New Member - Hoping To Find Motivation

SASPaladin Posts: 9
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys,

I am a new member to this website. A guy in my office used myfitnesspal on his iphone and seems to like it. So i figured i would try it out and see if it could help me as well.

A little about me.

My starting weight is 225lbs.
I am 5'8. I am 23 years old.
I live in Ontario Canada.
I am getting married on June 22, 2012.

My goal weight is 180lbs.

I have an office job, so my activity level throughout the day is very lacking. I HAD a gym membership...but never used I got rid of I need to figure out a way to workout at home with very limited equipment and space.

Im the kind of person who starts something then stops when it gets even a little bit difficult. I dont want that to happen this time.

Any and all help from any members on here would be greatly appreciated.

I look forward to meeting people on here.


  • concrats on the engagement!! There is alot of suport here atMFP you should have no trouble with that. Good luck
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    Welcome, this site is awesome!! I get so much support from my mfp friends, which makes it so much easier to keep going I also really want to do this! Feel free to add me:) congrats on your engagement!!!
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Congrats on starting with MFP! I have done just about every diet and this one does work since it really isn't a diet. I have found the best way to lose is to track everything that I eat and drink. It does work because you can see where the food is going. Also great app for the phone (way better than spark & WW)! Good luck to your weight loss journey & wedding planning!
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    i am in a similar situation with work and i cancelled my gym, but i have just ordered 30 day shred which i cant wait to do at home (have a look at the reviews, that should be enought to motivate you!)

    Invest in some hand weights and the rest you can do by following some online classes or dvd's infront of the tele. Walking doesnt cost anything and is a great calorie burner.

    Start slow and soon you will be able to keep yourself motivated. Also why not check out c25k, great for beginners who want to get into running.

    good luck :o)
  • P90X
    Rushfit (new)
    Tony Horton One on One

    These are great at home workouts that will give you results, trust me I was in your shoes. I quit my gym and wanted to workout at home.

    Insanity doesn't require equipment, just your body weight.
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    Hello and welcome here. It's great. I'm in the middle of the 30 day shred and am planning to do insanity after. But if you just want to start really with something easier, look at Leslie Sansone 5 mile walk (or the other walks). I can burn about 400 cals in that hour with her. And you don't need any equipment or much space. It was a great started for me and I'm still walking with her few times a week now. You will find lots of inspiration here from other people (I never even heard of stuff like insanity, P90X or Jillian "the evil monster we all love to hate" Micheals (love her, really) until I joined MFP. :smile:
  • Thanks for the replies everyone, Im hoping this is the beginning of something good and not just another thing i end up quitting in a week or two :(

    And yes 30 day shred sounds like it will be a good place to it doable at home with minimal equipment?
  • advocacy
    advocacy Posts: 8
    Hey...this is all very very simple - at the end of the day you want to burn more calories than you consume. So - log all of your food and do stuff. Go for a walk with your beautiful fiance, bike rides, etc. Find physical activity that you ENJOY! I hate running so I don't do it but try everything you can.

    Good Luck!!! I will promise you - if you stick to this for a couple of weeks you will see the changes in the mirror. THAT will motivate you more than anything else. The positive results keep you wanting more and more.
  • Thats what ive been missing is the results...I would work out for a week and not see anything so i gave up on it all...i HAVE to stick to it this time im not going to let myself turn around

    this isnt just for me either its for me and my fiance...also i play paintball alot and i could use the extra stamina for that as well! haha
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member

    Welcome to the site.

    Your first battle is already won as you have a tremendous source of motivation with your pending wedding.The site is fantastic for support so you wont be lacking for that.You should add a team of friends to help you through,its so much easier than on your own and use the forum to help get any advice that you require,there will always be someone to help
    With regards to your exercise,with working indoor all day,why limit yourself to working out indoors,why not get outside and exercise,the fresh air will help so much,I know it does me,in fact I now work outside mainly walking, so much more than going to the gym.If you dont run,then like I say walking is just as beneficial and you could set up two or three routes which you could tailor to suit your time constraints.I have four ranging from 40 minutes through to 2 hours.The social aspect is good too as you tend to see a lot of the same people out at the same time and just saying Hi and receiving a smile and greeting in return will help you along the way.Anyway though I would offer an alternative to the dvd option.
    Good Luck and Best Wishes going forward.
  • 321poppi
    321poppi Posts: 24
    :smile: I'm new here too...just started a few days ago, even though I added the app to my phone in the fall. I love the iphone app. It really has helped me keep up more with what I'm eating -

    It really is simple - all we have to do is burn more calories a day than we consume. its not rocket science, but its not easy either. I'm hoping to find a support system here to keep me honest and motivated. sometimes it helps to be accountable to others.

    good luck!
    remember... you are not alone.
  • cdez80421
    cdez80421 Posts: 88 Member
    Welcome, you will find lots of encouragement here, great support system. Remember though, we didnt gain all our
    weight or become out of shape in a week, we wont lose all the weight or firm up in a week either:) It takes time.
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