late night snacking!



  • happymom1197
    I also have this issue. A few things others have mentioned have worked for me, although I wish I could just keep the junk out of the house:) My fav late night snack is Graham crackers with peanut butter. Not really "junk" but it is something I start eating & just can't quit. Lol. Anyway, what works the best for me is to not watch tv unless I'm working out. I'm lucky enough to have a treadmill at home. I will also sit on the floor and stretch or do some sit-ups, push-ups or squats while watching:) I still slip back into that mind-less nibbling every now & then, but I try to count out one portion of whatever I'm craving, instead of taking the whole bag with me in front of the tv.
  • raven1114
    raven1114 Posts: 115 Member
    I too am a night owl. In fact I have a sleep disorder called delayed phase sleep dysphasia. Basically my body's natural rhythm is to sleep late and stay up all night. Needless to say, I am not a morning person. What I have found to nauseous. Then make sure you get in at least 2 snack during the day. I eat almonds, but only 10 - 12. Almonds are perfect because I can put them in ziplocks and stick them in my bag as I go throughout the day. Make lunch your biggest protien meal. I try to only drink water through out the day. When I am sitting by the computer at night I make sure to have my water bottle next to me and complete my water for the day I may add a bit of lemon or even a capful of natural apple cider vinegar (the kind with the mother in it). if all else fails I will drink a cup (8oz) of vanilla rice milk or almond w/ a sprinkle of nutmeg in it. As a special treat, )maybe once a month) I will buy the mini cioa bell sorbet cups.

    My biggest aid was not to bring anything I tend to binge on in the house.

    'delayed phase sleep dysphasia' oh wow i so have this, i never knew there was a specific name for it. i can't make myself go to bed early no matter how hard i try, it drives my husband crazy and i've tried telling him i can't help it. i've been this way since i was a kid.