Help me to understand

rdonald711 Posts: 40 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I wanna be happy that I lost 3 inches 2 on my waist and 1 on my hips but I have gained 3 pounds, I know everyone is going to say muscle muscle muscle but I'm whining I want to see my weight go to 160 period!!! OK whining is done thank u


  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    I know the feeling...This week I only lost a few ounces, but I did lose some inches too!! Frustrating, I know, but just think...We are getting that hour glass shape
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Youre allowed to complain lol! I get a free fitness assessment and 1 hour with a personal trainer for joining the gym I joined, WELL lol I need upper body and ab excercises I can work my legs perfectly (Because of Marchign Band in HS thats what I alwasy focused on) But dont think I wont be beyond upset if I gain even a pound when I start weight training, even if it is muscle!
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    I wanna be happy that I lost 3 inches 2 on my waist and 1 on my hips but I have gained 3 pounds, I know everyone is going to say muscle muscle muscle but I'm whining I want to see my weight go to 160 period!!! OK whining is done thank u

    I totally won't tell you that. Even though our weight loss is supposed to be about inches lost and not the number on the scale, it sure feels good to see that number go down. So just hang in there and the number on the scale will catch up to what the tape measure is already telling you!

  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I would not care what I weighed if I measured 38-24-36
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I wish I could help you understand, but I'm the same way. I'm addicted to the scale. As I've lost more weight, I'm trying to focus more on inches and how my clothes fit b/c I know the weight loss will slow as I get closer to my goal weight. But I'll never let go of wanting to see the scale number go DOWN! :-)
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    Ugh! I know how you feel. Sometimes that scale can be evil and mess with our heads! LOL
  • rdonald711
    rdonald711 Posts: 40 Member
    LOL, me either, if those were my measurements..u wouldn't here a peep
  • i know it's frustrating, but remember this: inches is how you look in your clothes. weight is just a number that no one knows. it's not like you go around wearing a shirt that has how much you weigh on it. it's important to look good in what you're wearing too! hang in there!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    convincing people that the scale does not matter is a very hard thing for many to do. Fat loss has nothing to do with the number on the scale and I am sure you know that given that you have been wise enough to get measurements. I would alter your goals to be more health oriented and focusing on what you feel and look like as opposed to a number, sometimes being slightly over or even under that number will have nothing to do with how you look. I started at 198, now I am 171, and I am still not happy with how I look, I like it much better at 171 but I decided to go even further with my goals to make me look and feel my best I ever have in my life. So my advice is to change your perspective and take a look at it from that standpoint.
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