Hi I am a newby at my fitness pal...need a little help!

This is a new start for me, I started 3weeks ago and lost already 10pound doing zumba am very happy....BUT have
trouble to stay away from some food that i should not be eating, Can any body tell me what I should do?


  • abray84
    abray84 Posts: 55
    The only advice I can really give you is you have to learn to discipline yourself...try not to keep those things in the house so u won't be tempted to eat them
  • niresupernova
    Don't deprive yourself or you could go crazy. Have a little bit of what you want, log it, then brush your teeth right away to help prevent you from returning back to your treats.
  • tabf1980
    tabf1980 Posts: 9
    I would say when you have a great exercising day then enjoy those foods you know you shouldn't eat to much of and it is a good idea not to have them in the house. Congrats on the 10lbs. Keep it up!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    The only advice I can really give you is you have to learn to discipline yourself...try not to keep those things in the house so u won't be tempted to eat them

    I have to second this one. Willpower is really key. For me, I just don't buy junk food any more. If it's not in the house, I can't eat it. I also try to keep healthy snacks with me all of the time so if I do get an urge to snack, I have something in my purse that I know is better for me than that bag of Cheetos or a Snickers bar out of the vending machine. I use little ziploc baggies and keep a stock of them filled with healthy treats at home for an easy grab-n-go.
  • cast59
    cast59 Posts: 77 Member
    i always find when i am craving something, i just do it. Get it out of your system and then move on.
    Just hopefully you dont have too many cravings. Since you track everything on MFP you will see how it affects your bottom line. Good luck.
  • m2005lee
    m2005lee Posts: 1
    I just started my weight loss journey as well, congrats on your loss so far! I have somewhat of the same problem you do, I have a major sweat tooth and have some problems staying away from the sweets. One thing that has helped me is not to deprive yourself of the foods you love, just cut back. If you completely deprive yourself, there is a greater chance you will purge for the food and overeat. But if you allow yourself to have it, in moderation, then that's ok. It's all about portion size and determination. You can do it, you can eat the foods you love as long as you account for them and watch your portions! Good luck, I hope this helps!
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    I agree...will power is key. I can't expect everyone around me (my kids, co-workers, etc.) to give up everything I need to give up. I really have to just walk away or just say "No, thank you." when asked if I want some. In the past week alone at work I said No Thank you to lunch brought in, birthday cake and drumstick ice cream cones (my boss had a craving so he bought some for everyone). I'm definitely not saying I don't eat sweets, pizza, etc. sometimes but I know it has to be sparingly and not everyday. Use this site to the max...log calories, exercise, friends for support, etc. I use MFP everyday more than once a day. All the best to you on your journey :smile:
  • beadulce29
    thank you very much and good luck to you as well!!!!!
  • beadulce29
    I thank all of you for all of your advice Thank you very much! :D
  • beadulce29
    Keep up your good work! people like you are the ones that keep me motivated, thank you for your advice!!!