Do You Even Care?

donicagalek Posts: 526
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I see people checking their BMI constantly, using "New and Improved" BMI charts or being upset that they weighed more on the doctor's scale than they do at home. Um, why?

I realize that my bathroom scale from Walmart isn't as perfect as the doctor's scale but I'm not really caring EXACTLY how much I weigh. I just care how much I weigh today as compared to yesterday. :-/

Same for BMI. I pat myself on the back for making it to "overweight" after decades of obesity, but really I'm just happy to see the number go down. Why do people find this stuff so important? :-/ Help me understand.


  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    I don't know, for me BMI is important because I want to be healthy.
    I weigh, but I'm more concerned with body fat, BMI, and inches.
    I try to just track them all once a month or something. I know people who weigh daily!
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Well...two thoughts.
    1) some people care about these things for particular reasons, like joining the armed forces or meeting a doctor's reccomendation.

    2) I was much too relaxed about my weight, health, bmi, nutrition etc before (and I would guess a lot of people feel the same way) so sometimes I find myself at the opposite end of the "extreme" being overly concerned with the details. I agree though, a balanced perspective is best.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Not sure. For me personally, I am just trying to be healthier losing weight is an added bonus! I have lost weight before and always gave up when the numbers stopped moving or slowed down. I rarely weigh myself or check my BMI. I have gone down a pants size, so i know I am losing, I'm just not concerned about the numbers.
  • I honestly can't look at BMI ... it says I'm "morbidly obese" ... and yet, when people look at me and hear me say those words, they gafaw. It's hard to believe.

    I honestly think that it's how you FEEL and what your doctor thinks about where you are that matter most.
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