Issues as I near my final goal weight

I've lost almost 20 lbs to date and have about 10-12 more to go before I reach my "final" goal weight. I'm a few weeks shy of finishing P90X, and as such am much stronger and more fit than I've been in a while. These are all awesome things, but I'm finding myself grappling with two things that I'd like everyone's input on.

1) I'm now burning less calories when I work out (I have a good HRM), which I assume is because I'm in much better shape than I was 4 months ago and my HR isn't jumping as high.

2) I'm finding myself genuinely more hungry and tired throughout the day now. I've been very busy and stressed at work, which could be causing this even though the hunger feels different than my usual idle need to stuff my face when stressed.

These factors combine to make it more difficult to keep to my goal net 1200 calories a day. Is it possible that I'm burning more calories at "rest" now that I have more muscle and am in shape? I've upped my net calories to about 1400 the last week, but I'm trying to gauge whether this increased hunger and fatigue could be due to my body needing more food and not getting it or if I'm fooling myself and it's just because I'm exhausted from work.

I know every situation is different, but I welcome any thoughts!


  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I'm definitely no expert, but my friends who have been in your situation have needed more food in order to continue weight loss (also P90X users, actually)...

    Once they started adding more lean protein and even more veggies (if that was even possible :laugh: ) they started to see weight loss. Dont know the specifics, but they told me it had something to do with muscles and needing more of certain proteins and vitamins.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I'm guessing that you've put on some muscle due to the P90X, so it would make sense for you to burn more calories while resting. I've discovered that by upping my calories I lose more weight, so I've been playing with that.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member

    Once they started adding more lean protein and even more veggies (if that was even possible :laugh: ) they started to see weight loss.

    I actually have suspected it could be due to me needing more protein, so I'm going add protein in the next few days and see if that helps. I know I've put on a lot of muscle, and I don't want to starve it!
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I also think you should up your calories with some vegetables and protein, and give it at least 3 weeks and see what happens!
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    The last several months I've also been juicing (with veggies), and haven't been as good about it the last several weeks. I'm making sure I do it at least every other day this week, so hopefully getting some more nutrients will help give me a boost.

    Thanks for the thoughts...keep them coming!!
  • mzayed
    mzayed Posts: 27
    I def agree with the protein. Add more protein and cut a little of the carbs to keep your total cals in check and see if you feel better! It may take a few weeks. i noticed the same thing you are saying and after a few weeks i am noticing more weight loss and feeling much much better!
  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member
    I've lost almost 20 lbs to date and have about 10-12 more to go before I reach my "final" goal weight. I'm a few weeks shy of finishing P90X, and as such am much stronger and more fit than I've been in a while. These are all awesome things, but I'm finding myself grappling with two things that I'd like everyone's input on.

    1) I'm now burning less calories when I work out (I have a good HRM), which I assume is because I'm in much better shape than I was 4 months ago and my HR isn't jumping as high.

    2) I'm finding myself genuinely more hungry and tired throughout the day now. I've been very busy and stressed at work, which could be causing this even though the hunger feels different than my usual idle need to stuff my face when stressed.

    These factors combine to make it more difficult to keep to my goal net 1200 calories a day. Is it possible that I'm burning more calories at "rest" now that I have more muscle and am in shape? I've upped my net calories to about 1400 the last week, but I'm trying to gauge whether this increased hunger and fatigue could be due to my body needing more food and not getting it or if I'm fooling myself and it's just because I'm exhausted from work.

    I know every situation is different, but I welcome any thoughts!

    1. You weigh less so you will burn less calories during your workouts because your muscles and respiratory system have adapted to the stress.
    2. Due to working out and this adaptation, your muscles are more efficient at burning calories all day long instead of just during and immediately after your workouts therefore you are more hungry. Up your calories, and space them out.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions! I've upped my daily net intake and made sure to eat at least 100g of protein a day. Feeling much better this we'll have to see what the scale says next weigh in!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    how much protein you getting u need about 1gr or more per lb of your weight if you wanna keep any muscle you protein shakes for snacks
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    Could also be anemic? Have you had a work up lately? Whn my iron is low...I get utterly exhausted. Lay my head on my desk and nod off kind of exhausted. Exhaustion then causes me to munch because my body thinks it needs fuel to stay awake (also the reason many sleep deprived individuals are over-weight I think).

    Low B12 could also cause tiredness....Taking a B-12 supplement won't hurt....since what your body does not use it gets excreted in urine anyway. However, taking an iron supplement when you don't need oe could cause a problem. You may need a blood work up just to see.
  • MsScorpio67
    MsScorpio67 Posts: 91 Member
    The last several months I've also been juicing (with veggies), and haven't been as good about it the last several weeks. I'm making sure I do it at least every other day this week, so hopefully getting some more nutrients will help give me a boost.

    Thanks for the thoughts...keep them coming!!

    could you share what good receipes that you do from juicing. I need to do that too cause I hate veggies, but i know my body needs them.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    I thought about low iron, and actually just had a physical with blood work done last week so I'll check it out. I know red meat has a lot of iron, but what other foods could I throw in my diet to get some more since I don't eat much red meat?

    I'm eating between 100-120g of protein a day now, which is a bit less than 1g per 1lb I weigh. I know ideally that I need protein shakes after lifting, but I'm trying to concentrate on weight loss now and I can't afford the extra calories. I plan on concentrating on muscle building once I'm in my goal range and will definitely be having shakes then.
    could you share what good receipes that you do from juicing. I need to do that too cause I hate veggies, but i know my body needs them.

    I don't have any recipes per-say, but I've found that adding fruit (usually a Granny Smith apple, could be berries) to every juicing helps it taste better. I try to add a subset of spinach, broccoli, beets, bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots, and whatever else that looks good at the produce store. I'd start with some relatively mild flavored things like peppers and cucumbers, then add fruits you like to help the taste...and play with adding more veggies as you get used to it.
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    It is hard fr me to get enough iron from the food I eat so I take a supplement (I am also a bariatric patient to I have to supplement for life since my body does not absorb all the nutrients frm the food I eat).

    I would find out what your labword says and then ak about an iron supplement. B12 helps with energy too.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you...

    Only I've been doing Power 90 (the P90 for kids...:laugh: )

    I have been playing with my calories for a few weeks now...but am gonna settle for staying at 1450 per day and see what happens....

    Congrats on the P90X!!!
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    Just wanted to update this thread with some progress. After bumping up my net calorie goal to 1400 a day, I've felt 1000% better. I have my energy back, my workouts feel great, and best of all, I'm still losing weight!

    So if anyone reading this experienced what I did, don't be afraid to eat more and listen to your body! Mine was telling me it wasn't getting enough fuel, and now it's a happy camper. :)

    Thanks again to everyone who helped me out!!