I went slightly over my calorie count..

ravennessa Posts: 13
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
Ok, so its my second day, of course my female week shows up, I turn hormonal and irretable and I can NOT stuff my face which I normally do... I am a horrible comfort eater.. when I was younger, living on a farm you couldn't tell cause I burned it all, moving to the US, difference in food and life style but kept the amount of food (I can make most grown men feel like they eat like a mouse) really didn't help my weight...

I was a size 8 at 180 lbs when I arrived four years ago, I went as high as 270 for a while and a size 22, now I am a size 18 and 230...

However, yesterday when I had a 16h workshift, I couldn't even remotely eat all my calories, I translated 8h of work in the retail store I work with which is constant movement to 4h of riverbank fishing, I had a busy workday so I barely stood still any of the 16h so I am pretty sure I on top of it undercalculated to be on the safe side...

Today however I only had one work shift and only my 1900 calories, yesterday I had 1100 calories over when I went to bed, I went over with 310 calories now in the evening time with one banana and one little bag of raisinettes (I wasted calories earlier on a donut i know its bad...) but with my bad day I just needed something..

My bf said that you can carry over calories for like a day or so, so it wasn't that bad... esp since I had somewhat more nutrional evenin snack (I work 3-11PM)..

I am feeling so guilty I am contemplating taking the dog out for an hourly walk and burn it off...
Do I have to worry or??? How bad is it? Of course I know that tomorrow I have to stick to it or under, but to do this once in a while will it be bad?


  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    That happens to me a lot too. Don't stress yourself about it. If one day you eat less and the next day you eat more, the body will know what to do to compensate. Trust your body while you slowly work towards finding a daily intake balance. It'll happen. Be patient with yourself.

    However, if over-eating one day is causing you psychological stress that you just can't ease, then I say yes, go for a walk. Tis better to feel de-stressed before bed and sleep well then have a night of restlessness feeling guilty and lacking energy the next day to work out.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    you'll be fine. once in a while will not undo you. especially if you're a bit under most days. we always say, tomorrow is another day, full of good choices. in fact, most people choose a day and work in one crazy meal or snack so they can feel like they indulged and still don't go over.

    and if you have any worries or concerns, just do a forum search. trust me, there's nothing new here. i've only been here a month myself, and i've already seen SO MANY repeats of the typical questions. your answers are here.

    and don't forget to enjoy your journey every once in awhile. take care of you. that's what you're here for.
  • The worst thing you can is to stress over the day. Just start over the next day. Enjoy!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    If I'm way under one day I don't worry if I go a bit over the next day, because basically it all evens out. You do need to fuel yourself appropriate to your activity.

    When I was stressing about my goals, this was helpful for me. It helped keep me on track to know I had a little wiggle room.

    It dawned on me that it's not hitting a number exactly, but falling within a range consistently...
    So, I went to the goals section and kept playing with the data I input. to get the following info
    You can figure out yours, but here's the idea...

    To lose 1lb/week I get 1240 cal (target)

    To lose 1/2lb/week I get 1470 cal

    To maintain my GOAL weight I get 1670 cal
    ....unless I consistently go over my target by 400 cal
    I should still lose (maybe a little more slowly, but no reason to throw in the towel).

    To maintain my CURRENT weight I get 1720 cal
    ....unless I consistently go over my target goal 500 cal
    I should not gain. So I'm not losing any ground. (I can take a break and then pick-up where I left off)

    Even if I am not hitting every goal dead on I'm still doing much than I was before MFP.
    which, for me, is reason enough to stick with it.

    Remember, it's not about being perfect it's about doing better.
    No matter where you start from it's all about taking baby steps.
    Later you look back and realize that all those baby steps add up to something substantial.

    I'll never stick to this if I'm feeling deprived all the time. My goal is to be healthy well into my eighties.

    Also recently read a couple of articles, one said that one factor in successful weight loss is having measurable goals.
    I think this site is great for that. The other said that the slower you lose weight the more likely you are to keep it off.

    Good Luck! Keep at it!
  • Thank you guys.... I do feel a bit better now... Its been a stressy two weeks and with hormones I just blew up today..
    I also realised that when they do the daily count they count on a reg 40 h work week, tomorrow I work extra 5 h that is not calculated into it so that again would be concidered exercise Thank god, and it will be busy so..

    in fact I have work already in about 6 h again so I should prolly get some food, esp before the hunger comes back...
    I really appreciate the comments I needed to read it to feel that I didnt fault myself already... <3
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