
Anyone going to be really awesome and dress up this year?
I know I am! I decided to be little red riding hood (and oh my gosh, I finally fit into a size L- I'm excited...:bigsmile: )
This is the first year I've been comfortable enough to wear a costume like that. :smile:

http://www.littleredridinghoodcostume.net/pics/little_red_riding_hoodLC.jpg <--that's it. :blushing:

Anyone else taking a leap and wearing something new this year that they were too shy to wear before?


  • GlassKisses
    Anyone going to be really awesome and dress up this year?
    I know I am! I decided to be little red riding hood (and oh my gosh, I finally fit into a size L- I'm excited...:bigsmile: )
    This is the first year I've been comfortable enough to wear a costume like that. :smile:

    http://www.littleredridinghoodcostume.net/pics/little_red_riding_hoodLC.jpg <--that's it. :blushing:

    Anyone else taking a leap and wearing something new this year that they were too shy to wear before?
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Blimmie that's daring - you go girl, and have a fab time :bigsmile:
    I am going to an 'early bird' one with my 11yr old son, on Tuesday afternoon - it's mainly a kiddie one, so that's my excuse for covering up :blushing:
    I'm going as a witch hee-hee - but... I've NEVER dressed up before, so this will be a first :bigsmile:
  • GlassKisses
    Thank you :flowerforyou:
    Oh wow, this is the first time you'll be dressing up? How fun! I hope you have an fantastic time :bigsmile:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    I'm not dressing up BUUUUUUUT if I was, I would want to be

    The Evil Queen..... from Snow White.....

    I just think she is soooo hot... and I'd look good as her....!
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    OHHH, GREAT thread!! Well, Halloween is my FAVE time of the year, and also my anniversary! I am very eclectic and dress up all the time, lots of people have a hard time deciding on Halloween if I am in costume or not! :devil:
    I of course will be a faerie this year, I have the most awesome black wings, even though I have wings tattooed on my back already. The rest of the costume I normally make myself, and it kinda comes together as I put it on. It usually turns out very gothic, I love that period of dress.:heart: You costume is so cute, and very daring! I am glad to see that confidence! Work it!!!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am going simple - creating a nuse (sp???) and putting lines on my black shirt....

    H _ _ _m _n
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Dannnng girl, that costume is hot! lol and I'm sure you'll look hot in it! Can't wait to see some pictures!
  • GlassKisses
    Ooh I like your style, Faerie :wink: That sounds awesome. And thank you :smile:
    Russia: I think you should definitely go find that costume and wear in on Halloween :tongue:
    Chrissy, I love that idea :laugh: How kewl!
    Lauren: thank you :blushing: That's very sweet. hehe. And, I'll be taking many pictures, because I've decided to warp the costume a bit. A friend and I decided that my basket is going to be filled with condoms and candy, that I will hand out to random people (adults) on the street (and hope I don't get punched in the face) :laugh:
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    LMAO! that is too funny...maybe would be better off doing that in a bar though lol
  • GlassKisses
    I'm not old enough to go to a bar :tongue: haha
    And even if I were...I think I'd be afraid to enter one in that costume :noway:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I have to dress up every year for halloween. I work at a resort and we do a haunted hayride every year. It's nothing sexy butit is fun.
  • samster85
    I plan on being a bloody corpse. I have these cool wound tattoo's. one looks like brains that are expose another like burn marks and what not. I am totally stoked. I usually go for gruesome and makeup. Can't do it too many other days of the year.
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    my gf was red riding hood 2 years ago,
    I was forced to be big bad wolf:grumble:

    this year Im being cinnamon j scudworth from Clone High
    a crazy short lived television show/cartoon
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Here's your picture

  • GlassKisses
    mjfer: Aww, that sucks (that you got forced into a costume :laugh: )
    samster: that sounds awesome! You should take some pics :bigsmile:
    Anna: thank you, dear :flowerforyou:
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Thank you GlassKisses, its nice when I am complemented on my style, :flowerforyou: instead of gawked at or frowned upon!!! :grumble: we are each unique, we should embrace it, not cover it up!!!!!
  • superduperbandnerd
    I'm a lady bug:flowerforyou:
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    I love halloween and this year I wont be able to celebrate as im not living in the us :( and they dont celebrate here.

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  • vanessadawn
    mjfer123 - I love Clone High, and hence your costume idea lol. Me and my two roomates are all going as classic princesses with ridiculously puffy dresses, white gloves and tiaras. so excited I am probably making witches fingers, and other goodies though that I will have to limit my intake of.
  • angelica1983
    I LALALALALOVE Halloween! It is so much fun. I dress up every year with my son. This year it was so hard deciding on a costume for him...now that he thinks he is the boss and can make all of his own decisions!:cry: J/K... Well he wanted to be so many differentthings and I finally got him to agree on being a Vampire. Our whole house is going to dress up this year. I cannot for my life find a cute Vampirishy costume for myself. I want to look a lil sexy ya know..not hide in a huge black cape...BORING! But, everything I have tried on just does not look so hot on me. Maybe it's these 167 dang pounds I have...so anyhow I just may be a victim...you know with the wounds and all that. I got all the makeup kits and stuff. So yeah it should turn out cool. I am sure I will put up a pic or two. Damn I just realized I only have one frikkin pic on my profile. Guess it doesn't really matter as I am new and only have one friend!!!:blushing: :sad:
    I hope everyone enjoys their Halloween night!!