Anyone else HATE water?!?

Brooklyn5966 Posts: 18
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
I absolutely hate the taste the water..I know its not suppost to taste like anything but I hate them all. All brands all flavored water, I just hate it. I'm actaully very proud of myself for getting at least 2 glasses a day down. I've never been a big drinker of anything. I can make a can of pop go all day ( which I have gievn up pop by the way) all I drink now is ice tea, water or milk (usually with dinner.) So I'm asking any advice on how to keep myself hydrated with out all the calories. I love juice, gatorade and really anything but water, but I know they are loaded with calories and sugar. Any advice...much appreciate as I will continue to force feed myself water :)


  • RosieB405
    RosieB405 Posts: 150 Member
    I would start watering down some of your favorite drinks bc most drinks are full of sugar anyway start by putting half and half water in your juice and gatorade. I started this way and now everything seems to sweet when I drink it so I have to.
  • heb14
    heb14 Posts: 42 Member
    I always buy those mini packets of Crystal Light and carry a bunch in my purse, school bag, etc. That way, whenever I'm feeling like water is too boring, just toss a packet in a bottle of water and Viola! Tasty and refreshing. Be careful about which flavors you get--some range from 5 calories a packet up to 30-50 calories per packet. I love the strawberry (which has a little kick of caffeine in some) and the peach tea mango.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I used to hate it myself. Honestly it just took me a couple months of forcing it. I make it ice cold, I've noticed that makes a huge difference for me. Now I can drink water with any meal where as before I always had to have a soda or something just to have something with flavor. One other option, have you tried adding lemon or something to it?
  • deborahkidd
    deborahkidd Posts: 35 Member
    While water is the best thing to drink, you could also try gatorade G2 which is very low in calories.
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    I don't like the taste of tap water, but bottled mineral waters I don't have a problem with. I keep hearing people say that water doesn't have a flavour, but it definitely does.

    Of course I also drink Coke (Not diet, not decaffeinated not coke zero) and Irn Bru (A bright orange, full sugar caffeinated drink for anyone who's never heard of it.) so I get plenty of flavour throughout the day.
  • dkoppe
    dkoppe Posts: 1
    I did hate drinking water, now I'm used to it. Do you like Iced Tea unsweetened? Iced Tea unsweetened has 0 calories.
  • GFab
    GFab Posts: 75
    I could only drink water when I worked out, same problem just don't like the taste of it. I bought Lipton To Go iced tea and for what they recommend it-i would half it. So if they asked to put the whole packet into a bottle of water, I would put half in. Another thing you could try is lemons, just the juice. I don't seem to have a problem with drinking water anymore =). Hope that helps.
  • I would recommend water with fruit slices in it! That way you are keeping hydrated, getting the juicy flavor, and not using all your calories on liquids!
  • I used to hate water too, until I saw what it did for my body. Now I am the water bandwagon. It's definitely helped me lose 17 lbs in less than 3 months! Infact a few times in my journey I would see a huge fluctuation in my weight because I wasn't drinking enough. I don't drink anything else aside from coffee and Crystal light from time to time at dinner. I drink around 80-100 ounces a day.
  • I agree with watering down your favorite drinks. 1/2, 1/2. OR...
    I like to do 1/3,1/3,1/3.
    1/3 water, 1/3 carbonated water like perrier, 1/3 pomegranite juice, gatorade, crystal Lite..whatever your desire.
    I have even used black licorish tea as a 1/3 part.
    I definately think the carbonated water help to give you a little extra boost in the taste

    IMPORTANT! I try to keep jugs filled with my tea, crystal lite, or that I can make my 3 part drink quickly and hassle free.

    Good Luck!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I don't necessarily love it either...but after 3 months of making myself drink it, I crave it! When I feel like it's too boring my favorite are the Crystal Light Strawberry Banana packets...I've tried them all it's the only one I can stand. I might have one or two a day sometimes because those do have cals and artificial sweeteners...I don't use a whole packet, I half it in a glass, toooo sweet if I don't. Also adding lemon, cucumber, or some fruits makes water taste better too!
    I was a huge sweet tea drinker before but now it is entirely too sweet!
  • I was at a restaurant recently, and instead of lemon or the citrus that's usual, they put a slice of cucumber in the glass. Didn't make much of a difference to me, but my husband loved it.
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    I always buy those mini packets of Crystal Light and carry a bunch in my purse, school bag, etc. That way, whenever I'm feeling like water is too boring, just toss a packet in a bottle of water and Viola! Tasty and refreshing. Be careful about which flavors you get--some range from 5 calories a packet up to 30-50 calories per packet. I love the strawberry (which has a little kick of caffeine in some) and the peach tea mango.

    target's brand, market pantry, is calorie-free!
  • brandip80
    brandip80 Posts: 22 Member
    I would recommend water with fruit slices in it! That way you are keeping hydrated, getting the juicy flavor, and not using all your calories on liquids!

    squeezing fresh lemons will also give it a different taste.
  • jspaulding01
    jspaulding01 Posts: 11 Member
    I also HATE water! In the past I was lucky if I drank one 8 oz glass the entire day. I recently purchased a 22 0z glass water container called TAKEYA..It is surrounded by a rubber guard. you can order on line. I am now drinking about 3 or 4 of them a day! Squeeze a big of lemon or soak cucumber slices in your water...makes a HUGE difference. You will see that you actually like water..You will know longer taste the plastic that every water bottles has.

    Good luck!
  • kellykaye_xo
    kellykaye_xo Posts: 66 Member
    I would recommend water with fruit slices in it! That way you are keeping hydrated, getting the juicy flavor, and not using all your calories on liquids!

    I love to do this! You can add orange slices, strawberries, lemons, even cucumbers to change up the flavor without adding sugar or artificial sweeteners.
  • aset132
    aset132 Posts: 91
    Not a big fan either. Try Gatorade G2, it's low cal and isn't as sweet. Decaf tea is good too!
  • I drink ice water at my desk job all day and it really helps suppress hunger, hydrate me, and it gives me something to do. I'm a pretty fidgety person, so the ice makes me feel like I'm eating something when really I'm getting my water intake for the day. Of course it helps I have an ice machine at my work =)

    I drink unsweet tea with lemon when I go out to eat.
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    I also dislike water because i crave a 'fizz' but i've found my miracle drink...

    Pellegrino Sparkling water w/ Lemonade Crystal Light.

    Carefull Mixing, May explode. LOL

    Tastes great!
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    I always buy those mini packets of Crystal Light and carry a bunch in my purse, school bag, etc. That way, whenever I'm feeling like water is too boring, just toss a packet in a bottle of water and Viola! Tasty and refreshing. Be careful about which flavors you get--some range from 5 calories a packet up to 30-50 calories per packet. I love the strawberry (which has a little kick of caffeine in some) and the peach tea mango.

    I use these sometimes, but I only add half the package to the same amount of water.
    Or I will add fresh lemon or lime, or frozen strawberries or raspberries to it.

    I don't like bottled water, so I mostly drink tap water. (I can tell the difference, anyone who says water has no taste is not being honest!!
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