Emotional eating

sunrizes Posts: 12 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
OK new friends. This is where the rubber hits the road. I am dealing with an ugly situation with my husband's former spouse and our children from that marriage and the courts. I am so upset I want to eat b/c of the pit in my stomach. That was the old me...I have to fight it. Help...


  • Keep your MFP window up and think about how many calories you'll have to burn exercising if you decide to go there.... either that, or make some Smart Pop popcorn air popped with Molly Mcbutter sprinkled on top? That always works for me. 5 cups of popcorn equals about 100 or 120 calories and you get to munch!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Don't do it!! It might feel good right now, but in a couple hours you are just going to feel worse about it. Pick up a book, or go for a car ride. This ALWAYS help me feel better!! Just picture you nice skinny self.. you don't need that food. You are stonger than that!!
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    If you're upset, maybe try working out your emotions with exercise. I know nothing helps me quite like being explosively active when I'm angry, frustrated or upset. And afterwards, if you still feel like eating something, you've got a few more calories to play with. :laugh:
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    I hit the gym during stressful times to "workout" the urges. Don't completely ignore your urge...just replace the bad snacks with more healthy choice...like bell peppers, almonds, fruit, etc.
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    I am a big emotional eater myself so I know how you feel. Don't do it. You'll feel much worse as soon as you are done with your last bite. Distract yourself. Go for a walk if you can, jump rope, do some yoga, take a bath, write down some actions that might help with the bad situation...
  • vilmut
    vilmut Posts: 1 Member
    I'm out of work now and i feel the same, just want to eat cos i'm bored !! but thats why i try to loose weight :) buy lots of fruit, apple, pears, tomatoe, cucumber and snack on them :) dip in hummus. try to eat every 4hours and snack with fruit :) thats what i do.. i know it's bad, cos i still think of food :/ but at least i try no to eat any sweet things,and i fit in my calorie goal :) (most times) :))
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    dont do it it will just make you feel worse in the long run!!you can try to take out your stress by exercising
  • I am an emotional eater too, just like many of us! I try to leave the house and go for a drive and the store to keep myself busy so I don't think about it as much. It's hard, but think about how terrible you will feel after you eat all that food when you know you weren't even hungry. :(
  • orchid100
    orchid100 Posts: 40 Member
    Life can be so, so hard and unfair at times (brother going thru similar sounding problems :( !) .... but my escape is music and walking!! takes you away from the temptations in the house, just get away into a zone where you can walk off your emotions and help you calm down a little. It never takes the problems away and know it wont work for everyone but that little moment of 'YOU' time can make such a difference

    Good luck & take care

    Tracey x
  • I know exactly where you're coming from. Stay strong. Go for a run or brisk walk ... or what I like to do when I'm upset is CLEAN. Anything and everything. I love to clean anyway but crank up the music and stay busy.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    Drink plenty of water to stay full, and exercise to relieve the stress.....I am thinking kickboxing with his ex as your mental target. And of course come here for support, which is exactly what you did....do good job. And hugs....I hope I all works out for you guys.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Find a more productive way of coping with stress. It may be hard, but turning to food will only feed that stress exponentially. As suggested, exercise or doing something active which will relieve stress. It stimulates the production of dopamine in the brain, which is the body's natural anti-depressant and can provide feelings of elation.
  • maurapie
    maurapie Posts: 48 Member
    It is so great that you came here for support rather than just caving in to the craving. I'm also an emotional eater, sometimes when it's really bad, I think "screw it, it doesn't even matter" but it does! And I feel SOO terrible after. You already beat a good part of the battle by staying strong and looking for support. Everyone has had a lot of great ideas so far. I like to take my anger out with cleaning sometimes, but I also REALLY like the kick boxing idea. Hey, maybe you can even find a punching bag (or pillow!) to help get your frustrations out. When you get past this feeling successfully, you will feel so good about yourself, and you deserve to feel amazing :)
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I used to be much worse with emotional eating, but I am getting better. Whenever I think I am hungry I pause, close my eyes and think "is my body really in need of food? Or is this something else". If my body is hungry I will choose something nutritious, if not then I will think about what it is that is making me want to eat. Journaling helps, talking to people you trust or going for a walk and thinking about it. Use the energy towards something positive.

    I high recommend the book Women Food and God by Geneen Roth. It has really helped me heal and get a grip on emotional eating.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I totally know where you are coming from, last year I put on a stack of weight while my son was going through a fight with cancer. However, during a difficult situation this year I have a planned creative project I am focussing on to take my mind off things that are bothering me. So, at night I'm either doing exercise or working on my project. It has worked!

    If hunger isn't the problem, food is not the solution.


  • OhItsOn
    OhItsOn Posts: 36
    As most people have said.... find something else to work through your emotions... walking, hit the gym, read a book, watch a movie. I keep "healthier" snacks on hand for such emergency situations... in my case, it's usually my TOM. I also make myself drink a HUGE glass of water before I give in to any snacking. After water and a walk around the block, if you still are hungry then eat some fresh veggies... foods that you can eat a lot of and have very little calories.

    The key is to stop and think first.... are you eating because you are actually hungry? Or is it for comfort?

    Another thing that helps me deal with emotional eating... before you put any food in your mouth... add it into your daily food log... once you see the amount of calories, then decide if it's worth it.

    Like they say... "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." (Although, I prefer fit & healthy to skinny, but you get the idea.)

    Sorry you are going through some tough situations at the moment. I hope things get better for you soon. Keep your head up and keep coming here for support... and if you just have to eat something... think before you eat & make better choices.
  • sunrizes
    sunrizes Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all for the wonderful support. I did get on the treadmill and I am calmer. I am going to remember the success this time because these battles have been going on for 4 years and there is no end in sight. I have proven to myself (with all of your help) that I don't need to use food to make it through. Thank you more for all being so supportive without allowing me excuses. Hugs to you all!
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    In the midst of an ugly divorce, I was a two-pack a day smoker. Suddenly during the highest stress of my life I realized I'd started smoking again when I married him. I decided to go ahead and link the bad behavior (smoking) as a kind of bond with him. Right then and there I got mad and stopped. If that would work for you, use it and don't let them control your life!
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