30 day shred

I just purchased the 30-day shred by Jillian Michaels and plan on starting it tonight. Has anyone gained great results from it? I see the video is about 27 minutes tops so I'm wondering if you're getting a great workout from that. Please let me know of your success; if there was weight lost or inches or both! Thanks


  • Dawnzy
    Dawnzy Posts: 12
    I've been doing it off an on, I have been losing weight just doing it occasionally and eating better! Watching this though, to see what others say!
  • ItsAsha
    ItsAsha Posts: 78
    I'm glad you posted this. I also just bought the dvd and was wondering the same thing.
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    MFP is where I discovered the 30DS. There's a whole bunch of us starting April 1st, to keep us accountable. I have done it for about 10days already combined but not in a row and its intense in the fact that its no breaks. A lot of ppl here have gotten some good results.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    I just purchased the 30-day shred by Jillian Michaels and plan on starting it tonight. Has anyone gained great results from it? I see the video is about 27 minutes tops so I'm wondering if you're getting a great workout from that. Please let me know of your success; if there was weight lost or inches or both! Thanks

    I'm about to do level 3. I've lost some inches all over but I haven't done it for 30 days consecutively. I'm going to do it again after I've finished!!!

    Depending on your fitness, stick to the easier option and work your way up!!!

  • bblonskidesigns
    i did okay with 30 day shred, am doing much better with 6 week 6 pack though. lost 4 lbs this week (first week i'm doing it)
  • WillWorkout4Food
    WillWorkout4Food Posts: 94 Member
    I just bought the DVD and, too, am starting tonight. If you'd like to add me, we can track our improvements and comment on the video.
  • SASPaladin
    Where can I go to sign up to be held accountable for keeping up with the program. I would love to start it tomorrow as well!
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    Hey! I did it and could tell a difference after a week. Please measure yourself before u start, a lot of ppl have been put off due to not seeing the numbers on the scale move too much, but this workout builds muscle! (And muscle burns extra calories) so measuring is def the way to go if u want to track ur results :) Also I'd recommend adding a little cardio :) That should really get those calories burning and metabolism bouncing :) Good luck!
  • UpToTheChallenge
    There is another post about the 30 day shred. We're starting a challenge tomorrow. You can take your measurements and post it in the group if you'd like. The thread is called 30 day shred group I believe :) I have heard wonderful things and seen some awesome before and after pics!
  • missrugby
    missrugby Posts: 31
    I just started it, and I will admit that I haven't been doing it everyday. I was amazed the first time I did it the next day my whole body was sore. You definitely get a great work out from it!
  • jhackenmueller
    it's awesome! I had knee issues so I had to stop but I would like to start over. It's very intense and works, I love 15 lbs doing it on and off for 2 months. I was also using wii active too.
  • munsona
    munsona Posts: 1
    I started it about 3 weeks ago and definitely have seen results - really works lots of muscle groups that I never use while just jogging. When I started, I could barely do the easiest workout - now I can do all three pretty easily. I also do Jillian's 40-minute "high aerobic" (not sure of exact title) workout and that one is great too. Between those two videos, I have definitely toned up a noticeable amount in a few weeks! I think it is worth trying.
  • tinalina81
    I started it about 8 days ago( took 1 day break on sunday from it) I have lost 3 lbs so far since I joined MFP but I know that the 30ds had something to do with it. Some days I do the 30ds and then the gym, sometimes just the shred, depends on my mood and or stamina level that day.
  • swilliams26
    swilliams26 Posts: 46 Member
    I just purchase mines yesterday. I am going to give it a try tonight also. I hear a lot of good reviews:D
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Where can I go to sign up to be held accountable for keeping up with the program. I would love to start it tomorrow as well!

    Here's the link to the thread where a bunch of us are doing it. Excited you're joining. Just post your measurements/weight. :D
  • leadinglady25
    I just started doing the 30 day shred this week. The workout itself is only about 20 minutes, but I do sweat my butt off even on Level 1. Not sure when I will move to level 2. I don't want to push too much too fast and risk injuring myself.
  • mindy71183
    I started the 30 Day Shred last week. I finished day 10 this morning, a third of the way there! It is a GREAT work out, and I was discouraged the first week, because i gained weight. This last week I lost 2.6 pounds though and I know I am losing inches, because my pants are looser. I'll measure myself again Saturday to see how many inches I've lost.

    Good luck! If you need any support, please feel free to add me!
  • Chanellie
    Chanellie Posts: 23
    I think we're just adding each other as friends and keeping up with one another. Feel free to add me!
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    I havent lost any weight (i did it for 9 days about 2 weeks ago then had to stop because I got sick so I started over on day 5 now) and ive lost 0 lbs but about 1 inch all around! :) hoping to see more pounds shred