Slipped up on the food last night..:((..and a question

nimmi1302 Posts: 48 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
...and feeling a bit blue today. Back on track today, but still a bit sad about the slipup.
Wonder why we sometimes do this to ourselves......we work so hard to get on track, we workout like crazy, and then one bad meal just sets things back.

Now to my question:
Have a dinner party at a friend's tomorrow night. How do you guys deal with situations like these? Do you eat less all day and then make the best choices you can at the party? How do you log the calories for the day since you have no clue what goes in the food?


  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I had a planned dinner at a restaurant last night and ate what I wanted, drank water, and just reminded myself that I am allowed to indulge now and then. My plan is to be "good" during the week, and the weekends are whatever I want. As of now, I really have not binged on any foods during the weekends and have pretty much kept to my weekday eating habits.
    My suggestin for your dinner part:, stick to "whole" foods that have been minimally processed. Salsa and baked chips, veggies and a little dip, etc. And don't feel guilty about having something "bad". Just have enough to satisfy your craving!
  • fatallysassy
    fatallysassy Posts: 7 Member
    I suggest you still eat every two to three hours during the day, small calorie and carb controlled meals (like a protein shake/bar.) I prefer to use the Take Shape For Life System ( but Jillian Michael 100 calorie shakes work too. I've tried both.

    Also, you can pre-eat. Have a salad with 0-calorie spray dressing before you go, so you are not hungry when you arrive. Keep the alcohol to a minimum (your body processes it like sugar) and stick to wine or something without added sugar.

    To discover what is in the food, make casual conversation about dinner and ask questions or for the recipe. Also, have just a small spoon or bite. Pass it off as a joke about Elizabeth Taylor's quote; deny yourself nothing - but only have one bite.

    Also, you can be proud of working out, dieting, and being healthy. If anyone gives you a hard time about small sampling of dinner; just remind them you are working hard to be healthy and their company is far more rewarding than any bite of food. That will typically shut them up.

    Good luck!
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    I do it both lighter during the day and try and make healthier choices.....but I do enjoy the dinner and will have wine, bread etc. I"m going out tonight so I'm going lighter today. I usually don't go to chain restaurants so won't know the calorie count. Some times I will just guess and log a generic 2000 calories (or whatever I guess it to be) for dinner party knowing I go over. I am concious of my choices and don't make it a pig out fest and usually don't order dessert but do allow myself to go enjoy the meal. If I have a day or so where I am away from home and have several meals out or really have no idea of the calorie count I might not even log the meal but I DO make sure I go right back to logging and eating right the following day.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Part of this weight loss journey is knowing how to react in those situations. It's all about portion control and staying away from the mindless grazing. We all fall into those traps during our journey (especially when alcohol is involved), but to be honest one day isn't going to kill you.
  • nimmi1302
    nimmi1302 Posts: 48 Member
    I but Jillian Michael 100 calorie shakes work too. I've tried both.

    Also, you can pre-eat. Have a salad with 0-calorie spray dressing before you go, so you are not hungry when you arrive. Keep the alcohol to a minimum (your body processes it like sugar) and stick to wine or something without added sugar.

    To discover what is in the food, make casual conversation about dinner and ask questions or for the recipe. Also, have just a small spoon or bite. Pass it off as a joke about Elizabeth Taylor's quote; deny yourself nothing - but only have one bite.

    Also, you can be proud of working out, dieting, and being healthy. If anyone gives you a hard time about small sampling of dinner; just remind them you are working hard to be healthy and their company is far more rewarding than any bite of food. That will typically shut them up.

    I like the idea of a shake before the meal- I usually do a whey protein shake, which fills me up. The salad is a good idea as well. Thanks!
    Menu: since it's going to be Indian food, all bets are off. :) I will stick to the vegetarian dishes,. as they are less likely to be unhealthy.
    I do like Mz.Taylor's philosophy. :))

    Thanks for all the tips!
  • 79jiggy
    79jiggy Posts: 2
    I have found that as long as your not doing dinner parties or eating at restaurants nightly having what you want is okay. Is what I do is try to cut the calories and fat when I can, dressing on the side, baked potato instead of mashed, no cream sauces, etc... But if I truly want that burger or steak or whatever I say get it and put it in my food diary even if I go over on my daily calories (which has been once since feb.) If it's a huge portion I try to share it or put it aside in a box. You can always work out a little extra or cut a few calories each day for the rest of the week. Many of the restaurants have their foods on this site. If it's home cooked just ask whats in it and put it in your diary and it'll tell you how many calories you ate. You may be off by a few but not much to matter.
  • sirmio
    sirmio Posts: 44 Member
    When I've been in this situation, I've steered away from starches, sauces, and sweets and go for the meat. It's easier for me to guess the portion size and I just assume the fat wasn't trimmed before cooking. Even if I go over my calories for the day, the extra protein makes a big difference when I go to the gym the next day.

    I've also had success with appetite control by eating steel cut oats for breakfast. I just don't have the same desire to eat throughout the day on mornings I have oats.
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