c25k - should I repeat this week??

So, I did my w3d3 this morning, and I want you guys opinion on whether I should repeat this week.

Monday, I did 1.46 miles in 24m 7s. Wednesday I did 1.48 miles in 25m 33s and today I only did 1.45 miles in 24m 44s. Now, this is the week that you do 5 minute warm up 90s run, 90s walk, 3m run, 3m walk (x2) and a 5m cool down walk. At the end of my first 3m run I was panting rather heavily, wanting to just stop and go home. When I did the 2nd 3m run, I was less out of breath, but still breathing a bit heavy. Do you think that I should press on to week 4 which is warm up 5 m walk run 3m, walk 90s, run 5m, walk 2m, run 3m, walk 90s, run 5m, and then cool down. Oh Lord... just looking at it scares the crap outta me!! LOL


  • oscelyn
    oscelyn Posts: 54
    I don't track the distance that I walk/run with C25K. I actually do each interval twice until I reach 1 hour of walking and running. I would encourage you to push on to week 4. I'm starting week 5 tomorrow and like you I was deathly afraid of the 5 minute runs of week 4.

    Here's a little bit of encouragement for you. On W4D3 (which was Wednesday) instead of running for the 5 minutes required, I actually ran for 13 minutes non-stop!!! On W1D1 I could bare run for 90 seconds and thought I was going to die and my heart was going to pop out of my chest. But after completing W4, I am so encouraged about actually being able to do this. I still quite nervous about what tomorrow will bring W5D1, 8 minute runs, but I'm looking forward to the challenge.

    So, hang in there and push forward. If you struggle all the way through W4 then maybe consider redo-ing that week. I think you can do, just go out and give it your best shot!
  • ryansmom33
    ryansmom33 Posts: 21 Member
    C25K has nothing to do with increasing your distance each day. You should be either tracking time or distance, not both. Since you were able to complete the day I would move on to the next week.
  • nachoqtpie
    Thanks guys! I use a program that tracks my time, distance, and calories... I mainly wanted it because of the whole calorie tracking factor, but the others were a perk. ;-)
    I am able to make it thru them... I guess... maybe I'm just a big ol fraidy cat!! :-P
    Oscelyn... thank you for that! I I only do them once... EARLY in the AM (I wake up at 0430 to run, but have to get ready (AKA hit the snooze button and then fight the dog to get comfy again), and then have to be back and have lil man up by 530 to get on the bus!) I'm going to try and incorporate some yoga in this weekend tho. I keep saying that I want to, but I never seem to get it in. Today is the day!! LOL
    I guess I'm just equating distance with time? I dunno... maybe I shouldn't worry about that so much... I guess I just really want to hit that 2 mile mark so I can have a goal for 3 miles? I want to run my first 5K on 14May... so... maybe I'm just anxious??
  • oscelyn
    oscelyn Posts: 54
    Nacho just hang in there and keep pushing through it. I was never a runner, am still NOT a runner and have have only run 1 mile 2 times in my entire life. I'm also training for a 5K. Mine will be May 1st...I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I know that even if I can't run the whole thing, walking 3 miles is much easier for me now than it was 60 plus lbs ago. I'm just gonna do it! I don't track my distance, I just walk and run for an hour. Mine is more for the cardio and calorie burn than distance at this point.

    Good luck and I would love to know how your doing!
    W5D1 starts tomorrow...go me :-)