Smurfettes and Papa Smurf 10/20-10/26

Hey everyone,

I didn't see a thread started so thought I'd get it going. I'm not sure if we are doing daily threads or not but it seems as though sometimes we use a daily thread for more than a day so I thought I'd set this up for a week...see how it goes.

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. I volunteered at a rodeo on Saturday night. Not really my thing but it was actually kinds fun to watch...especially cause it was free!!...haha.

I'm doing okay with my personal challange I started last week except for getting out with my dogs. But I do have a few more days to complete my challange so hopefully I can do it. I've been good with the gym and my cals and my water.

Talk to you all again soon,


  • Sunibc22
    Sunibc22 Posts: 330
    Hey everyone,

    I didn't see a thread started so thought I'd get it going. I'm not sure if we are doing daily threads or not but it seems as though sometimes we use a daily thread for more than a day so I thought I'd set this up for a week...see how it goes.

    I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. I volunteered at a rodeo on Saturday night. Not really my thing but it was actually kinds fun to watch...especially cause it was free!!...haha.

    I'm doing okay with my personal challange I started last week except for getting out with my dogs. But I do have a few more days to complete my challange so hopefully I can do it. I've been good with the gym and my cals and my water.

    Talk to you all again soon,
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I didnt see any threads for the weekend so I figured everyone was busy. I think doing it a week at a time is fine. That way we dont miss what anyone says. I hope everyone had a good week. I have to plan a meeting so I have to get off of here and get on the ball. Talk to everyone later.

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    HI Shauna and the rest of the Blue team

    I was really foolish yesterday and indulged in a variety of different foods - Should know better, I was up most of the night with a bad tummy. So today I will try to eat clean and move my body an extra 30 minutes. The other day my Golden Retriever tried get away from me and take off after the roof guy and whipped my back but good!! Its feeling a bit better today but I can only walk for exercise.

    Drink 6 c water
    Eat some veggies and fruit
    Walk away the pounds video - 1 miler
    Walk the dogs. 20 mins
    Elliptical 10 mins
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning all-
    I had a lovely week-end, but so bad in the food dept that I didn't even bother to count calories. My husband made a delicious birthday dinner and dessert for himself on Fri night and then I was off to the Boston area on Sat. for a baby shower. More delicious food. I stayed over with my sister-in-law and mother-in-law and enjoyed everything. Just wasn't the occasion to watch what I ate. When I got home yesterday, I discovered my husband had invited friends over for dinner and we pulled out left-over birthday cake. I figured the week-end was already a lost cause so......
    But I was pleasantly surprised this morning to see that, despite the week-end's splurging, I had only gained half a pound. So, I'm motivated to do better now that Monday is here and the weather is spectacular. Hope to burn off a few more calories with a nice walk outside. I really want to be able to report a weight loss for the Blue team on Wed. morning!
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Hey there blue team. Hope everyone had a good weekend . Good week to everyone

    Created by - Free Food Journal
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Today is my rest day so I wont be exercising today. Which is probably good because I just started doing some weights this week and the inside of my thighs are sore from one of the machines. Glad to hear everyone is doing ok after the weekend.

  • gmpearse
    gmpearse Posts: 136
    Hey everyone,

    I had the most wonderful thing happen to me yesterday. I haven't been saying anything at work about trying to lose the weight. Yesterday I had a coworker ask if I've been losing weight because I looked thinner. Yeah!!!:drinker: :drinker: It is nice when someone notices.

    Connie, I know you have been paying attention to threads - have you seen/heard Jeff? I am hoping he is not "talking" because he is busy doing the happy dance from passing the exam and for no other reason. Even so, emotional eating can be dangerous. Even if it is for a a good reason.

    Have a great week all.
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    You know I havent seen Jeff lately. Hopefully we will see him either today or tomorrow. I hope he did ok on his exam, he sure studied alot for it. We willhave to send out a search party for him.

  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    howdy, so sorry havent been posting alot of stuff has happened lately
    kinda hit a plateau i think... keep losing but then gain it back:explode:
    i plan on doing an hour workout today to make up for the weekend though... two birthday cakes:noway:
  • ThisIsJeffHere
    Hi Everybody!

    I survived the exam, but I didn't survive my weekend unscathed. I was up 10 "pounds" after my weekend drink-a-thon. I'm taking it easy these few days. It was an amazing weekend with my best friends, so it was worth the small speedbump. I was right back on track yesterday.

    Kickboxing tonight AND biggest loser! How much better can it be!

    Have a smurftastic day, ladies!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good to see you back Papa Smurf. We missed you. I am up right now also so I think I am going to weigh in tomorrow instead. I am retaining water right now so maybe it will go away by tomorrow. Or maybe even later on today. Wouldnt that be nice.

    I have camping this weekend. I know that we will be making spaghetti one night and then of course bacon and eggs and sausage and stuff the next morning. Hopefully I will do ok. IT is supposed to be really cold. In the 20's during the night. I am going to get us some new sleeping bags before we go that do really cold weather. I dont want my boys to freeze. But other than that it should be fun. Hubby is staying home with my little one. We are going with the cub scouts.

    Hope everyone has a smurfy day

  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    hi alls

    i see a lot of people been having bday !! it was mine as well yesterday .. so happy birthday to all the birthday peoples !!

    i am still all out of wack from the past weeks event... (road trip in france, grandpa passing, my bday and other stuff...) so i havent lost much weight and i dont trust the scale because i am not consistant with the eating/working out,, but now everything should be smooth until chrismas,,, well hopefully
    goal is to be 159 by then (175 now)

    so tonight is body attack class,,, along with a bit of elliptical,,, clean good calorie eating !!

    ho .. one thing about clean eating,,, i havent been in the last 10 days.. and my do i ever see a difference in how i feel.. ive had headaches.. tummy aches.. and other things as well..

    have a good day !
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Good morning all

    It's getting cold here in Northern Ontario I thought I was going to have to scrape my windshield this a.m. I think we'll get snow soon.
    Today I will:
    eat well
    drink 6 water
    exercise for 30 mins
    Shake the "blues" that are threatening to taking me over!!

    Have a great day and good luck of the scale

  • Sunibc22
    Sunibc22 Posts: 330
    Morning all.

    Just saying a quick 'hi'. I've been having some real problems with my feet since I've been exercising so I'm off to the doctor this morning. I scared he's going to tell me to stay off them for a bit and then that will set me back.
    Keep your fingers crossed for me.
    I'll check in later to see how everyone is doing and to update you!

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    So sorry about your grandpa May Marie. It's a difficult time I'm sure.
    On a brighter note, Congrats to Jeff!! I have a son who also just graduated college in May. He had a similar week-end, celebrating getting 2 job offers...finally!!!!! He looked awful on Sun.! Anyway, the accounting exam is tough so once again a big congratulations to Jeff and good luck on pursuing your dreams.
  • Sunibc22
    Sunibc22 Posts: 330
    Hope everyone has had a fantastic day so far.

    I didn't really find out too much about my feet at the doctor today but he is sending me for blood work. He thinks I might have Gout. I thought Gout was totally different than it is but apparently it is when you have too much Uric Acid in your system and it crystalizes in your joints. The big toe joint being the most common. We'll have to wait and see what the blood work says. I suppose foods that are high in uric acid should be red meat, cheese, and red wine. Now red meat I can handle...but cheese and wine?!?! Give me a break!! That will be tough for me to cut out of my diet!!

    Oh well, in the mean time I am still trying to get my exercise in and am taking Advil for the pain for now. I'm not sure how the weight in tomorrow is going to go but I'm optomistic!
  • ninabonina
    Hey Y'all,
    i didn't see any threads for a long time! its good to read about your weekends.:happy:
    If you don't know me, i joined two weeks ago or so and i was put in the blue group
    I weigh in tomorrow, because of girl "issues" so hopefully all goes well tomorrow. I didn't excercise very much but that should change in the next little bit
    Starting on Tuesday next week i am taking part in a boot camp for weight loss and exercise.
    I'm going with my boyfriends mom and sister, should be a good time:ohwell:
    Hopefully your day goes well,
    Have a good one,
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Hello all!! READ ME READ ME I'M SO HAPPY! (sorry so long:blushing: )

    Congrats Jeff! :drinker:
    Happy Birthday May! :glasses:
    Welcome Nina! :flowerforyou:
    Don't freeze Connie! :frown:

    And hello and all that to the rest of you!!!

    Life's been getting in the way. I haven't logged in TWO WEEKS!! I was sick ALL last week but managed not to gain - I was very happy about that. This week is going well. You know that commercial that says "will change your relationship with birthday cake..." I think its really honestly
    happening. Food just isn't a big deal anymore!! I eat when I'm hungry, it tastes nice and I'm done. I know how much to eat, I know what to eat, and I haven't been struggling with portions in a LONG TIME.

    I feel like my life is changing. I caught a glimpse of myself in a window and I was shocked!! My jeans were FALLING OFF!! I was wearing 12's. I went in to buy new jeans, grabbed a 10 and they were also too big!!!! :love: I got 8's and they fit like a DREAM! I'M IN SINGLE DIGITS!!!!

    Also, suddenly I'm getting lots of attention - there were several guys just flirting with me all week long - people who were friendly before but not flirty. Its probably just my confidence that they're attracted too, but still it feels REALLY GOOD. (also, there's a special someone I'm getting close to that is taking up a lot of my time :wink: )
  • soccermum
    soccermum Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Blue Team,

    I'm a new member, joined the team last week.
    I woke up to snow today :noway: Outdoor activities were out of the question. All my work out vids are boring me, so we looked for Turbo Jamz at Wallmart, but I guess they don't carry it ? Anyone know where I can grab it? I hate online shopping.

    Glad to be a part of the team!
  • ThisIsJeffHere
    Good Morning Smurfettes!

    Don't forget to send your weights in!

    I killed myself at kickboxing last night, but it paid off. I have almost all of the weekend disgustingness off of me.

    Welcome back Jules...I was wondering where you had gone off to!
    Welcome to the team Soccermum and Nina. Where are you girls from?

    Congrats to your son Zaza! I graduated in May as well, and I have many friends who are still unemployed. Having a job out of school is a miracle, but having two jobs is just amazing.

    I started off with a protein shake for breakfast this morning to see if it is as filling as I've heard. I mixed one scoop of protein powder and one cup of milk. I find it to be much more filling than my normal fiber one cereal with half a cup of milk. Interestingly enough, it's actually lower in calories, too. I'll just have to make sure I get my fiber in other places.

    Have a Smurftastic Day!