Before workout boost of energy

krisvtx8777 Posts: 163
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone have any tips? Some days I'm just feeling like I'm lugging along and can't get into my workout till about halfway through. So, does anyone have tips on pre-workout snacks etc? What helps?


  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    I find it helps to eat a banana or a handful of peanuts about an hour prior. Tons of water throughout the day.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I like to go with a light carb/protein meal about an hour or so before my workout, sometimes a fruit smoothie with a small amount of protein powder in a pinch. You need the b vitamin intake to be up a bit for that boost of energy sometimes.
  • Kristen,

    I use the Jillian Micheals Fat Buner caplsules are a pre-workout thermogenic, about 45 minutes after taking them I get a nuclear blast of energy for about 60 minutes. As far as I know, they are safe when taken as directed. A protein bar like syntha-6 or muscle milk is a great snack before a good workout, it gives you whey protein and has the branch chain amino acids needed mucle and cell repair. Hope this helps!

  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Hi there ;)
    Sometimes when I feel like I am dragging but no I need to work out
    I either have a protein bar or I slice a banana in half & spread peanut butter on it...yum ;)
    Seems to give me enough energy to get thru my workout!
    I always drink water before a workout too....
    Hope this helps =)
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member

    I tend to eat a banana about 45 mins before workout.
  • cthomps
    cthomps Posts: 31 Member
    the above may work for people who work out later in the day - what about the people like me who get up at 4am to workout I don't have an hour before to get a snack
  • eandskp
    eandskp Posts: 54
    I take a couple of B vitamins, eat a banana and sometimes about 8 oz of orange juice about 1/2 hour to hour before working out.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Try to up your daily intake of Vitamin B's...Use 2 Complex or Mega B Vitamins per day (Morning and Early Afternoon.) You should be more energetic generally and have a greater sense of well-being.
  • i recommend Yerba Mate: google it for further info. and drink it hot. piles of energy and nutrients with no comedown like coffee/caffeine. i drink it while i'm working out too. a fitness trainer buddy of mine told me drinking hot water while working out makes you shed more. i'm thinking he's right, definitely sweat more. i grew up on this stuff and it's an everyday deal for me. an acquired taste apparently, but you can get flavoured Yerba as well, i love the Orange.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    the above may work for people who work out later in the day - what about the people like me who get up at 4am to workout I don't have an hour before to get a snack
    light protein shake and some fruit, can not go wrong there.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Good question posed above - what time of day do you work out?
    The only time I can exercise first thing is in the summer and at that time of year, I have no problem jumping out of bed when the sun comes up at 5am and going out for a long walk/run.
    The rest of the year when I'm stuck indoors at the gym, it's got to be afternoons. I tried going to the gym in the morning but I just couldn't get pumped up enough to do it.

    Anyway, to your question...
    When I work out in the gym in the afternoon, about 1-2 hours before I'll have a greek yogurt cup and a banana (or orange or apple)
    When I work out in the mornings outdoors, I rarely eat but if I happen to wake up starving, I'll have a snack bar. Just enough to curb the hunger and get me out the door.
  • eandskp
    eandskp Posts: 54
    Good suggestion thewolfman, I love Mate'!
  • eandskp
    eandskp Posts: 54
    For morning workouts, OJ hits you pretty quickly.
  • I always eat a handful of nuts and seeds and a Boost Energy Drink 30 minutes prior to working out. I know a lot of people can't stand it, but somehow I've taken a liking to the taste, lol. I drink the Plus Calories one, and it has about 12-14 ish grams of protein which gives me a boost, as do the nuts/seeds.

    I find getting protein before my workout and after my workout keeps me fully energized throughout.

    I also take a B-complex vitamin supplement which has helped me.
  • marystrying
    marystrying Posts: 1 Member
    I work out early too.. I get up at 4:40 every time to eat before my workout. I take NO XPlode.. I get it from it doesn't make me jittery; but wakes me up. I teach bootcamp and an interval class at 5am so I have to get happy before I show up... Lol. Hope this helps.
  • krisvtx8777
    krisvtx8777 Posts: 163
    Thanks for all the suggestions! I'll try out a few things and see what works!
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