Do you guys snack more than every 2-3 hours??

I know the best way is to eat every 2-3 hours, however, sometimes I am hungry like an hour after lunch and I sometimes grab a healthy snack like an apple and of course I make sure to drink plenty of water even while I'm eating lunch. Also I notice about an hour after I have an afternoon snack I am still hungry. Should I just ignore it and drink water or grab something as long as its health and in moderation??


  • Teeeravis
    Teeeravis Posts: 16
    Sometimes I do eat a little more frequently, but I always try to reach for the water first. What I often find to be a little more helpful is to gear snacks more protein versus carb oriented. With the case of an apple, the fiber does help fill you up, but it also gives you a nasty spike in blood sugar (which is fine), but doesn't leave you feeling satisfied as long.
  • PoorGirlEatingHealthy
    Maybe try adding a little more fiber into your lunches? Fiber keeps you fuller longer!
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    i do, because if i deny myself and stay hungry this is never going to work
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    I eat all the time. Constantly but I always try to stay within my limits and include healthy snacks.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    More and more research is showing that the timing of meals isn't nearly as important as meeting your calorie goals and your macro goals (carbs/fat/protein). Eat if you are hungry and have the calories to spend!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Yep I eat more than that if I'm hungry, as long as it is something healthy and I'm staying in my calorie range.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    I usually snack twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon. Since my days are so long (430am to 10pm) it's something I have to do to keep my blood sugar steady. So I don't go over my calories, I eat smaller snacks. So rather than 300 calories in the morning all at once, I have two snacks of 100 and 200.

    Typical day for me:

    430am wakeup
    6am Shakeology
    830am Vitatop Vitamuffin
    930am instant lower sugar oatmeal
    1100am Lunch
    1pm P90X Bar
    3pm workout
    4pm P90X Recovery Formula
    7pm dinner
    10pm bed
  • bcweisen
    bcweisen Posts: 118 Member
    I eat all the time. Constantly but I always try to stay within my limits and include healthy snacks.

    That's where I am right now. If your stomach is growling, you're hungry. If it's the brain saying it... then try to ignore it. That said, today I had a post workout snack like 5 minutes before I made lunch. Sometimes that's just the way it is.
  • blackdragonclare
    I don't snack at all just three meals a day for me. I just add my yogurts to snacks section so no one tells me off.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I eat my "lunch" throughout the day...little bit here, little bit there

    Today (at work), I had a reduced fat cheese stick, hard boiled egg, PB&J (made with PB2, sugar free preserves plus fiber, and 45 cal sara lee bread...this is the food I have at noon because it is the most calories, then I have some Fiber One yogurt, and now I'm eating a Metamucil Apple Crisp....I still have a Pure Protien shake (100 cals) to drink before I go home (if I need to)

    I'm never full, but never hungry either :)
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Thanks guys!!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    If your ALWAYS hungry like this, maybe your not having enough to your meals... theres def days where im hungry an hour later... but not everyday... lets say i bring carrots and a sadnwich for lunch, and then have my snacks with me too, but im hungry before lunch and ive already had my morning snack, ill eat my carrots that were part of my lunch before lunch and then eat whats left of my lunch on time. and eat my second snack after lunch on time. or like today when i wasnt hungry for my morning snack and went straight to lunch without the snack, if i get hungry later on, i can have that snack later (2snacks at afternoon snack time, or 2snacks an hour or two apart) and maybe my dinner a tad bit later.

    Since i have 1800 calories a day, I aim my meals at 400calories each, and snacks at 200calories each (3snacks a day, 3meals).. i started out with small snacks (carrots, or grapes, or something really small), but then I wasnt meeting my calorie goal and being really far under alot, so im TRYING to eat bigger snacks.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    More and more research is showing that the timing of meals isn't nearly as important as meeting your calorie goals and your macro goals (carbs/fat/protein). Eat if you are hungry and have the calories to spend!

    I have mine set to 50/30/20 protein, carbs fat
  • vlearmonth
    vlearmonth Posts: 3 Member
    Me too, I snack all the time however, I keep within reason ;D
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Snack every 2 - 3 hrs is grazing which is not healthy. I would look at what you are eating and how much protein and fiber you are getting as those items especially protein is what keeps you full and then are you drinking 64 oz of "water" a day. Water can be water, crystal light, vitamin water zero and lifewater and decaf coffee/tea.
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    Depends on how I'm eating. I don't normally eat super big meals so I need to snack to not be hungry. If I eat a big break fast lunch and dinner, then I'm good.