Help I think I've plateaued ??

I've been on MFP for about 1 month now and lost 11 lb but as of 25 of this month till today the 30 I havint lost anymore weight I'm. I'm on 1250 calories a day. I'm on the treadmill 7 days a week and I don't eat any fast food,I do eat alot of sandwiches tuna, turkey,no soda just water. I really don't know whats going on?also about the same time I joined MFP I joined a mauy Thai class. Please help is this normal or should I just give it more time? The people on this forum have great minds!!thanks !!!


  • wwright8835
    wwright8835 Posts: 14 Member
    Give it more time. Also you may want to watch the amount of sodium you are consuming a lot of tuna and sliced turkey tend to contain a lot of sodium and you could be retaining water also
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    if you work out that much, you MUST up your calories. it's called "eating back your calories". your body may be in "starvation mode" and conserving as mus as possible... which means no more loss. i know it may sound weird to say "eat more", but it's true! i didn't believe it until i did it myself! i plateaued for 2 weeks and then said FINE! i'll try eating more! within a week... 5lbs dropped off! try it! it'll work! : )
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    If I read this right, you're taking about 5 days.....right? To me, that is not a plateau. Don't expect to lose weight every day or every week. And sometimes not even in multiple weeks. I, personally, wouldn't call it a plateau until you haven't lost for at least 3 weeks. Anything else seems pretty normal to me (based on my experience - I'm no expert). Sometimes you may even gain weight. I just busted through a "real" plauteau.....3 months!!!! Now THAT sucks!!

    I've been working at this for over a year, and there have been many many weeks that I didn't lose, and even more where I "gained." Just be patient and do the right things and it will happen.

    Plus - make sure you're eating enough. Is your 1250 net or is that your total calories?
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I'm on 1250 calories a day. I'm on the treadmill 7 days a week
    Number one you are not eating enough to start with 1250 for a man is ridiculous unless you are built like a skinny small woman. Men require no less than 1500 a day, unfortunately mfp does not tell you that part. Secondly make sure you are eating back every single cal you burn at that low a cal count. Despite what you think you need to feed to succeed, proper nutrition will make the fat loss easy and lasting. At that low a cal count you are losing muscle more than fat. I started a support group for men for just this reason so we can help eachother get proper advice, and proper nutrition for men with motivation and weekly challlenges.
  • williediesel
    Ok so less sodium,eat more good food and it hasn't been long enough for a true plateau
    Thank you guys for you help !!!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    no problem, feel free to msg me anytime or add me as a friend for advice.
  • williediesel
    newfiedan your like like the guru of MFP I've saved some of your post to my phone it's like little nuggets of gold thanks man how do I sign up for the support group
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    just add me my blog posts have lots of tips and what not, and the weekly challenges are posted there as well.