Help! Binge Eating

Ok, I am trying to start a healthy lifestyle. Yesterday I started and I failed. After dinner I started to get hungry and I swear ate everything in sight. I think my problem is due to the fact that I never felt full at dinner, and I am used to feeling stuffed. I know that this is something I have to get used to but how do you recommend I get through these first few weeks.


  • cab2424
    cab2424 Posts: 122 Member
    Ok, I am trying to start a healthy lifestyle. Yesterday I started and I failed. After dinner I started to get hungry and I swear ate everything in sight. I think my problem is due to the fact that I never felt full at dinner, and I am used to feeling stuffed. I know that this is something I have to get used to but how do you recommend I get through these first few weeks.
  • eHarris
    eHarris Posts: 160
    drink looooottss of water and try to eat high fiber foods (they'll help you feel fuller longer). I would also try this trick (I do this alot!) ....if you've just eaten dinner and you feel like you're still hungry ...try drinking a big glass of water and wait 15 minutes. If you still feel really hungry eat the most healthy thing you can find in your house.
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    drink looooottss of water and try to eat high fiber foods (they'll help you feel fuller longer). I would also try this trick (I do this alot!) ....if you've just eaten dinner and you feel like you're still hungry ...try drinking a big glass of water and wait 15 minutes. If you still feel really hungry eat the most healthy thing you can find in your house.

    This is smart. Also, alcohol consumption, even just one glass of wine, can spur the munchies. Avoid drinking or learn to talk to yourself when you're feeling "hungry". Are you really hungry or are you just in the munching mood? Drink water, think about something else altogether and if you are truely hungry, grab a water based food like an orange, some salad, etc.

    Spinach (I can only eat it raw, personally) is not only insanely nutritious, but is VERY high in fiber and will keep you sastisfied longer than iceberg lettuce.

    Milk is good for quieting your tummy.

    Cheese is also a good way to curb your hunger.

    Lean proteins will help you feel full longer.

    And above all, eat slowly. It gives your tummy time to get full.

  • johnalanwilson
    Eat slower! I don't know how fast you eat, but I know that the more I intentionally SLOW DOWN while eating, the less I eat and the fuller I feel when I am done.

    The longer you do this, the easier it will become. You HAVE to have will power. Think of the most important reason you have decided to change your life. Dwell on that reason. Getting healthy will make the struggle worth while!

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    are you really hungry or is your brain just telling you that now you are "dieting" you are depriving yourself of something you really want. We humans don't care for any type of depravation. :) When I started eating better, it reminded me of when I quit smoking, I had to train my brain to believe that food wasn't an enjoyment, it was a necessity, one that could be enjoyed in moderation and I wasn't missing out on anything because I wanted to be healthy. All I would be missing out on was being overweight and having my clothes not fit me and being out of shape. Unless you are truly hungry, it was your brain thinking you were taking something away from it that made you crave everything and anything. It is possible to change the way you think. Just takes some practice. I know sounds stupid, but different things work for different people. One more thing, if you got hungry that fast are you sure you are eating enough calories according to your BMR?? If it is 1200 you are too low for what your body needs.
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Are you obsessing that you are starting a "DIET"? If so stop. I am the same way, as soon as I restrict I fall into a binge purge cycle. Just focus on eating foods your body needs... don't obsess about the calories as much as trying to make sure everything that goes in is as balanced. Use Benefibre in your cooking if you think it is really about being full... make sure you are getting in protein and fat. They are what keeps you full longer. Do as the others say, and drink lots of water.

    Have a cup of tea, or even hot chocolate, it will make you feel warm, and full. The extra calories can be worth it in a situation of feeling like you are going to eat the house!

    Add fibre foods where ever you can... however remember if you hadn't in the past you may have some.. uhmm.. gas issues the first while... HUGS! You can do it! This website has a great wealth of resources through the great ppl on it!
  • Darcy
    Darcy Posts: 4
    I used to always want to feel stuffed too. Now, I eat SLOW as I can and when I do eat to the point of being stuffed it is no longer enjoyable it is painful and that is what stops me from doing it in the future.
  • cab2424
    cab2424 Posts: 122 Member
    Thank you everyone these are great tips that I am going to use. I need to learn to eat slow, and change my diet around some. I think the fiber thing will help a lot.

    This probably isn't good, but I just found that drinking a bit of diet pop gives me the false sense of being full from the carbonation.
  • eHarris
    eHarris Posts: 160
    It can also give you constipation and it can feed your desire for sweet foods. I still drink coke zero when I need a soda fix but its much less often now. If you have a hard time drinking straight water try cryrstal light or something of that nature.
  • clewliss
    clewliss Posts: 640 Member
    Someone told me along time ago that after dinner, if you will go brush your teeth, you will lose a lot of that "want to" (unless you are truly hungry). Something about toothpaste takes away the cravings for food that the after taste of dinner might be leaving you with! Try it, it 's worked for me before!
  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member
    Everyone's suggestions are GREAT!! These are the things we all need to do to do our best and accomplish our goals. Also I have found that eating more low calorie meals each day leave more satisfied throughout the day, so by the time I sit down to dinner with my family I am not starving at all I have no problem not eating too much, which would be a problem because they get a big 3 course meal and I load up a salad! They are satisfied and so I am. Hey, just don't give up, try any or all of the others suggestions... you'll find what works best for you!!
  • cab2424
    cab2424 Posts: 122 Member
    Well I broke a typical habit for tonight. Not only am I starting to diet, now I am stressed and depressed due to other life stuff and I am refraining from binge eating. I think I can make it.