New to Fitnesspal!!!

Hey Im looking for fitness buddies :) I have lost 24 lbs thus far and have 17lbs to go to be at goal weight! I have lots of tips and I would like to learn more from all of you!


  • penny5
    penny5 Posts: 148 Member
    Hi. Welcome aboard. I'm on my 11th day on this site and it's awesome! I will send you a friend request. Congratulations on your weightloss so far :)
  • shamekaq4
    shamekaq4 Posts: 24
    Welcome. I am fairly new as well. I really enjoy what MFP has to offer. Look forward to going through this journey with all of my new friends. :wink:
  • estepteau
    estepteau Posts: 146
    yes! Thanks ladies! I love MFP!
  • sallary
    sallary Posts: 8
    Hi, welcome. I'm just on my first week so still pretty new myself. I do find it really helpful to know what I'm putting into the old temple so I'm enjoying logging in each day. I haven't weighed in yet so will be excited for that!! Keep up the great work!!!! Add me if you like. :smile:
  • oreyna49
    oreyna49 Posts: 152
    Welcome....this site is awsome!!! Your are doing a great job. Keep up the good work. Feel free to add me as a friend, as I coulduse all the help I can get to help me on my journey.