im so happy

i just wanted to say woooohoooo
after losing 5lbs in a week a fortnight ago i was over the moon and thought id finally cracked it, then last week i'd gained a 1lb which left me disheartened and ready to throw the towel in as i love food far too much, just measured myself this morning and ive lost that 1lb i put on plus an extra one, im sooo happy that the weight loss is going in the right direction and as a pound a week is a healthy amount to lose im over the blooming moon! and i had a full roast on sunday with chocolate fudge brownie, half a pizza on saturday night and havent been religiously looking at stuff and saying noooo!!! just goes to show you need to eat more to lose more. anyway not much point to anything i said just wanted to share how happy i am............currently 11st 3, cant wait to get down into the 10 stone somethings!!!


  • carinalewis
    oh and the way things are going i may reach the mini goal of 154lbs by april the 14th!!
  • mefergus26
    Good for you! you're totally right, you don't have to be a saint to lose weight. Treats are important as it keeps you going. Are you measuring your inch loss too?
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Congrats :drinker: It's so good to have a steady loss. We're about the same weight, I just this week got to the 11 stone mark and am desperate to break into the 10's ... although so far I just can't seem to push past 154lb grrrrrrrr

    Keep it up and you may just smash that next goal x
  • carinalewis
    ive lost about half inch on my thighs, and havent measured my arms but have definitly lost there as i can get tops on that i never used to manage to get my arms through the armholes!!
    its a bit hard with my waist as have had a lot of 'womens problems' lately that means ive been bloated quite a lot, have to have an op. im hoping that will further help with the weight loss as have a hugemongous ovarian cyst and have been told they can ,make you retain weight aswell. used to be 8st then blew up during pregnancy 6 yrs ago and havent managed to get back down there since!! anyway too much info from me im just trying get my head round it lol
  • carinalewis
    Congrats :drinker: It's so good to have a steady loss. We're about the same weight, I just this week got to the 11 stone mark and am desperate to break into the 10's ... although so far I just can't seem to push past 154lb grrrrrrrr

    Keep it up and you may just smash that next goal x

    im taking a different approach now, i was beyond obsessive about losing weight to the point my husband thought i had cracked up lol, now im just doing what id normally do, eating what id normally eat but in moderation and then if ive lost at the end of the week its a bonus
  • erothrn
    erothrn Posts: 14
    Great Job!!!! I am curious to know what you are doing diet/exercise wise. You and I have about the same starting weights and goals set, so I was wondering if you had any tips for me!!!!! :happy:
  • carinalewis
    Great Job!!!! I am curious to know what you are doing diet/exercise wise. You and I have about the same starting weights and goals set, so I was wondering if you had any tips for me!!!!! :happy:

    i HATE excercise lol, although im more active than i was, im walking for about an hour a day with my young children when there riding their pony and spending a lot more time at the stables just pottering about rather than indoors glued to facebook!
  • elainio
    elainio Posts: 77
    Great well done!!

    I am 154lb just now and am praying and hopping that next week I'll be under 11 stone! I see that your goal is 119lb, what hight are you?? Im 5ft7.7 and my goal is 140lb so Im really excited to only have a stone to go!

    keep up the good work!

  • octoberschilde
    That's wonderful for you! A positive attitude will definitely help you in your weight loss journey!
  • carinalewis
    Great well done!!

    I am 154lb just now and am praying and hopping that next week I'll be under 11 stone! I see that your goal is 119lb, what hight are you?? Im 5ft7.7 and my goal is 140lb so Im really excited to only have a stone to go!

    keep up the good work!


    hi im only 5'1 the next heaviest person in my family is 8 stone lol so even with the weight loss i'll be the 'fat one' but any smaller i feel all bony which is not what i want, i have large hips and thick thighs even when i weigh less so know that will not change nor would i want it to. i just wanna be able to run around n feel confident in my clothes again
  • erothrn
    erothrn Posts: 14
    AWESOME!!!! Keep it up!!!! You have given me some hope too!!!! I am exercising and keeping to my calories, well just a tad under so I think I am on the right track!!!! THANK YOU!!!!