First day tracking and 700 calories over my limit!!!



  • DAy one is good. Tracking is important. Try and check what the calories are before you have food to see if it is worth the calories:smile:
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    Don't beat yourself up too much since it is your first day tracking, you will learn how to be more aware of what you eat and number of calories! I promise! Just stick with being diligent and allow some splurge days because we all need some sometimes. I am sending you a friend request so we can motivate each other. Good luck and stay positive!!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    You are doing just fine. Tracking definitely makes you aware of what you are nibbling on and eating during the day. It also helps you decide if that extra (whatever) is worth a little or a lot more exercise. That is one way I use mine. I am still working on the consistent exercise, but know that I can keep things going in the right direction by tracking and being aware. Good luck with your journey. You are in the right place.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    There's nothing wrong with simply tracking for a week to get a handle on what you are currently eating and what is contributing the most calories for the least nutrition. That's what I did at first, because I really didn't have a handle on what I was eating.

    After that first week, you can look at your diary and start to make some changes.

    I can't try to do everything at once or I'd make myself crazy and frustrated. I pick one or two things to focus on at a time and then pick a new focus as the prior ones become habitual. You may find this approach works for you too, but do whatever seems to work for you.

    There is a ton of help, information and support here. I think you'll like it and get the results you want!
  • Nmama
    Nmama Posts: 191 Member
    Try logging your food a day ahead of time so you can change it if it puts you over your cals. Also buy yourself a digital kitchen scale. You'll be happy you did!
  • You can do it. We all fall off. I would love to have you on my support team.
  • buckigirl
    buckigirl Posts: 10
    WE all have to stop looking at it as a DIET and look at it as a LIFESTYLE! It won't stay off unless you change that! Think positive and don't just rely on the scales in your bathroom. Rely on how your clothes feel on you. It won't happen over night so think of it as day 1 of the rest of my life. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You will love it.

    Tracking is definitely the first step -- I didn't realize how many calories I was eating, either. And sometimes I would decide not to eat something just because I didn't want to log it. (is that lazy, or what?)

    Best of luck to you -- hope to see you on the 'Boards!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    At first, I was shocked at how much over my limit I was. Within a week or two and some adjustments, I have a hard time eating enough calories with nutritious foods most of the time, and I still really enjoy my food.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    It just takes a little time to get used to eating better the more that you do it the more of a habit becomes. Unfortunately habits don't change in a day, but it is so worth while to put in the effort to change your bad habits! I have a great support system on this site. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like :-)
  • Hey my first day tracking, I DOUBLED my calories so you are doing good with only going over by 700. you gotta start somewhere and you should be so proud of yourself for taking the initiative to start. I am just starting to and this seem like a really supportive place so... see you around!
  • shawny519
    shawny519 Posts: 20
    Before you started I'm sure it was way over 700 over, so that's probably pretty good. You can do it, and do better tomorrow!
  • charitydc
    charitydc Posts: 106
    Take it day by day....Tomorrow is a clean slate!
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    Start small honey! What worked for me was focusing on just two things at first - journaling and eating my 5 servings of fruit and veggies every day. Once I got that down it was a lot easier to add in exercise and make other healthy choices about food. And the fruit and veggies will help you feel full without going over the calorie limit.
  • wildeyezz
    wildeyezz Posts: 84 Member
    Well done! First step is knowing how many...the rest will follow.
    Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I actually started with eating the same way I normally did and just added it in as I went. It was a shocker! Even after I officially started counting, I went over a few days in the beginning. It's hard to start eating less and healthier when you are not used to it. Just keep at it and remember to take it one day at a time. And don't beat yourself up about going over here and there. I don't always hit all of my nutritional goals everyday (and sometimes I go over on calories), just today I went way over on sodium. But it's a learning experience. And as others have said, you will eventually be able to guesstimate how many calories are in something and know whether or not it's worth it. I'm sure a lot of us struggled in the beginning, but look at people's profiles and you can see the progress they've made. I'm sure you will get to your goal too, especially if you are already conscious about your eating habits. Good luck and keep on trucking :smile:
  • wildeyezz
    wildeyezz Posts: 84 Member
    Try logging your food a day ahead of time so you can change it if it puts you over your cals. Also buy yourself a digital kitchen scale. You'll be happy you did!

    I agree. I log my foods a day ahead too and it's working. Two benefits:
    1. If you have a plan then you are more likely to stick with it.
    2. Allows you to spread out meals thoughout the day so you don't feel hungry unexpectedly and eat the first thing you set your eyes on.
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    I think most of us have done that in the beginning. Think of it as a learning curve. Look at your diary and see which items you could have done without. Use those things as your 'don't' list and the healthier choices you can add to your 'do' list. Try new things daily and weed things out as you go. It will become easy to choose because you will be determined to stay within your daily intake goal.

    Good luck! I am rooting for ya!
  • PJ60
    PJ60 Posts: 4
    Don't get down on yourself. You had the courage to join and it really is a wake up call once you log everything you put in your mouth. Tomorrow is a new day and you start fresh. We are all in this together!:smile:
  • I started last friday, and was 1150 over for the day. Who knew youre not supposed to eat THE WHOLE PIZZA.LOL
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