Anyone 5'8/5'9 with a 150ish goal?

Hello MFPs!!! Here it goes, I'm 5'8 3/4 looking to get myself down to 147 and I was wondering two things.
1. Is anyone out there that is already approximately this hight and weight (I'd love to see what that looks like for motivation!)
2. I would like a few friends with the same goals as I do.
Thanks for reading!


  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    I am 5'9 with an ultimate goal of 155. Started in February at 177.9 lbs, 8 weeks later I am at 162.7 lbs. Feel free to friend me, and look at my pictures!
  • kuechletwins
    kuechletwins Posts: 88 Member
    I'm fairly close to your goals....I'm 5'8 and currently hovering around 170lb. I'd like to get to 155 at least.....147 would be better! :happy: I actually started around 186, but didn't really start using MFP until 176. I'm sticking pretty close to my 1200 calories per day (I go over a bit on the weekends sometimes) and am doing the C25K program. The pounds have been coming off REALLY slow for me, but the inches have been a better story! Feel free to friend me!!!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I'm 5'9" and Im about 142
  • misschocolate82
    I'm also 5'8, though unfortunately not as slim as yourself YET! Im currently 195lbs with an (eventual) goal of 140lbs. Was last that weight 5 years (and 3 babies) ago, and was roughly a very trim 10/12......currently a flabby 16 (uk sizes). Will get there again though!
    Becky x
  • sacfrazier
    I am 5'8" and would like to get down to 150. I started here on January 6th at 200 and not quite 3 months later I am down to 177.5. Feel free to friend me if you would like.
  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    I'm 5'9 and weighed in at 147 this morning! my goal is 140 becasue I still have squishy/jiggly parts, but this body is defintely something I could live with if suddenly I just can't lose any more lbs. :)
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    yess mam, just hit 151 this am - 30 lbs down...goal 145.
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Hi! I am 5'8.5" and I weigh 155 and my goal weight is 145. Feel free to friend me. I eat 1590 calories a day because I have those 'last 10' to lose to I'm going to try to tone my way down :)
  • Bethany28
    Bethany28 Posts: 263
    I am 5'8" and have a goal of 145. I started at 175.8 then got down to 147, but really screwed up over the winter months, so I am basically starting over at 166 as of today. I am really hoping to be 145 by the start of this Fall and keep working out and eating right to maintain it.
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    I'm 5'10" with a 140-160lbs goal, most likely around 145lbs.
  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    I'm 5'9 and weighed in at 147 this morning! my goal is 140 becasue I still have squishy/jiggly parts, but this body is defintely something I could live with if suddenly I just can't lose any more lbs. :)

    I haven't taken a recent picture, but I plan to this weekend if you wanna check back to see :wink:
  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    I am nearly 5'9 and my goal right now is to reach 170. I have been down to 150 before and I dont look healthy, think large frame, muscle-ly, (I work with horses). I just started with MFP about a month ago when I broke my leg. I have any physical limitations right now, but I am keeping with my 1200 cals and walking with my crutches 30 some mins a day. I cannot wait till mid april when I get my screws out and am allowed to walk again.

    Friend me of you like!
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    I am 5'8 currently 149 with a goal of 138.
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    I am . 5 8 1/2 and weight 155, my goal is 145.
  • Kristierlong
    Kristierlong Posts: 163 Member
    I'm 5'8" and currently 147ish. I started out at 164 with a goal between 135-145.
  • ealbers
    ealbers Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5'9" working my way toward 150 goal. Currently down to 179 from 205 in December. Friend me if you'd like.
  • ANewton401
    ANewton401 Posts: 118 Member
    Miss Chocolate, we may not be starting off at the same weight but we have similar goals :)
  • ANewton401
    ANewton401 Posts: 118 Member
    I am 5'8" and would like to get down to 150. I started here on January 6th at 200 and not quite 3 months later I am down to 177.5. Feel free to friend me if you would like.

    wow thats incredible. Way to go!
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I'm 5'10'' with a 145-150 lb goal. I started at 165 and am down to 159 now. Feel free to friend me, look at my food diary, or message me.
  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    I'm 5'8" and started myfitnesspal nearing 170. I was between 140 and 150 through high school, college and the first few years after college.... trying to get back into that range. I'd be satisfied at 150 -- giddy at 145 -- singing the hallelujah chorus at 140. ;)