Scales Question! Damn I'm cunfused :( LOL

Hii...anyone from Ireland/UK will have scales that usually go with stone...

so I would be 13.4 & 3/4 stone can I just double check with the whole of MFP that that is = to 186.75lb?

Correct!? Its 13 by 14 plus 4 and 3quatres?

haha google converter tottally gave me wrong numbers :( haha

Sorry for the maths question :)

Thanks :)


  • Searsh
    Searsh Posts: 27
    Another thing I first weighed myself and got 13.2 could not believe it, so I tried again and got 13.2!
    Then 15 mins did it again to show my mam cos I was delighted and got 13.4 and later that day got 13.4

    and the other day 13.4 :S and today 13.3 ughhhhhhhhhh?
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    thats why i try not to go by the scales tomuch because weight fluctuates so much throughtout the day i try and weigh myself every 2 weeks now x make sure you keep track of inchs thats where you will see improvements ,we weight roughly the same maybe i could add you and we can share our journey x
  • misschocolate82
    yes you are right about the maths :) im (as of today) 13 st 13 so worked out its 195lbs....saying i got to lose 55lbs feels much nicer than saying i gotta lose 4 stone lol
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Weight will fluctuate by a few pounds daily which is exactly why you should not weight in every day, so please do not be scale obsessed it pains me to see people do that. Now if you are just starting out get measurements and a before pic. Its a reference to go back to when you are feeling discourage, trust me you will thank me if you do this now. The scale does not tell you the true story of fat loss which is what you want to target here. So my advice is to learn as much as you can about proper nutrition, feeding the body and do not fall into that trap of thinking that eating like a mouse and training like an olympic athlete will mean fat loss.
  • Searsh
    Searsh Posts: 27
    Thanks Everyone :)
  • mistic327
    mistic327 Posts: 12
    I'm not from the UK.. But i did find this website :)
  • busygirl1
    busygirl1 Posts: 217
    Another thing I first weighed myself and got 13.2 could not believe it, so I tried again and got 13.2!
    Then 15 mins did it again to show my mam cos I was delighted and got 13.4 and later that day got 13.4

    and the other day 13.4 :S and today 13.3 ughhhhhhhhhh?

    LOL, you remind me of me! did you have a wee before you got on the scale and breathe in aswell? Thats what I do :laugh: