of a challenge group) and Saturday mornings (to let me know how much extra exercise I should put into my weekends). I have learned that, FOR ME, I only need to focus on eating right (quantities and nutritional values), getting the right sleep, and getting the right exercise - and the scale takes care of itself.

    Ignoring the scale and focusing on doing the right stuff takes away the stress that is also a cause for me to retain pounds.

    I wish you all the success you hope for yourself! Best luck, be smart, be healthy!
  • mufiey
    mufiey Posts: 38
    if you have a regular problem umm. . . going you can get a vegetable base stool softner at walmart that can be taken once daily. it does not use harsh chemicals like a laxative and your body does not become dependent on it. it doesn't send you screaming for the bathroom like a laxative. it just keeps you running smoothly daily.
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    The first time I weighed myself at night I about had a heart attack too. I think there was a 4 pound difference. There are daily fluctuations, but remember at the end of the day you're weighing what all you've done that day, including all the water you've had. Always best to weigh in the AM consistently, and if you're "stopped up" that affects it too! Not to worry.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    When I first got my Wii Fit, I would weigh in morning and night, just to see. And I would routinely gain 2-5 pounds over the course of each and every day. Whether it would be gone the next morning, I could link almost directly to what I had eaten. If I had eaten reasonably, the weight would be gone next morning (all water retention throughout the day). If I had eaten big, most of it would still be there (weight of the food itself working through the system). If I continued to eat big, well, some of that would stay (actual weight gain).

    I learned a lot, weighing multiple times a day for several months.

    One thing was not to worry about being 2-4 pounds heavier at bedtime than in the morning.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I have been weighing myself frequently, and typically fluctuate between 4-5 pounds from morning to night. I started this since I "officially" measure in the morning when I'm lighter, but I typically exercise at night. Since I'm using the Wii Fit, it weighs me in every day (why we need to do this to get the stamp, I don't know), and I know not to panic when I see the scale at a much different number than the morning.

    As far as your other issue, have you tried raw almonds?
  • BrittanyGQ
    BrittanyGQ Posts: 92 Member
    LOL, I think I'm the only person that always weighs the most in the morning and lightest in the middle of the day (typically)! :laugh:
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    STAY OFF THE SCALE!! LOL! I know it's tempting but it doesn't really mean anything when you get on the scale everyday so don't do it. Weigh yourself once a week and that's it! Your 4lbs is because a) it's at night after you've eaten and drank all day and b) because your constipated. Don't worry about it, you didn't actually gain 4lbs (just as if it was 4lbs down, you didn't lose 4lbs)

    I'm not sure how to help you about being constipated!

    Agreed. I was obsessive about the scale when I first started in January. Now I only weigh once a week, IF that. And if Aunt Flo(w) is coming, don't even THINK about weighing cuz you will scare the hell out of yourself. Every time she comes I gain at least 8 pounds of water weight and I get so upset. So 5 days before and 5 days after I don't even bother stepping on the scale because otherwise I'll just get upset.

    If you must weigh daily for mental stability (lol I don't blame ya, I occasionally indulge in it as well but then stop myself) ONLY weigh in the morning, after peeing.

    As for the constipation -- Fiber, fiber fiber!! Once I upped my fruit and vegetable intake, I started going almost every day.