Jalachri Posts: 47
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
So I eat my 1200 calories that im supposed to everyday and then I exercise and it always bumps my calories up but I never eat those calories it gives me for exercising. Then when I complete my diary for the day it says im under my calorie intake and I wont lose as much. So should I eat the calories it gives me for exercising too or I wont lose as much?


  • wilyz
    wilyz Posts: 37
    eat them calories
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Yes your daily calorix intake is based on normal activity, the more active you are the more calories you need. To few calories and your body will get to weak to be active and also you will stop loosing and start storing
  • mektnf04
    mektnf04 Posts: 22
    It should only say that if you are under 1200 calories because it suggests that you eat that many calories minimum per day. It is up to you if you feel you need to eat those calories...I try not to.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    MFP seems to be quite generous with the exercise calories. I tend to eat about half of them.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    So I eat my 1200 calories that im supposed to everyday and then I exercise and it always bumps my calories up but I never eat those calories it gives me for exercising. Then when I complete my diary for the day it says im under my calorie intake and I wont lose as much. So should I eat the calories it gives me for exercising too or I wont lose as much?

    Eat them!! Check out the links in my signature for a little more complete info why. Good luck with everything!!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Yes, eat them, your body needs fuel when you exercise.
    Remember that MFP has built in a calorie deficit for you, so that you will lose weight even when you eat all your calories.
  • fodorl
    fodorl Posts: 12
    Once in a great while, I do eat the calories burned, but mostly I do not! Just watch that ur body dosent go into starvation mode.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    When you exercise are you using a HRM? if you eat your exercise calories and your not using may end up eating to many calories.
  • cmholsonbake
    cmholsonbake Posts: 6 Member
    That's weird, it never warns me that I'm eating too little calories unless I am under 1200 (regardless of exercise calories earned). But yeah, like everyone else said, it's probably best not to eat them all... maybe half.
  • 1200 calories is not meant for excersizing! If you eat 1200 calories and work out your metabolism will slow down and you will eventually not loose any weight because it will think it is starving. Keeing your metabolism up ( eat breakfast ) and small healthy meals all day and drink lots of water to wash the fat from the cells out of your body. Increase calories if you excersize. Hope this helps.
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