You KNOW it's gonna be a long day when...........

I'm at work in the lunch room, put my Chocolate Cream protein shake mix into my shaker, start shaking, and the lid pops off on one side (even though I was holding the top) and thick chocolate blobs get splattered all over the walls, floor and counter tops!!! UGH!!! LMAO!!! :laugh:


  • bfnp
    bfnp Posts: 58
    lol nice work. get the mop! and a chocolate cream protein shake doesn't sound too bad.
  • formytwins
    formytwins Posts: 106
    That kind of makes the rest of the day seem bad. I hope you have another shake and don't have to go without lunch:) The day will get better...have a great day :happy:
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    Haha. I think worst part is that it looked so gross all over the walls and stuff!!

    Yes I did have another pack with me.

    The Chocolate Cream is the Myoplex Lite protein shake mix.. Yummmers!! :D
  • tinboy
    tinboy Posts: 121 Member
    I was also thinking...hope she has more!!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Oh, goodness, I did that once in my house with a smoothie. My blender has a hole in the top for a stirring stick and I didn't have the lid on right and the stick got caught and.... what a mess! I had purple goo on my 9 foot ceiling and the wall that is 12 feet away. Not to mention all over ME! In my hair and everything. What a job to clean it all up.

    Hope your day gets better from here!
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    OMG purple goo would be something too see!! hahaha!!

    Thanks for the laughs you guys!! Got me smiling!! :D

    I hope all of you have a great day as well!!