Round 9-anyone try this?

Anyone try Round 9 kickboxing? I know they are in Florida, SC, NC, TN and WI only. I have friends who joined and I am starting next Wednesday. Apparently it's 30 minutes of intense kickboxing/boxing/jump rope/run around the parking lot craziness that burns up to 500 calories in 30 minutes. I hit another plateau and my Shred and C25K aren't doing anything for me since I have been at it for so long now. Scared, but excited to kick it up a notch! Check it out if you are in one of the above states.


  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    Sorry, I have not tried that one specifically, but the gym I go to is centered around boxing and kickboxing and the classes are 60 min. Sounds very similar. I love the classes, they kick your but and you get out of it as much as you put in. Good luck.
  • lcdblue1026
    lcdblue1026 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey I'm in Chattanooga and just started 9Round i believe it was 3/7 and I really like it. They change it up enough so its not the same thing every day and well I love to hit stuff. But there's a lot of strength training, core, ab work in there too. Who knew jumping rump for three minutes would kill me?
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    I committed myself to another round of the Shred for 30 days and I hate to stop anything mid-way. I wonder if I can do both in the same day? May be too much!
  • lcdblue1026
    lcdblue1026 Posts: 34 Member
    I was going to do 30 day shred in addition, but honestly I hate working out at home and for me it was a lot. But if you decide to do it I would suggest doing one in the am and one in the pm. I'm thinking in addition to 9round I'm going to do c25k and on the off days for that do the 100 push up challenge. In nine weeks I'll be able to kick some butt, do a hundred pushups and run there are some people who should be scared.
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    Yeah, I try to do the Shred in the morning, but it's hard to get up super early with a one year old, and two dogs and two cats, all to take care of! Plus I have morning that it's morning and I am sick of it already! Ha ha ha!
  • lcdblue1026
    lcdblue1026 Posts: 34 Member
    I live in an apartment and I'm pretty sure my downstairs neighbors wouldn't appreciate my 220 lb jumping jacks first thing in the am haha and my 9round doesn't open until after I'm at work.