Recommendation for Appetite Suppressant?



  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    I take a Dexatrim Max in the middle of the day when I know that I am going out or eating late or whatever. That, with lots of water. That way I'm not starving when I first get home (that's when I tend to want to eat everything in sight). I do not use them every day, and would not recommend anyone doing so, but once in a while I find them very helpful in curbing the appetite.
  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    I take a Dexatrim Max in the middle of the day when I know that I am going out or eating late or whatever. That, with lots of water. That way I'm not starving when I first get home (that's when I tend to want to eat everything in sight). I do not use them every day, and would not recommend anyone doing so, but once in a while I find them very helpful in curbing the appetite.
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    What is frustrating is that any substitute helps reaffirm the need to entertain ourselves by putting things in our mouths. Can anyone relate? I read once a quote from a food addict (which I admit I also am) that said, "How pitiful is it if the ONLY thing I can think to do with myself is to eat?"

    It's not that I'm successful at this yet, but am trying to get up and do something if I'm stressed or bored or whatever, or get busy looking up something interesting on the computer, or something, anything other than putting something in my mouth.

    Like all the suggestions folks, this is just another to add to the arsenal :wink:
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526

    20sec:40sec circuit training for about ten minutes (or more). 20 seconds of vigorous jumping jacks, running in place, mock jump roping followed with 40 seconds of simple strength/resistance stuffs (push ups, holding a squatting position). When you're done you'll be too tired to want to eat. :-D
  • I can't chew on ice. My pain from the cold in my fillings and teeth would send me right over the roof! :( BUT...maybe when it's hot outside this summer, I'll give it a shot since I'm brushing my teeth now with Synsodine.

    Thanks for the advice though!
    When I am hungry or bored I chew on crushed ice! It works great. It's almost like it tricks the mind.
  • Ive been trying to chew the Extra sugar free Dessert flavors. They helped for awhile but ...not recently :( So that's a no go.

    I actually eat quite a bit of protein, from boiled eggs, to Carbmaster yogurt from Kroger, to old fashioned oatmeal. Unfortunately after awhile some of these foods get so...boring or old or whatever. I need variety.

    But I eat a good breakfast of oatmeal with cinnamon or one whole egg with two egg whites, scrambled and on Sara Lee Delightful bread to make an egg sandwich.

    Morning snack is a carbmaster yogurt and six almonds or two boiled eggs (one whole, one just the egg white)

    Lunch is usually soup or sandwich on Sara Lee delightful bread.

    I workout about two hours after lunch

    Then I have another yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit when I'm done with the workout

    Supper is usually more protien and veggies than carbs.

    If I'm doing good, I follow this pretty good. But it's still hard when there are other people eating salty or sweet foods around me, or I get bored bored bored.... Once i get busy, I can go all day with no slips or issues. At night and on weekends when the weather is good, I'm outside working on the yard and doing projects. I drink lots of water there too but also don't need munchies because I'm busy and by the time I get inside i'm too tired to want food.
    I would reccomend AGAINST gum and really try to cut down on your sugar intake if you are finding yourself hungry. Sugar sends messages to your brain to keep eating and all sorts of fun things.

    Instead look for: High protein and/or high fiber- especially early in the day. Eggs, Oatmeal (not the Quaker instant packets, but Quaker plain with a banana or other fruit. ) or peanut butter toast (more peanut butter, less toast). Greek yogurt is also really filling and also plan when you will snack and snack frequently. The assurance of knowing you have a "set time" and an upcoming snack helps you take your mind off of being hungry.
  • I know my trainer said Cinnamon is a good thermogenic. So Cinnamon capsules? Hmmmm...might be willing to try that (Along with ALL the water I need to be drinking more than my 8 glasses a day) :)
    Cinnamon capsules have been working very well for me
  • sheilamo
    sheilamo Posts: 115 Member
    Your probably going to think this is crazy.... but here is what I do.

    I brush my teeth when I start realizing that I'm getting to that time (let's say I've already had my snack) and still hungry.

    Brush my teeth, load my 44oz cup with water, lots of ice, a little lemon and I try to drink the water before the ice cubes melt (hey, I live in South Texas, it works down here! LOL)

    Yes, it's like a little game that I play with myself...

    I know, I know. When I start the sentence out with : "you might think I'm crazy"....
  • Do you use Green Tea mint or just plain black tea mint?

    What kind of honey? Raw or processed?
    I also have a boring job and had the same problem, I drink mint tea with a teaspoon of honey in it - works for me :)
  • NavyWifeag
    NavyWifeag Posts: 36 Member
    Drink green tea. The sipping gives you something to do. I did this a lot when I was a news producer. Green tea can also suppress your appetite and aide in weight loss.
  • If I could do this in my cubical without people calling the funny farm on me, I would but my cubical is small and there's no place to do it really that I won't get looked at or asked questions. But it's a good idea for when I'm home and wanting a snack...

    Thanks for the advice!

    20sec:40sec circuit training for about ten minutes (or more). 20 seconds of vigorous jumping jacks, running in place, mock jump roping followed with 40 seconds of simple strength/resistance stuffs (push ups, holding a squatting position). When you're done you'll be too tired to want to eat. :-D
  • I don't think any of you are crazy or any of this is crazy.

    I obviously need to drink lots lots lots more water but I'm going to have to leave off some of the ice. If the water is too cold, it hurts my sinuses and teeth. :( I've also learned the trick that if you drink through a straw, you drink more than you realize.

    So that's how I drink my water all the time...with a straw, so too cold makes my sinus's huuuuurt!
    Your probably going to think this is crazy.... but here is what I do.

    I brush my teeth when I start realizing that I'm getting to that time (let's say I've already had my snack) and still hungry.

    Brush my teeth, load my 44oz cup with water, lots of ice, a little lemon and I try to drink the water before the ice cubes melt (hey, I live in South Texas, it works down here! LOL)

    Yes, it's like a little game that I play with myself...

    I know, I know. When I start the sentence out with : "you might think I'm crazy"....
  • Do you have a Brand of tea that you like?
    Drink green tea. The sipping gives you something to do. I did this a lot when I was a news producer. Green tea can also suppress your appetite and aide in weight loss.
  • There are? Any idea where I can find info on these groups?
    um..there are groups for food addicts.
  • bitterbb
    bitterbb Posts: 10 Member
    Google PhenPro.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Cinnamon Capsules??? That's something new to me.

    Everyone already said my suggestion, water. I've been doing tea lately too. ANd I agree 100% with the poster that mentioned the shrinking stomach. I'd keep away from apetite supressants because what's going to happen after you come off them?
  • jenluvs2sing
    jenluvs2sing Posts: 50 Member
    Sounds like you're eating good food but I might suggest trying more fiber. Have you ever tried fiber pills? I know they have fiber powder you can add to food and things. This along with more water will definitely fill your stomach longer. I love salads and try to eat them at the end of my meal European style because the fiber from the lettuce takes longer to digest leaving you fuller longer. The thought of appetite suppressants is a little scary to me which is why I don't have any suggestions for you. I really don't like plain water so I do drink Crystal Light or make tea, my favorite being Peppermint tea from Teavana. With a little Splenda, I drink quite a bit. I have a much easier time drinking tea than drinking water. Anyway, doesn't hurt to try a few different things as no one thing will work for everyone. I definitely recommend fiber though, it also helps with blood sugar. :)
  • jenluvs2sing
    jenluvs2sing Posts: 50 Member
    Cinnamon Capsules??? That's something new to me.

    I heard about these a while ago in connection to helping lower blood sugar as I am diabetic. Never noticed any difference, in either my blood sugar or appetite.
  • marrero210
    marrero210 Posts: 4 Member
    I have started eating licorice, not twizzlers, real licorice. 3 pieces is 130 calories. the pieces are big and the flavoring is so heavy that it leaves me not wanting to eat anything for at least a few hours. Give it a try :-)
  • Kalena1954
    Kalena1954 Posts: 2 Member
    I also eat when I'm bored and the first thing I do is grab the water. But make sure to take your breaks and get away from your job. I go out side with co-workers both morning and afternoon breaks and walk, rain or shine and in the great Pacific NW we get our share of rain! We do a 1 mile loop in 15 minutes and it really clears your head, it also makes the day go faster and takes your mind off being bored.
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