Any other super slow losers out there?

OBX1985 Posts: 80 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I swear - I am the worlds slowest loser (especially the older I get!) I'm lucky to get a 1/2 pound off a week - and that's a good week! This can be sooo frustrating - and of course I know the key is to not give up and stick with it - eventually these .2 and .3 pound losses will add up. Any of you lost a significant amount of weight on here but it took a LONG time? Please tell me I'm not alone....


  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    You are not alone!!!!!

    I know it gets gotta just keep on going!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    It has taken me three years, seven months to lose eighty pounds. You are definitely not alone!
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    You are not alone!

    I have been at this around 130 days and I am still around the 12 lb mark.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    You are not alone! I have been at this since mid October (5 1/2 months) and have lost 23 pounds...I'll go weeks without a loss and then lose 1-2 lbs. It's hard!
  • beachbumdoug
    beachbumdoug Posts: 171 Member
    You are not alone for sure.. I am also super slow to loose. Been busting my behind for the last 3 weeks and the scale has not given me anything but a 0.6 loss. It's very frustrating, but you just have to keep on pushing. I am getting in better shape and feeling better, just the scale is not moving.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I was about as slow as you could get for the last 3 months... aka plateau! haha. Now I'm slowly losing weight again, but since I'm near my goal I have to fight tooth and nail for every tenth of a pound. I'm super happy that I'm already looking at a 0.8 lb loss for this week and it's not even my Friday weigh in. That's the most I've lost in a week since November!
  • Hang in there I know it's tough. Being consistent was the hardest part for me. As I build my food database it has made it easier and easier for me to see what to eat and what not to eat. For me I've only lost 3lbs so far but the inches are starting to disappear. I do Curves circuit training 3 days a week and I just started the 30day shred. I'm doing it 3 days a week. You can do it
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 575 Member
    I have been at it for 2 years! And its going even slower now that I am close to my goal weight.
  • youre not alone - and thank god you posted this cause its making me feel better - NOT that i want anyone else to feel like i do, but phew. we can do this, we can do this (said in chanting, fists on table sort of way) :D
  • oh you are SO not alone!
    I have been serious about this since the beginning of october and have lost; well, we will say 20 pounds but really it's 19.5 according to my last weigh in.

    so if i were to divide that by the number of weeks i've been at it i'm sure it would look really discouraging. but i just take comfort in the fact that people say when you lose weight slowly and really work your butt off for it you are so much more likely to keep it off and continue with your lifestyle change.

    I'd rather lose slowly and permanently, than super quick and then just gain it all back. That would break my heart (and my motivation in the future)
  • OBX1985
    OBX1985 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks so much everyone - you're making me feel better and like I'm not such a failure (not that losing slow is failing) - it's just frustrating - and you tend to feel alone when you see others losing so much faster. It makes you start to wonder if you're wasting your time - thanks for reminding me that I'm NOT! :smile:

    I started Valentine's Day and only lost a few pounds so far.... I think journaling is helping - I've just been soooo busy at work that exercise has slipped to the way side..ugh......I WILL GET THERE!!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Exercise is definitely crucial, it gets your metabolism going. When I started (coincidentally Valentine's Day last year), I was working out every day, even if it was just for 20-30 minutes with EA Sports Active on my Wii. You need to fit in there, it really will get things going. You can lose weight just by eating well, but the pace definitely picks up when you throw in good daily exercise.
  • OBX1985
    OBX1985 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks Sara! Yeah, I noticed when I was consistent with the gym, I'm more consistent with losing - but in the past couple of weeks with only ONE trip to the gym (thank you WORK) :sad: the losing has stopped. I'M GOING TO THE GYM TODAY - there I said it - now I have to do it and be accountable...
  • s00sh
    s00sh Posts: 91
    i feel like i've been doing everything right - ~1200 calories a day, no refined sugar, keeping nutrients in balance with supplements, Couch to 5k program MWF and extra walking/weights on off days - and i still can't drop more than a pound or less a week. i have to keep telling myself that no matter what the scale says my body will be better off in the long run, but it's tough to be so disciplined and not see results. hang in there!!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I'm slow as well (13 lbs in 11 weeks)- but at the same time, if I have a bad weekend, I don't seem to go up either, so it seems as if the weight that I have lost, is long-term gone, hopefully permanent.

    I don't have time for proper work-outs either, but whenever possible I go for a brisk walk in my lunch break, it may only be 30 minutes, but it's better than nothing! And besides burning calories, my legs are definitely more toned and I've lost inches. Oh and I'm a lot fitter in general.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Bumping this thread, because I just found it.

    Another super slow loser here as well. Always have been, always will's just the way my body is, and I've come to terms with it. Wishing it away won't help, and neither will over-working myself.

    It took me a year to lose 30 lbs. (the right way, with diet and exercise).
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i feel like i've been doing everything right - ~1200 calories a day, no refined sugar, keeping nutrients in balance with supplements, Couch to 5k program MWF and extra walking/weights on off days - and i still can't drop more than a pound or less a week. i have to keep telling myself that no matter what the scale says my body will be better off in the long run, but it's tough to be so disciplined and not see results. hang in there!!

    i don't know what your weight is now but you may need more calories! to give your body a boost!
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 243 Member
    I've definitely hit the wall of losing near to nothing, maybe a pound or two a month now. When I first started I dropped 20 pounds in a pretty short amount of time, then slowly I lost a few more (took about 1.5 to 2 months). Now I've been floating around the same weight for over a month. It's frustrating, but I also know that if I focus on it, I'll screw myself up and start eating unhealthy again (which I've caught myself doing). Just know that it will come off, even if it is slow, and do not get discouraged. There's a lot of ways they say you can boost your metabolism. I for one struggled horribly in the beginning of the year and couldn't lose ANYTHING. I jump started my weight loss by religiously eating about 30g of protein within 30 minutes of waking up. Because I did not always have time in the morning to cook eggs, etc, I would mix whey protein powder with water or silk almond milk.. I saw it on Rachel Ray one day, and honestly it works. I also try to limit my carb intake to earlier in the day so I have the whole day to burn it off. Honestly I've stopped doing this because I've gotten lazy, but if you haven't already tried a higher protein diet, give it a shot.
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