222lbs after 10 wks 188lbs.

Ok So on October 4th, 2010 i was 223lbs & i started a diet,
I stoped Dec 6th... weighing in at 188
My goal was to diet for 9-10 wks
I lost 34 pounds on that diet.
All i did was exercise everyday mon-sun. My exercise was mixed with Mostly jogging & running on the treadmill, Yoga and Playing the Wii Just Dance games. I actually Sweat more dancing than running. For my diet, I tried to eat by calories. I ate from 800-1200 cals a day. But sometimes with diet foods i ate less. I made sure i woke up early and had breakfast everyday as well as lunch & dinner. I hardly ever drank Calories, Just about 3-5 Bottles of water a day & sometimes diet teas and etc. NO sweets or Soda at all. No fried foods.
So from Oct 4th -Dec 6th I lost 34 pounds.

*NOW.... I have started a diet again Monday 3/28.
So im starting at 192. I gained 4 pounds from Dec 12th to Now March 18th.
& i DO know why. After my diet i went from a size 16 to 12 n some 14's... I toltally stopped exercising & was eating anything i wanted. over eating, fast food, Soda and sweets like crazy. Im shoked it wasnt more than 4lbs.

But since i am starting again, i really want to loose the rest of this weight instead of wasting time since my last diet.

Since monday (3/28 Start date), ive been trying to get my body use to exercising again, because my body got use to not working out agan. I WAS doing 1hr in the morning & 1hr at night (Previous Diet), only sweating a little because i had got use to it.

SInce monday i been doing 20 mins in the morning, then in the after noon and another 20 at night. During those 20 mins i am completely tired and dripping sweat. I incline at 6-10 around 3.0 speed and i sweat alot. Thats because im not use to it like i was right?

Also, im trying to stay in the range of 800-1200 cals a day... mostly 800 Cals.
No fried food, sweets, soda & small portions.
Never skipping a meal
Drinking as much water as i can

I will do my first weight in Monday =]
And i will be increasing my time on the treadmill next week.

My goal is to be 160 Then my final goal would be 130-140 =] Nothing less. =]

any tips? suggestions? questions? Let me now =]


  • seobstar
    seobstar Posts: 169
    800 calories a day is WAY TOO LOW! You should never, ever eat that few of calories! That is not good for your body and you will probably lose weight doing that but you WILL gain it all back eventually. What is the MFP system telling you to eat a day for calories?
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I would start here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/10665-newbies-please-read-me-2nd-edition

    Never go below 1200 calories NET on here as MFP already calculates a deficit for you.
  • Nooo.. sry guys i should have explained better, My MFP says 1200 but sometimes with diet foods i dont even end up eating that much. I eat full meals. Drink alot of water and even snack on fruit in between meals. But my mfp says 1200, i usually just end up between it. Sometime i will eat a little something else to be around the 1200 cals =]
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    if you would like to do this the RIGHT way and the way that will keep the weight off for good...you should pick things in your diet and exercise that you can maintain and do for the rest of your life! MOST people will not be able to workout 2-3 times per day every day, and most people will not be able to maintain only 800cals/ day! even with diet foods, you should be getting 1000-1200 cals MINIMUM! just my opinion...be safe, keep healthy , and good luck :)
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
  • veejae
    veejae Posts: 2
    How does MFP determine minimum calories?
  • Nice
  • kmcoulon
    kmcoulon Posts: 70 Member
    I'm really glad that you're deciding to lose weight....but it really bothers me that you chose fatchick as your username. Good luck with everything, but I wish you had chosen something a little more positive for yourself!
  • jojokacz
    jojokacz Posts: 13
    Good for you, getting back into the groove. The first couple of days...a week and this will seem normal again! Best of luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • =]
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    if you would like to do this the RIGHT way and the way that will keep the weight off for good...you should pick things in your diet and exercise that you can maintain and do for the rest of your life! MOST people will not be able to workout 2-3 times per day every day, and most people will not be able to maintain only 800cals/ day!


    That's why you gained weight back. While I was in college, I would crash diet and then go back to eating normally. I would gain back the weight I gained, then some. 24+ lbs later, I finally did it the right way. I lost all of that weight plus some AND was in great shape.

    7 years, marriage, and 1 baby later, I have kept the weight off. I lost my baby weight plus a few more pounds in 11 days after I had him.

    I say all of that to say this: you will be MUCH more successful if you will eat the right way, have a correct deficit, and exercise.

    Good luck!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    While I TOTALLY understand the desire for quick results (and you've done it before), losing weight at that pac,e at that calorie level, is too low. MFP may give you a starting calorie amount at 1200, but then you should be eating all if not most of your workout calories. At your size, 800-1200 calories is far, far too low; that's not even enough calories for your body to perform all of it's usual processes if you were to be at rest for 24 hours a day. By doing that for any length of time, you will affect your body physiologically, namely leading to loss muscle mass through atrophy.

    I commend your desire to jump back into exercise; 20 minutes 2 times a day is not too crazy. One or more hours twice a day is a bit too much.

    Take care of your body and your body will take care of you!
  • mollie6986
    mollie6986 Posts: 63 Member
    I would suggest checking how many calories your Body needs at www.free diets.com caloric daily need! 800 seems vary low and your likely to put it back on when you start to eat again (like you did before)!! It may take longer than ud like but your more likely to keep it off!! Good luck!!!!
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