Hello! My name is Jeff and I'm New! :)

My name is Jeff and I've just joined this AMAZING website. I'm so glad I discovered it and am ready to start leading a healthier lifestyle! No more taco bell, lmao. I can't to meet all of you awesome people on here and let's help each other reach our goals together!

Yesterday I made a mistake and ate a slice of pizza. SO......I have some work to do, lol.

Hope to talk with many of you soon! :)

<3 Jeff


  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi welcome and gd luck:smile:
  • vodkaswigger
    Welcome Jeff, this is a fab site for advice and support, im new too,its my 4th day, Its a great place to vent and get encouragement, you can do it, feel free to add me so we can spur eachother on xxxx
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Welcome aboard Jeff....this is a great site with lots of support and encouragement. Best wishes to you in your journey.
  • BelleJeanne
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Jeanne also a newbie on the site. I have lost 2.3kgs in two weeks, "5.1lbs" yay!, with another 10kgs to go, "yike",
    but I am determined not to be fat and 50...... the wine gets to on the week-ends. Oh well, we have to pay for our sins.
  • shellbones
    Hi Jeff welcome to this fantastic site, I only joined yesterday but starting my new challenge today good luck and keep off the pizza x
  • lblocker23
    So glad to have you on here honey!!! Love you best friend you can do anything u set your mind to!!!