Protein shake I bought yesterday...

Okay I bought my first jar of powder protien shake...chocolate...of course. It said to put one scoop in eight oz. water...okay thats easy. I put it in the blender and it was just as runny as the water...blah...i poured it out. Now I know you can add fruits and diffrent things but what if I dont want to. I mean do people really drink it like this? I wanted it yo be creamy at least a little...kinda like slim fast.HELP!


  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    Try adding ice to make is more of a slush and not so runny..try a couple of cubes then add as you want.
  • kimiel
    kimiel Posts: 108
    I put some almond milk into the blender first and then add a full scoop of protein powder. It is always thick and creamy. I have never done water though!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Water with protein powder does NOT sound appetizing. I would use skim milk and ice cubes or even frozen skim milk cubes. :happy:
  • SueSee
    SueSee Posts: 65
    That's what I use, Almond milk. A cup is only 60 calories, and it tastes delicious.
  • jade3599
    jade3599 Posts: 22
    WELL I found that the proteins that you mix with water are all most that way. The ones you mix w/milk seem to dissolve better. I used to work at a gym and we sold these protein shaker's. They were specially made to mix ALL protein nutritional shakes. You should be able to find them still at local health stores. THEY WORK to take out the clumps, so you don't end up with watery runny clumpy!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    I add ice to mine! I also use 1% Milk and peanut butter...yum, yum, YUMMY! :smile:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Use almond milk.
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    I bought whey protein from Costco-it is the makers of Muscle Milk. It is pretty creamy. I don't blend it, but stir it pretty good and add ice cubes whole. I like it really cold. As someone said blending the ice will give you a thicker texture and sometimes that does make it better, but as I said- Costco and it only has like 2 or 3 grams of sugar!!!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I like mine with skim milk or almond milk.

    If you absolutely need to use water, I try to use less water. It tastes rather bad, but makes it more like a shot that I can down quick and be done with.

    But if you are going to drink calories, why not make it delicious?? :D
    add crushed ice: u can also put p-nut butter (1tsp/tbsp) banana, & anything that tastes good w/ chocolate if u like.....however do not forget to add the items to your calorie intake...................ENJOY...............
  • Calidaho
    Calidaho Posts: 110 Member
    Ice is a must!! Or some frozen berries.
  • jeaniedev
    jeaniedev Posts: 117 Member
    I Love my Choc protein shakes in fact I have one every day.when I get Homes from the scoop with 6-8 ounces of water and probably. 6 ice cubes..if I am using it ad my lunch I add a banana Ans some strawberries. Otherwise water ice powder and I am done I love them. I don't add milk BC it adds calories and they all count to me so.....hope it helps
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I often have it with just water. Yes, it's a bit thin. I don't really mind it. Sort of an acquired taste.

    Also, I once tried one called Met-Rx Protein Plus, and that one was much thicker than others for some reason.
  • Alviraj
    Alviraj Posts: 9 Member
    If you put about 4 ounces of ice in the blender it should be thicker. I always use fruit or juice, because the powder alone is terrible. I'm sure athletes drink it plain.
  • Tamiash
    Tamiash Posts: 106 Member
    Some times i throw in a yogurt, That really helps thicken. Also, never used water before...even sounds boring. Almond milk or So Delicious Milk. Makes for creamy!
  • smithke79
    I take protein powder mixed with water, it is a little odd but not too bad. Not sure if ice would make it much better. I have heard some people mix their powder with milk, although that will add more calories. They are more expensive but the pre mixed shakes are more creamy like you are looking for. EAS makes a good ready-to-drink protein drink. I think its the Myoplex, comes in a few flavors. I used to be around $4 for a 4 pack at Walmart. Hope you find something that works well for you.
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    I made one with powder, ice, a little bit of almond milk, and a little nautral peanut butter and it was so yummy
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I take protein powder mixed with water, it is a little odd but not too bad. Not sure if ice would make it much better. I have heard some people mix their powder with milk, although that will add more calories. They are more expensive but the pre mixed shakes are more creamy like you are looking for. EAS makes a good ready-to-drink protein drink. I think its the Myoplex, comes in a few flavors. I used to be around $4 for a 4 pack at Walmart. Hope you find something that works well for you.

    Myoplex is great... thick and creamy. I have one (or two) every day. But it's a bit of a different animal. It's a "meal replacement", containing 22g of carb per serving, in addition to the 42g protein. Something to be aware of, as it's not a direct replacement for plain old whey.
  • jlm1182
    jlm1182 Posts: 19
    It might matter what brand you get. I work at a health food store and get to try alot of different shakes. My favorites are the Spirutein brand. They come is the tastiest flavors too. I mix them with 1 cup (8oz) skim milk per scoop. (scoop provided in canister)
    I got a really great mixer bottle too called a Blender Bottle. I got mine at GNC since my store didnt sell them. They're dishwasher safe and bpa free. Totally awesome. Hope this helps:)
  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    i use banana (1/4), strawberry (2 cut up) almond milk, protein powder, and sometimes a lil bit o peanut butter ;)