Please help my knee!

jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone,

I am 38 and have had three ACL reconstructions on my left knee. I used to do only the elliptical because of the pain (I have almost no cartilage left and have arthritis). I have been doing other not-so-knee-friendly workouts lately and was wondering if anyone has had success with any OTC joint supplements. I am just biding time until a knee replacement but don't want to pay the $2000 a year for special shots at the ortho in the meantime. And I actually have really good health insurance!!

Has anyone tried anything like "Joint Juice"?

Thanks in advance,


  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I've read that the joint supplements are not very effective. I blew my MCL two summers ago, and find that when it is really buggin me, wearing my hinge brace takes some of the strain off it to get me through and let the ligament rest a bit.

    Good luck....
  • Hey I have had one ACL reconstruction and am beginning to worry that I am going to have to get another one. I have done the knee brace trick and if it really hurts that nite ice it and then heat it with 20 minute break and rotating shifts. Also if you take two tylenol and two advil before a work out that will help. That dosage is the equivilant of tylenol III without the codine. Also try things to strengthen your knee instead of going straight into a cardio. Lunges or squats and don't feel bad that you can't go as low at first you can work into that and then once you get relatively low start adding on cardio and maybe even weights.....
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    I use Tri-Flex from GNC...but I have cartridge, my knee issues are different.
  • DuKristin
    DuKristin Posts: 10
    Have you tried Osteo Biflex? It is glucosamine chondroitin, which is supposed to be great for joints. I take it for my back and have had some good results. I have never tried "joint juice". I hope you find some relief soon to tide you over until you can get your knee replacement! Good luck! :)
  • I went in to my local Vitamin World store and was told that Omega 3's and Fish Oils are good for joints pain. Hope this helps! I know you have had 3 surgeries but I know a great surgeon....:smile:
  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks guys...I will look into these things. I will admit I am not helping myself by doing workouts like Insanity (modified in places). I just got so bored with the darn elliptical and wasn't getting the results I wanted.

    Thanks again and hugs to those with the dreaded knee problems!
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    My mom's knees sound a lot like yours do! She's just buying time until they'll do a knee replacement on her too and she's 58 I think. My mom had those shots you are talking about and I wouldn't waste your money on them either. They gave her relief for awhile but not much. She does use that joint juice stuff and I notice a difference in her when she actually uses it to when she doesn't use it for awhile and she's also said she feels better when she uses joint juice. Hope you find relief because it pains me to watch my mom walk sometimes so I can't even imagine how much that hurts :(
  • hamsmash
    hamsmash Posts: 41 Member
    I have had positive results with using a Glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM tablet for an old ACL tear. a 500 ct bottle is like 10 bucks at costco. Dunno if it works or just psychosomatic either way less pain is good.
  • When I was about the same age I went to the ortho and he didnt believe I was in as much pain as I was considering I never injured my knee. It was pretty swollen too. After xrays and finally an MRI he agreed to do orthoscopic surgery. While I was in recovery he went out to my mom in the waiting room and apologized to her for not believing me. My cartalige was shredded. I had a serious of 5 shots afterwards and was told it would last 5 years. Well its been 6 and my knee started grinding again and giving me pain.

    I tried the eliptical but that was actually harder on my knee. I do the treadmill slowly at first, then a little faster over the weeks. I did the stationary bike (where your legs are out front), but I found that hurt more. Now I do the stationary bike (where your legs are below you) and I find its much less stress.

    I too am going to need a knee replacement, but am trying to stave that off as long as possible. The condrointin stuff mentioned early has had many positive results, but please also do some mild strength training and the bike. Dont be like me in the beginning.... I just wanted to work the pain away and that doesnt help. Ice it when you get home and mild work on the knee.
  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
    I tried the eliptical but that was actually harder on my knee. I do the treadmill slowly at first, then a little faster over the weeks. I did the stationary bike (where your legs are out front), but I found that hurt more. Now I do the stationary bike (where your legs are below you) and I find its much less stress.

    I've had knee problems since my 20s - I'm 51 now - I take Glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM and recently added Hylauranic Acid. I also take Omega 3 Fish Oil but not for my joints - it's for heart health.
    I KNOW the glucosamine helps because when I stopped taking it a few years ago - OMG all my arthritic joints were so painful!
    Elipitical was hard on my knee as is squats and lunges and anything with impact. Bike or swimming is the best for me, but I've been able to build up speed and tolerance on the treadmil. I'm always cautious with anything that will impact my knee or shoulders (they are bad too) I'll do modified squats and lunges but work my core harder. I can't tell you how many times I've de-railed my exercise program because of knee pain - learned that I have to be careful AND if it starts hurting - STOP whatever is causing pain. I've had to do the brace thing and will again if I have to......but "this time" so far so good!
    Good luck to you....I know it's not easy!
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