How many of you are struggling with losing too slowly???

Hello, all,

I know I'm not alone experiencing this... I first signed up with this site almost a year ago. At that time, I wanted to lose "some" weight and I gave up after a couple of weeks... Too many temptations...
In the meantime, I gained 10 more pounds and then I started again...
I have lost a lot in the first couple of weeks but now it's slowing down... and I am tempted by many things.
My guess is that I need some support to not give up... I can't give up this time, I need (from the health point of view, too) to lose 10-15 more pounds!!!
If you have any miracle suggestions (like: don't eat this or that, etc), I am very open!
I hope you are all doing great!


  • Begsnapper
    Begsnapper Posts: 26 Member
    add in some exercise, cardio and resistance training... keep up with the diet. temptations arent worth the health issues, be strong!
  • katebcastro
    Don't give up..i always feel the same day i would gain 5 lbs..then lose 3 lbs..then gain could just be water weight at times so don't worry. Think Positive and you will achieve your goal!Lets do it together..always look at the carbs and fat portion of your food diary...i would not like to go over those two but sometimes i still do..LOL! also if i didn't wanna put on alot of water weight i would limit salt intake..just a suggestion...Good Luck! WE CAN DO THIS!
  • millesun
    millesun Posts: 209 Member
    Honey, have you reset your goals after losing? This site doesn't automatically do that:frown: . With each few pounds lost you should be cutting your calories a little more and more. PS there are NOW :noway: miracle suggestions, except hard work! Anything that "magically" makes you lose weight makes you gain it back after you stop doing that. I would love to help support you if you want. :heart:
  • LindseyAlyssa
    Lord .. for me its so unpredictable.
    I'm now a firm believer in eating a better, balanced diet.
    I worked out for about 5 months and saw *no* changes in my body because I was unintentionally starving myself.
    Now that I eat 4-5 meals a day along with consistent workouts, it still took my body 5 good weeks to start doing anything ( as I gained weight initially) but now I seem to be losing a bit of weight each week or so.

    Unfortunately I don't think that there are miracles to weight loss. Only consistency.
  • monicasimon
    I am doing more cardio than I did in the last year... I even busted my knee yestarday (which makes me even more frustrated because now I'm stuck for a couple of days... :-)
    But I won't give up ! Thanks for your support!

    And by the way, please don't take it as if I'm complaining or anything.
    I am patient (sometimes ;-) and I want to do this.
    I was just hoping for a little support - which I got already!

    Thank you!!! You are all great!
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    I'm in the same boat as you!! It seems like it takes me forever to just lose a pound. I eat around 1200 calories (Net), drink lots of water, and workout (cardio and weights) 4-6 times a week. Why does it take me forever to lose weight?!
  • jclji4
    jclji4 Posts: 118 Member
    How slowly are you losing? 1 to 2 lbs per week is a healthy weight loss. Yea, Yea, we want to lose it all very quickly, but the healthy way is 1 to 2 lbs per week. I have been using this site since the middle of Jan. I have lost 23 lbs using it. I make sure and measure my food. I log EVERYTHING. I have bought an HRM to keep track of the calories I burn. I have a long way to go, but I will get there....I have the rest of my life to do it. My main concern is my health. Make sure and get 6-9 servings of fruits and veggies everyday. I eat about 6 times per day, that way I keep the cravings at bay...sometimes I have them, but since I eat so much, I am rarely hungry where I will binge on something I shouldn't have. Make sure you are enjoying what you eat. If not, you will not stick to it. I am one who can not do diet food. I eat normal food, I just use portion control. If you don't measure, you will not know the precise amount of calories you are consuming, and you may be going over your calories accidently. Stick with it, and the extra weight will come off. It didn't appear there over night, so we can't expect our unwanted pounds to leave over night. Lastly, make sure and exercise. It is scientifically proven that cutting calories and adding activity causes weight loss. That is all you have to do....Oh, and make sure and indulge once in a while. I have heard and read that it is ok to indulge once a week. So, maybe that will help you with your cravings and temptations if you know you are able to have it on a certain day....Just don't give up on YOU!!!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    yeah, it's hard to stay focussed when you lose slowly, and it's so easy to give up when you hit a hurdle. i guess that's what sorts the sucesses from the failures.

    i guess you have to look at it like the work you do today might not pay off for a week or a fortnight or even a month, but if you don't do it, the same happens, you will pay for it in a week or 2 when you put on weight again.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    When you exercise you gain muscle and that weighs more than fat as well. So its important to be taking your measurements and take note if you are losing inches anywhere when you are not losing weight, if you have been exercising and sticking to your diet. Are your clothes getting any looser? Thats always a better indication of weight loss than the scale. Watch for NSV (non scale victories) to celebrate, such as looser clothes, and a smaller butt size.
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    check out this recent thread for some inspiration :smile:
  • lydt5880
    lydt5880 Posts: 90 Member
    I can totally sympathise. As soon as I started watching my weight i expected to look in the mirror the following day and see a new slimmer me and its after a 1lb by 1lb weekly weight loss and months of hard work and support that i am getting there. I can look i the mirror and see that i am diferent. I have put it back on before and felt miserable for doing so. You just have to take every day as it comes and remeber every day is a NEW day so don't beat yourself up. Slow weight loss is healthier and stays off better than quick weightloss. Add me as a MFP friend so we can support one another :) x
  • alyssa83202
    alyssa83202 Posts: 334
    The weight definitely isn't coming off as quickly as I thought that it would originally, but I realized that my expectations were unrealistic. Since I started at the end of December, I've had my share of bad days (sometimes even weeks) but it's all about not giving up! Now I'm doing the Insanity program with my fiance (we just started it) and things are looking good.

    I just remember that I'm not going to be perfect and I will mess up, but it's okay as long as I don't give up on myself.

    Good luck! You CAN do it!
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Hi there,

    I don't have any miracle suggestions, but I share your experience. I was told that the first 10 percent comes off fast (and tricks us into thinking it will all come off that fast!). I have a friend that did a crazy liquid diet (no exercise) that was medically monitored-- and he lost 50 pounds in a few months, but that seems a little extreme to me (and impossible with kids).

    All I can say is "hang in there" and we're all in this boat together.

    I do know this: I don't get winded anymore when I climb stairs. I don't cringe when someone suggests a walk. My blood pressure is down. I generally feel better. Those are nice things to have attained :)

    Best of luck,

  • gapilot
    gapilot Posts: 3 Member
    I have cut out food with flour and sugar ... it was really difficult initially, but it's getting easier now. I focus on what I can eat - not what i can't ... I also don't do anything else while I eat ... just focus on my food, how good it tastes, eat slowly ... relish it. Hope that helps.
  • Focusonfifty
    Focusonfifty Posts: 105 Member
    Cardio is good, but you also need strength training, which builds muscle and muscle burns fat. If you're going to give into cravings, don't overindulge, have 1 serving. Portion control in EVERYTHING you eat is key. Be consistent and patient. Stay hydrated and focus, and if you haven't yet read Ladyhawk's suggested threads they're very helpful. Wishing you all the best