Brand new Started 3/26 - looking for freinds

Just getting started on here as of 3/26 but have started my new eating plan on 3/14 have lost about 12 pounds so far and feel great. I am a type 2 Diabetic with over 100 pounds to lose I have decided that the plan that I can stay with the best long term is a lower Carb plan 100 grams a day or less which also helps me being a diabetic. My body has reacted great to the change in carb intake and I honestly can say I have not been hungry at all since I started. I guess I should mention I am married to a great girl and love of my life for the last 14 years and we are blessed with 3 kids. A 10 yr old girl, a 6 yr old boy, and a 2 year old boy. I am doing this for a few reasons, first I needed to do this for me, and I realizied I was a very poor example for my wife and kids and needed to change for them just as much as for me. So here we go I would love to have some friends who can relate to where I am at and help each other along the way. As of today I am 265 with a goal weight around 160. God bless to all.


  • geetarGayle
    God Bless and welcome !
  • Kiwijay
    Kiwijay Posts: 216
    :flowerforyou: Welcome along and good luck with your journey, looks like you are well on your way WELL DONE. Feel free to add me. It's an amazingly supportive community all here to help each other where possible
  • vodkaswigger
    Welcome, its my 4th day and the site is great for support and motivation, Good luck with your journey,feel free to add me for support xx
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Hi there! Welcome to the site. I started at 253 and I'm aiming for 153, so sounds like we're in a similar boat. I think you'll find lots of great tools here and very supportive folks. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like, and good luck to you with all of your goals.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    Good for you!!!! That's awesome that you've already lost! I bet you're feeling great! I too have around 100 lbs to lose. And I've finally found a "diet" or eating program that I like and it's been three days. So I hope to be where you are soon with your loss!

    I am not diabetic or even pre yet, but I consume sugar like it's air. And I know that if I don't do something about it now, I'll be well on my path to being diabetic so I'm doing this to be healthy and preventive too. Plus, my fiancee and I will start to have a family in another year or so so I want to be healthy! As of today I am 275 with a goal of 175. So I'll give you any encouragement I can and take it as well! Good luck!!!!
  • oreyna49
    oreyna49 Posts: 152
    Sounds like we have things in common....Good Luck on your Journey!!!!!!!!1
  • Patecakers
    This site is definitely great motivation and I like to consider my MFP friends as extended family for their never ending support and love they have shown me....My family is welcome for more growth so if you'd like to have a positive upbeat person who will support you in your journey definitely feel free to add me!!! This goes for everyone on this chain!! the more the merrier!
  • AndyAt160lbs
    AndyAt160lbs Posts: 44 Member
    Wow what a response thank you everyone for the love and support.....