Any spinning fanatics out there?

I haven't tried spinning yet, but I'm about to. I've always been a step class girl myself. Friends are hellbent on getting me to come join them though. Looking to hear from anyone who loves it and can offer me any pointers =)


  • roma101
    roma101 Posts: 3
    Im certainly not a spin fanatic but I do go to a class whenever I can - at least 1 a week. It is very very tough to start off with but after a few you get into it. After my first class I said never again! But a year leter Im staill going. They are so enjoyable & at the same time great exercise. I wish I could fit in 1 or 2 more. YOu might want to get yourself a cushioned seat cover though. The saddle is quite sore to be honest!
  • DanaM810
    DanaM810 Posts: 60 Member
    So I went this morning with a girlfriend of mine for the first time. I agree with you...the saddle is quite painful. And I did find the class tough. I apparently had my resistance up higher than I thought, and after the class, my friend said she was shocked at how high I had it. I did not realize this being a newbie. I will say that it was a great workout even though I took things at my own speed and comfort level. I can see how it can become addicting.