I've lost 107lbs but I am ALWAYS thinking about food?!? HELP

Hey all, I need some advice or something please!

I have lost 107lbs (7 stone 6lbs) in six months which I'm really happy about but I have one major problem that is really annoying me, I'm thinking about food pretty much 24/7 and its not normal.

If I'm not thinking what I'm going to eat next that's healthy, I'm thinking about what I shouldn't eat, then what calories are in what, how many I should be having per day etc etc, this just goes round and round ALL THE TIME, it really is driving me mad!!!

Any ideas?!?


  • dimoul
    dimoul Posts: 137 Member
    I hear you. Similar thoughts occupy my mind, too. I'm hoping I'll get over it as time goes on. I'm a big believer in finding distractions to help with hunger and thoughts like this. Read, listen, watch, do, etc... something else for distraction.
  • andiimarie
    andiimarie Posts: 114 Member
    I feel the same way and I'm just at the beginning of my journey. Something that may help (and you may already do this) is to plan your meals in advance and eat only what you plan. That way when you catch yourself thinking about food you can tell yourself to just stop because you know what is on the plan for that day. Also, finding other things to do may help. Find things that would keep your mind busy, like reading or doing puzzles or anything that requires your mind to work, so you are not left to daydream about food.

    I'll have to keep these suggestions in mind for myself too. I feel like food is always on my brain.
  • mom2claudia
    I'm right there with ya! I feel like I am CONSTANTLY thinking about food, what I'll eat next, will it "fit" with my log, things I should buy....

    Great job on the 107 pounds!!!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    It makes sense to me that you would be!! You've accomplished a tremendous weight loss and lifestyle change and to do that you had to thnk about it day in and day out.....

    I guess the next part your your fitness journey could be about putting it all in perspective.....then perhaps all the thinking will find it's place and settle down.

    Congratulations again!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    ME TOO! And I'm only 4 lbs. down! Sometimes it spirals so far that I feel like I'm losing it. It completely kept me from sleeping until I started taking trazadone. And the weird thing was, I didn't feel like I was CHOOSING to think about food and weight loss, etc., but it kept swimming around my brain anyway. Does that make sense?
    I hope we all find peace soon!
    As much as I appreciate MFP, I do think the way it is set up, the way it works, creates a perfect breeding ground for these kinds of obsessive thoughts. If I didn't have to measure things and count calories, I wouldn't have this problem, and I bet a bunch of others wouldn't either.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    You need to let your body and mind adjust with the new weight now - yes, you will think about it constantly for awhile, but it will get better in time. Maybe you should embrace this new found obsession and work with others with weight loss as a carreer choice or find something in your life that keeps you so darn busy you don't have time to really focus 100% on thinking of food.

    Regardless, you have done an amazing job and you should be so proud. GOOD FOR YOU!
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    First, congrats on the 107lbs lost. Second, I agree with one of the above posters, plan your meals out and then forget about them. Take a break from tracking calories for a day or so. I was getting to the point where I was obsessing and I felt it was unhealthy. I took a break and I feel much better and don't think about it as much.
  • owlwomyn
    owlwomyn Posts: 50 Member
    RELAX! When you were 107 lbs. heavier, you never thought about it, right? It's because you think about it that you are doing so well! I think we all think about it so much more than we ever did so it seems excessive. Just smile when you have these thoughts, know you are doing well and think of something else like how great you look!! I think as this really becomes your way of life everything will just some naturally and the thinking process will lessen. However, we can never stop thinking about it completely! lol You are doing and incredible job, keep up the good work. :drinker:
  • DyannAlvarez
    DyannAlvarez Posts: 162 Member
    Me too... And you're right! It sucks! I'm hoping that this is just where we are for the moment. I don't know about you but I'm pretty much preoccupied with this whole thing; meaning exercise, eating, not eating, when to weigh, should I weigh, what if I gain, what if I don't lose... It does go on and on. I'm hoping that "this too shall pass"! I'm hoping that life will "kick in" and the whole other aspect will fade into that, having become a routine and a part of me. I know this isn't an answer to your question! I'm not sure there is one. You and me both have to consider that we're new to this and I hope the newness will wear off in time. Good luck to you in your "mind control"!! :ohwell:
  • shellbones
    Can i first just say a big well done you must be so pleased with yourself. Its really hard to not think about food especially when you have enjoyed it for so long. I have only just started my weight loss program but have done many in my life. I once lost 7 stone myself and i had the same problem, all i can say is have a pint of sugar free squash fruit or a light sandwich this is how i concored the thought before hope i can do the same this time. I hope you can tackle this hurdle as you have achieved so much take care shell
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Congrats!!! You will always THINK about Food! (When I was over 500 lbs. ALL I thought about was FOOD and My Next FIX, when I was 170 lbs. ALL I thought about was FOOD, at My present weight I have embraced My GREAT CHALLENGE and that I LOVE to eat Food and I plan, plan, plan>>>Which is Thinking about FOOD, but I DO NOT EAT!) It is very normal because THIS (FOOD, Obesity...) is probably Your Great Challenge in Life. When you embrace that, and understand that YOUR Normal is NOT someone else's normal. FOOD ADDICTION is Your Great Challenge in Life...and mine. Ya know, I would not want to know what other addicts think about and how they overcome it. I am Grateful for My Great Challenge, it has made Me a better person...I'm more compassionate, introspective, empathetic, more willing to change, willing to take risks to succeed...The Challenge is usually NOT about the "Thing," it is usually about you; it's there to make YOU change.
  • tobitude
    tobitude Posts: 89 Member
    I learned years ago that those thoughts are born from a food addiction, I was told I would always have to deal with it. I was also given the advice to (as others have said) find other things to occupy my mind. I know this does not give you much hope. When food is all you think about it is hard to accomplish weight loss, but look at what you have done and that is amazing with what you deal with daily.
  • Juno99
    Juno99 Posts: 32 Member
    It's sound like your brain think you are depriving yourself of the food you once love. My advice is to acknowledge it and move on. For example, if you crave a burger, make yourself a healthy version of a MINI burger at home. Take one bite and savor it looong as you can. Tell yourself “there, I hope you happy” LOL. Don’t do this often, but just enough so you can move on with your life. Good luck to you and congratulation on your accomplishment.
  • ACarp24
    ACarp24 Posts: 90
    This might sound crazy, but it may be an unbelievably good thing that you obsess about your food. I know throughout this whole journey thinking about food has occupied a great deal of my time, but its that consciousness that has granted me success. As long as you can still function and its not keeping you from carrying out your normal life, I don't see a problem with it. You have done something amazing losing over 100 pounds! Be proud of yourself, and keep doing what you are, its working obviously. If it really is bothering you to think about not eating bad foods, it helps me to try and calculate how long I would have to exercise to burn off that food, or think about how I am going to look after this is all over. I think to myself, it will be worth it in the end to say no to this food, because the what, few minutes it would take me to wolf it down isn't worth destroying everything good I've been doing.
    hope this helps. chin up! you're doing great!
  • sunrizes
    sunrizes Posts: 12 Member
    I love your suggestion. My take away from your comment is that when the tape in my head about food starts to play, I just hit stop and put on a different one.
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    I don't know about you but I'm pretty much preoccupied with this whole thing; meaning exercise, eating, not eating, when to weigh, should I weigh, what if I gain, what if I don't lose... It does go on and on.
    That sounds just like me! :sad:
  • sarahlouisah
    i know what you mean i have turned into a diet bore
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    Since my last post things have improved so much!
    I'm back to my old self with regards to food, hardly ever thinking about it which is good!

  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Since my last post things have improved so much!
    I'm back to my old self with regards to food, hardly ever thinking about it which is good!


    That is wonderful news!!! Good for you!! You're truely an inspiration.
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    Since my last post things have improved so much!
    I'm back to my old self with regards to food, hardly ever thinking about it which is good!


    That is wonderful news!!! Good for you!! You're truely an inspiration.
    Thank you :)