losing baby weight

shawnjs Posts: 6 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I am a mom looking for support with losing baby weight. An online support group sounds like a great idea if anyone is interested. I am 5 weeks postpartum and have 20 pounds to lose.


  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Im 6montgs post partum now and have albs of baby weight left to lose. It's really hard but MFP helps a lot.

    Good luck!
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    Welcome!! I'm Amanda. I'm 3 months postpartum. I already lost my baby weight from this little guy (34lbs) and am working on the additional 22lbs left from my 1st son (9lbs of it left!!). Plus another 10-20lbs just to get at the mid range of healthy for my height instead of the high end. :smile:
  • LinzD
    LinzD Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 6 months post partum. I have a lot of weight left to lose as well. I only gained 8 lbs during my high risk pregnancy. I gained more weight after I had the baby. My husband and I got lazy and never felt like cooking. Now we're trying to get back on track. How much do you have to lose?
  • amyrc12
    amyrc12 Posts: 183 Member
    Can I claim to be 2 years and 4 months post partum?? haha...

    Good Luck with losing your baby weight! You can do it!!
    And congrats on your beautiful bundle of love!
  • RWeaver08
    RWeaver08 Posts: 44 Member
    I am 5 months postpartum. A support group sounds like a great idea! Good luck!
  • 4Calix
    4Calix Posts: 38
    Hey there! I am 13 weeks PP - It's definitely nice to have the encouragement from others so feel free to add me if you like.
  • I am 10 years post-partum ;)

    I actually lost most of my post partum weight within a month... it was that damned maternity leave that made me fat

    Congrats on the new baby & good luck with the weight loss
  • shawnjs
    shawnjs Posts: 6 Member
    So I am not sure how this works, but if anyone is interested in starting a support group let's do it!
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    So I am not sure how this works, but if anyone is interested in starting a support group let's do it!

    Just create a thread called, I dunno.... "women losing baby weight March" and everyone can comment on it for the month then you just create a new one each month?
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    hi, i'm almost 3 years post partum (he he, yeah took me a while to get started) and have lost half of my baby weight since xmas, and need to lose the rest by the end of the year so i can get married without being embarrased.

  • I'm almost 2 yrs post partum from twins and I have at least 30lbs to loose. I've lost 20lbs from breastfeeding, but that was the easy part. Now I'm struggle to loose the last 30
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