Keep logging when away from home

It’s been 262 days since I joined MFP and a couple of days back MFP helpfully reminded me that I’ve been logging in for 260 days in a row (and every 5th day prior to that too).

There are days when I’m less motivated than usual about my weight loss journey, and this consecutive day counter is the only thing keeping me going. I REALLY want to get to 365.

So what do you do when travelling?

Well, I do most of my logging of diary on my iPhone, and whilst this doesn’t need a network connection to log, you DO need to sync to the mothership each day or the counter gets reset.

At home in the UK, I just need to be in a cellular reception area and connecting is free. But what about when roaming abroad? Expensive, yes?

Well you can take advantage of WiFi hotspots where possible, borrow other people’s internet connections or at a push, turn on roaming and take the (rather expensive) hit. But it’s worth it for the motivating factors.

Even when spending the best part of 12 hours in transit, it’s still worth finding a network connection somewhere to connect.

Seeing everyone doing so well on the feed is a big motivator, as is their supportive comments. “Hanging in there” whilst travelling, or being on holiday, is motivating to others.

And of course, some people, myself very much included, can’t really keep an eye on what I’m eating unless I log it.

So keep logging everyone. Maybe missing a day or two is not that big a deal, but the higher that number gets, the more I want to keep going!
