Bloated and unmotivated

Last week and the week before were really good for me! I slipped up on the weekends but got right back into the exercise during the week. But this week I have felt bloated (fat, I know I don't look fat but I can still feel fat ok?) and keep snacking and really seeing exercise as something that is taking up my time. I've also discovered that I have regained the 3kg that took me 3 months to lose. I have a feeling that the gain might be due to muscle increase (my calves are insane now!) but the boosting is really making it hard to see it that way. I've decided I'm going to start really trying to eat back my exercise calories as much as I can as I'm thinking my body needs to have fat to burn it but I'm scares I'll start gaining weight the way I used to before I started with MFP. I'm not really looking for health advice as I already have more than enough and try to really focus on my nutrition. I'd just like a little "keep at it keep fit" encouragement. :( but also :) as a preemptive thankyou for reading and replying.


  • furfighter
    You really are doing great! Keep on, keeping on !!!
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    Haha thanks!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Okay, You are doing fantastic, keep it up!
    How was that?? Or, if you want a little more edge,
    Hey dumbutt, quit whining and keep doing what you do!
  • peachletcream
    if its something you really want and something your really scared of then make the resolve not to let it happen.

    you need to believe you can do it otherwise when people say "great work- keep it up" it wont have much meaning!

    But yeah you are doing great, just make your mind set right :)

    and don't take what i'm saying as negative.

    Everyone here is always only trying to help not make things harder.
  • AKFatBoy
    AKFatBoy Posts: 14 Member
    I like your initial idea; eat back you excercise cals. Do it smart, get a bit more protein and drink a lot of water. You won't gain, not fat anyway. Have you been tracking measurements? If not, you might want to try that as a motivation tool, although it doesn't seem you'll make great gains on measurements; as you said yourself, you don't look fat. I do understand the feeling though, even us guys get it; some days I feel invincible, then the "what the hell am I putting myself through this for" hits. Work through it, you'll be fine. :glasses: