Which BeachBody workout to get?

shallo Posts: 353 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
After seeing all the talk and success of BeachBody workouts I went to the site to figure out what I'd like to get. I really have no idea though. I'm definitely in the beginner category for exercise but even in the Getting Started section there are still quite a few options.
I'm going to get the Yoga Booty Ballet Pure and Simple Yoga just because I like yoga, but I would also like something that will get bigger results. I don't know what to pick though. I am no where near being able to do P90x, TurboFire, and similar ones. I know none of them will be easy, but I do need a beginner one. So if you used one which one was it and would you recommend it?


  • MissKMN
    MissKMN Posts: 119
    I have most of them...TurboJam is by far the best in my opinion. Slim in 6 is sooooooo boring but okay for beginners as well.

    Without a doubt, I have used TurboJam on and off for years and I have a lot of fun with it. There are also quite a few options with the set and it's pretty easy to learn and adapt to any pace. My old roommate actually stole my copy becaus she liked it so much so I had to order another set!
  • Nellie1drfl
    Nellie1drfl Posts: 127 Member
    I did Turbo Jam before Turbo Fire and loved it. Im not much of a dancer but can follow her moves combination of dancing and kickboxing, I would say. My tolerance really picked up as i did more and more. You can find on amazon for reasonable prices too. Oh and burns tons of cals!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Shallo! Many people start out with a program like Slim in 6, Turbo Jam, Body Gospel, P90 (not P90X), or Rockin' Body. I personally started with Turbo Jam because it looked like a lot of fun. I then moved on to P90 and some of the others. If you like to dance and you want a high energy workout then I highly recommend Turbo Jam.

  • estepteau
    estepteau Posts: 146
    Insanity with Shaun "T" produces fabulous results. Its really HARD but you can modify movements until you get the hang of it. its a 60day program which builds muscles and shed fat quickly
  • estepteau
    estepteau Posts: 146
    Congrats on losing 76 lbs!!!!!
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    When you say beginner what do you mean? I just got Turbo Fire and only have done 3 days, but I LOVE it!!! It's like a kickboxing class mixed with zumba. I think anyone could do it as long as they have good knees and have done that style before, It says on the website, somewhere do not buy if you have bad knees, etc etc...Good Luck!
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    i highly recommend the Power 90 Series!!!!
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Hi Shallo! Many people start out with a program like Slim in 6, Turbo Jam, Body Gospel, P90 (not P90X), or Rockin' Body. I personally started with Turbo Jam because it looked like a lot of fun. I then moved on to P90 and some of the others. If you like to dance and you want a high energy workout then I highly recommend Turbo Jam.


    I completed Power 90 before moving on to P90X (which I only have a few more weeks left of). It was definitely a good primer for P90X as some moves bled over, and it definitely got me moving. Overall, the program gets stale. There are only two workouts you go between for the first 45 days, and another two for the last 45 days. Bor-ing. If you can last through the boredom, I recommend it. It'll definitely help you tone or build muscle while losing weight.
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I jusst finished my first round of P90, today and I loved it! There is something differnt to do every day so you don't get bored. The one draw back is that the workouts last 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours, so you need to be able to be serious about the time commitment. The best time for me to exercise is in the morning at 4am! If I wait until the afternoon then the kids wanty to "helo" me.
    I really enjoyed Beachbody's P90X , so yesterday I bought Turbo Fire. I can't wait until it gets here!
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Don't be discouraged by the intensity level of programs like TurboJam and P90X. There are ways to do the moves modified when you are just starting until you build up strength and endurance. The first time I started P90X I hadn't worked out in years and was really out of shape but I was able to get a really good workout by just doing my best and modifying.

    Don't count these programs out just because you don't think you are fit enough.
  • Hi there! I got TurboFire but since I have back problem, it's hard for me to stick with the program. Although I still do the Core and Sculpt workout. Try ExerciseTV.com, they have a lot of free workouts there and most of the ones that aren't free costs $1.99. I think the most I've seen was $4.99 so not really that bad. You'll find Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred there too and you can download it to your computer.

    Hope this helps.
  • Hello... I am right now just over 260 Lbs but I have been active for a while. I bought the P90X program and was a little concerned about being able to do the program. I can say that I am now on my second round (my second 90 day cycle) and I do really enjoy it. I am not a big Yoga fan so I do modify the program a bit to do less Yoga but it sounds like this is not an issue for you.

    It is extreme, but It can be done with some modification and dedication. Maybe another product would be a better introduction (e.g. turbojam) but I really enjoyed my first beachbody experience - the P90X program.

  • shamekaq4
    shamekaq4 Posts: 24
    I am currently working on Insanity which is my first Beach Body workout. I really like it and it pushes you to go farther than you ever imagined but I want to try Hip Hop Abs next.
  • Hey there!

    Don't underestimate what you can do!! You never know until you try.

    First off I would like to ask you what your goals are? What are you looking to work on? Lose more weight, tone up, both? Most if not ALL of the programs you can modify to the "Beginner". Then you can workup to the advanced.

    Also, lots of them can be modified to "low intensity".

    If you like dancy stuff, kick boxing - Turbo Jam may be fun for you. And a great place to start. All cardio - burn lots of fat!!

    Slim 6 is very low intentsity and many have had great success with it.

    Insanity is VERY intense but you can do the low intensity moves. Lots of repetition and it is all interval training. With rests inbetween each interval. Great way to build muscle (weight baring program) and build up your cardio.

    P90X or ChaLean Extreme great for LEANING out!!

    If you would like more info on any of the programs or a see short clip of any of them to see more about I will be happy to forward them on. Please PM me.

    Talk with you soon!
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    Thank you all for replying.
    My goal is to lose some more weight but also gain some muscle. I basically just want to be in all around better condition.
    I do like kick boxing but dancing isn't really my thing since I don't have much rhythm. Although that doesn't mean I won't try it.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I just posted a swimsuit challenge thread here on MFP http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/213948-sharon-s-getting-ready-for-swimsuit-season-challenge

    Feel free to join if it will help keep you motivated!
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