Hello, I'm new here.

Hello, I am Howie. I am new on this site, trying to get used to all the links and so on. My wife is also on this site, her name on here is mamajones.

I am looking for friends to help along with this journey. Male, and female. Anyone who is dieting and can give words of encourgment when needed.

I am diabetic, so this journey has been a little rough. But, so far, I am doing well.

Looking forward to hearing from you guys!


  • howiej
    howiej Posts: 2
    Hello, I am Howie. I am new on this site, trying to get used to all the links and so on. My wife is also on this site, her name on here is mamajones.

    I am looking for friends to help along with this journey. Male, and female. Anyone who is dieting and can give words of encourgment when needed.

    I am diabetic, so this journey has been a little rough. But, so far, I am doing well.

    Looking forward to hearing from you guys!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Welcome to MFP you should find Cowboy, he is also diabetic. Good luck with your journey
  • modickson
    modickson Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, My name is Monica. I have been back and forth with this site and dieting. I can use ANY inspiration that I can get. I seem to get into a very big rut.

    My goal is to lose around 30 lbs by June for my only daughters graduation. Let's keep in contact.

  • modickson
    modickson Posts: 6 Member

    Looks like you have done great. What is your secret to staying motivated? I would be greatly interested.

  • eHarris
    eHarris Posts: 160
    Welcome to the both of you!!
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Welcome to MFP! It's such a great site with wonderful ppl...post lots! :)
  • mamajones
    Hi baby!!!:smooched:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Welcome to you both! Good Luck!!