
100poundstolose Posts: 43
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm supposed to work out for 30 minutes 3 times a week.
The only thing I really have access to is a treadmill.
Is there anything more exciting that I can do?


  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    Do you have access to a tv and DVD player? I do Kettlebell workouts which are really tough but a lot of fun. Or some of the Jillian mIchaels DVD's? Or really any excercise dvd's!
  • sharoniballoni
    sharoniballoni Posts: 163 Member
    jump rope (or just jump if you have no rope), ab work, push-ups, walking lunges... lots of things you can do without equipment. good luck!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Try going for a brisk walk or jog outside, I like that much better than the treadmill.

    Also there are some great workout dvds available at walmart/target kinda stores for less than 20 dollars each (many for only 10).
  • Treadmills can get very monotonous if that is all you do. Try a couple cardio dvd's - get a variety because I find if I do 3-4 different kinds of workouts each week its much better. I have enjoyed Tae-Bo (Billy Blanks) and I know that Jillian Michaels has a good cardio one.
  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    You can find online videos and routines for some basic yoga poses.
  • youtube has several short Zumba video's.. Talk about a calorie burner and fun!!
  • nickyb632
    nickyb632 Posts: 98 Member
    put on some music & dance! It's fun and makes 30 min go by super fast!
  • put on some music & dance! It's fun and makes 30 min go by super fast!

    I do this ALL the time.
    I didn't even think about the calories being burned.
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    Bodyrock.tv.com and toneitup.com both have excellent workout videos on their site, and are free to watch. Toneitup also gives daily challenges so you can change it up and not get bored with the same old workouts. I think there are also Zumba videos on youtube you could check out.
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    1. Start off slow. Don't kill yourself by pushing too hard, because I'm sure we can all say that we've all felt it, you'll be sore. You'll have such a hard time moving the next day if you push too hard on day or even week 1 that you might not get your 3 work outs in.

    2. Figure out for yourself what you like to do. Do you like to dance? DO you like to walk? bike? join a gym? workout videos? Tennis? the list goes on. It doesn't matter what other people are doing for workouts, it's all about what you find enjoyment doing. That is how you will make this work for yourself. Think less workout and more play time.

    3. Try lots of different things, you never know what you might like even if you think you might not like it.

    4. Never be scared or self concious to join a gym. The secret about the gym is that everyone is there to work on themselves, that they are too preoccupied with themselves to notice you (not meaning that in a bad way :smile: )

    5. Remember to eat and hydrate. Never workout on an empty stomach, you run the risk of injuring yourself (muscularly or physically - i'm talking passing out on the treadmill type physically). Try to eat 1-1.5hrs before you work out or something small like some almonds 30 mins before you work out. Always bring some water with you and take as many water breaks as you need

    6. Workout at your own pace. Even if you are in a group exercise class. DONT HURT YOURSELF!

    7. Have fun!
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